You , it would be great if you were so motivated in reading . You said you like Qin Ye , do other Qin Ye like you ? ”

” A top student from Binhai University would like someone who failed the high school exam and then a lecture !

My son just feels dizzy !

Finally .

my father said I was tired , he hurriedly promised that after today , I would study hard and try to be admitted to Binhai University like Teacher Qin !

Father looked a little speechless at him, what about Binda ? It’s good that you can pass the undergraduate line . Today is the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival reunion. I will indulge you once , and the next one will not be an example !

After he finished speaking, he picked up the remote control !

Dad , can’t this TV station be changed ? ” Father has a question mark on his face, this is Yang Shi , Teacher Qin is going to sing later , I specially put this channel on TV !

My father felt that if it weren’t for the Mid-Autumn Festival today , he would have to eat fried pork with belts !

You said that there are many singers who want to adapt ” Water Melody Song Head ” ? what poem is this ? Can you still sing ?

He also said that I was not good at studying ! It’s all inherited from you ! “The son muttered what did you say ?

Ah , nothing , ” Shui Tiao Ge Tou ” is the poem ” I hope people will live long and live together in a thousand miles ” !

The sea turned out to be like this !

It’s a little embarrassing to lose face in front of my son, my father !

” Cough , okay , let me see how well this poem can be sung .

He said sternly .

In this way , my son watched the four devices in turn , and also used his mobile phone to type from time to time !

Just like a keyboard warrior !

party has been going on for almost two hours , and the legendary ” Water Melody Song Head ” has not come out yet !

This Mid-Autumn Festival party is no different than New Year’s Day .

won’t be New Year’s Eve , it ‘s usually over in more than two hours !

lie to me for watching the party , are you ? ” My father wondered that he was really interested in singing the ancient poem in the form of a song !

That know .

The son ignored him at all , and kept knocking on the mobile phone and tablet , and his combat effectiveness exceeded the table !

The Internet has been fried !

Netizens in the live broadcast rooms of major TV stations began to complain .

How about an edit ? I take turns changing several TV stations , but I don’t see any of them are routines , don’t thank you for taking the traffic ! ”

mistaken , this is such a waste of emotion , I thought who could adapt it ? ”

It seems that it is really difficult to adapt ancient poems. If you do n’t have any talent, you can’t play it. It’s not that the ancient poems are difficult to adapt , but this song is too famous. I think even people who haven’t read the book have heard the ancient quatrains , and they ca n’t change them. Well , it is not sprayed by the whole network , but sprayed all over the country ! ”

Netizens are discussing .

However .

The hot search list #?yi platform mid-autumn night was shocked to find the news of ” water tune song head ” # .

It attracted huge traffic to the Aiyi website and countless people came to watch .

The show is already over .

But the legends and popularity about it have not seen the decline of Sibo, you motherfucker , it has changed to be the same as shi !

expected of ” Shui Diao Song Head ” , it is an insult to almost cut my head off. ” The lyrics of ” Shui Diao Song Head ” make me miss my hometown . die !

Aiyi’s director was also wiping sweat off stage !

He also knows that it can’t be done , but isn’t this for traffic ?

And . Not so bad !

Director , I can only say that this poem has a very high status in everyone’s heart. If there are other poems , it may not have such a big reaction . ”

staff found the reason ” never take this risk again next time , this is really not for people to play !

The director is a little guilty .

Fortunately .

The result is good , this person sprayed the show on the hot search and other people in the industry saw the news . He could only secretly rejoice that he had killed the show , and his own family is not as good as Aiyi. This traffic is not worth it !

The director breathed a sigh of relief .

As the Mid-Autumn Festival draws to a close !

No TV station dares to break ground on this dry ancient quatrain, except for Aiyi’s website Xian Chou, which was hit by [ Internet violence ] !

While this makes many netizens feel sorry , they are also glad that this disgusting thing happens once is enough . If it keeps coming , netizens can’t wait to smash their computers !

At this time .

A piece of news has once again become a hot search #.? teacher reappears an epic left finger moon # This time Yang Shi’s already extremely high traffic has skyrocketed again. Countless netizens have heard the news !

But now I have missed it , there is a sponsor lottery on the spot !

Just here , what did I miss ?

, Just now Teacher Wang sang alone , scaring people to death , ten thousand times stronger than those who sang online ! ”

You missed the show !

just came here , may I ask , did Teacher Qin come ? ”

Not yet , and don’t know what’s going on ? Even Teacher Wang is on the stage , but Teacher Qin hasn’t come up yet !

Some people are a little confused !

It stands to reason that no matter how popular Qin Ye is , as a newcomer who has just debuted, he will not be behind Wang Qingqing !

Chapter 1: I hope that people will live long and live together for a thousand miles !

Ask for full order )

In the eyes of many netizens .

Yang Shi male and female hosts came to the stage : The bright moon is in the sky , and the relatives are thousands of miles away .

Heaven and moon , reunion on earth !

It’s time to say goodbye to everyone !

Boom listening to the script of the two hosts .

The internet has exploded !

Especially those who have been waiting for Yang Shi and waiting for Qin Ye to appear .

It is even more unacceptable !

your mother again ? What about my teacher Qin ? goodbye ?

