The "mother cannon" behind him was very long-winded, and they were talking crazy words.

Ye Li was a little speechless, and wanted to make "Mother Pao" shut up, but then he thought of talking to a sick person. People might not understand him.

Just forget it, and forgive him for the sake of "Mother Pao"'s head.

After Ye Li walked a few steps, Doudou came out of the grass beside him and followed Ye Li well.

After seeing Doudou, "Lady Pao" was also attracted by Doudou's delicate and cute face.

Such a beautiful milk doll must be a flower girl.

Hmm... The man who just saved him should be the flower god!

After all, it looks so beautiful, like a flower, what is it if it is not a flower god?

"Brother Shenxian, I wonder if you are the **** of flowers in the sky? Such a doll should be the flower girl by your side?"

The corners of Ye Li's mouth twitched again!

What and what is this person talking about?

How did he become a flower **** again?

Doudou raised her soft and cute face, and said to "Mother Pao", "Brother, Uncle Ye is not a flower god, and Doudou is not a flower girl!"


"Niang Pao" was slightly taken aback!

Not a god?

Isn't the fairy so good-looking or so powerful?

There was a shock in his eyes, as if he couldn't believe it.

"You really are not gods?" "Niang Pao" couldn't help confirming it again.

"No!" Doudou shook his head heavily, "We are villagers under the mountain, and my family lives under the mountain!"


"Niang Pao" took a deep breath, then looked at Ye Li, his eyes more obsessed.

"Unexpectedly, this hero is not a **** but has such good skills. I admire him!

Just now, thank you heroes for your help, otherwise I should be killed by a wild boar at the moment! "

"Niang Pao" made a gesture with both hands and solemnly thanked Ye Li.

Ye Li took a faint glance at "Mother Cannon", and then said, "No thanks! Be careful when you enter the mountain alone. There are many wild beasts in the mountain. If you don't have the ability, you should leave early. Don't delay here! "

"Niang Pao" heard Ye Li's concern and nodded heavily, "Thank you, hero for reminding, I will go back now. It was