Damn , even goodbye, Teacher Qin has to say goodbye to us. I’m gone . Couldn’t my teacher , Qin, also adapted “The Song of Water Melody ” , but it turned over , so the show was killed, right ?

Mingwu Mingming , more than two hours wasted , return me to Teacher Qin !

No , no , my teacher Qin really overturned ?

Qin Ye’s fans exploded !

They thought that there had been hot news before .

It was said that a singer was originally going to the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, but it turned out to be a popular adaptation of ” Shui Tiao Song Head “.

Not only did it fail , but even his original program was killed !

Could such a tragedy be staged on Qin Ye ?

on stage .

Because it was the last goodbye , the two hostess and hostess kept talking non-stop !

Although the words were beautiful , people didn’t want to hear them .

autumn is when the moon is full again , and the breeze only shadows the spring and autumn ! ”

Missing the beautiful woman does everything inside and outside , and the bright moon teases my heart ! ”

In this last time , may all relatives who can not be reunited with their families because of work and study can bathe in this bright moonlight and live together for thousands of miles !

Let us applaud and invite Mr. Qin Ye from Binhai University to dedicate a song ” Hope for a Long Life ” for us ! ”

Like a blockbuster bombing the network !

The scene also completely ignited this moment .

The barrage that was originally all spraying people , like a dislocation of time and space , has been replaced with another style .

hell , my teacher Qin is pressing the table ? And after the host finished the final narration ?

My scalp is numb , what kind of god-level song is it , and it can actually be ranked behind Teacher Wang .

” It’s too special , ” I hope people last forever ” , this is an ancient sentence in ” Shui Diao Song Head ” ! It’s really too artistic to use it as a song title haha , thanks to Yang Shi , I can make Teacher Qin accompany us to the end !

It’s boiling !

Burned !

People who originally thought they would not be able to see Qin Ye were all excited now .

Qin Ye in a white suit appeared on the stage, and the dance was not like a human being !

that poured out made the handsome Qin Ye look like an immortal. On the screen , the name of the song also appeared Song title : I hope people will last for a long time Lyrics : Su Shi Composer : Qin Ye Singing : Qin Ye ”

Su Shi !

It turned out to be Su Shi ! !

This [ lyricist ] appears .

Make everyone feel goosebumps all over !

” Fuck , my teacher Qin also adapted ” Shui Diao Song Head ” ? It was also used on the platform of Yangshi . “? ”

Everyone felt a horror at this moment !

one hand , Qin Ye really dared to adapt this epic poem !

one hand , it is because of this song title that the original lyrics and brand names are not directly used , but the artistic conception has been raised by countless levels !

Although only a simple change .

But it shocked everyone !

” In the past, ” Youth Huaxia Talk ” was directly used as the song title , and later, there was an ancient quatrain as the song title . This kind of change is worthy of being a genius !”

The music is already on.

Shockingly, the prelude to ” Huo Yuanjia ” used ten kinds of instruments .

here .

But only one kind is used , which can be said to be very simple .

this simple melody conveys the mood that makes everyone happy !

Why do I hear this melody , I feel a sense of joy when I go home to see my relatives, everyone has realized the magic of this melody !

Finally .

Qin Ye opened his voice in anticipation .

moon is there, ask the sky for wine . ”

what year it is in the palace of heaven .

That ethereal voice sings out these world-class words affectionately !

Everyone was moved. Originally, everyone thought that Qin Ye’s style would be changed to be very sad and pathetic. But now .

Not so .

Sad but not sad !

Missing but not pretentious !

That kind of light lyricism seems to be too hypocritical .

It ‘s hard to bring people into it if it’s small !

This emotional control has convinced everyone that I want to ride the wind and go home , lest the heights be too cold for Qionglou and Yuyu .

Dancing to figure out the shadow , Qin Ye’s singing voice became more and more ethereal .

on the screen seems even more ethereal against the background of this song !

And he himself, with the cooperation of dry ice , has his own relatives and friends as if he wants to become an immortal !

This scene made countless people feel homesick , beyond words !

” Turn to Zhuge , low Qihu , Zhao Wusian . ”

There should be no hatred , and what is long will be rounded away .

The ethereal voice made everyone at the scene seem to ignore who was singing .

Their hearts have been hooked !

Countless people looked up at the sky that was not completely round .

Originally .

They came to enjoy the show and wanted to leave here urgently !

Back to your loved ones !

People have joys and sorrows , and the moon is cloudy and sunny .

This matter is ancient .

of this shocking ancient word made everyone look sad !

Hey , it ‘s really hard to come by.

A staff member sighed .

He was supposed to be reunited with his wife and children at home , but because of his special work , he had to stay here .

Although three times the salary .

But this moment .

He found out that no amount of money can buy time !

Who is not ? I really don’t know what Qin Ozi is thinking ? ”

Another person looked at the sky , and then at Qin Ye .

Sing the scene so movingly, what about you ?

The person in his mouth finally sang that eternal quatrain !

I wish people a long time .

Thousands of miles of Chan ~ ~ Juan . ”

The quatrains of the ages appear in the form of this song .

It seems to be even more touching. At this time, the Huaxia Kingdom is up and down , and countless people are looking up at the starry sky .

Look at the missing moon .

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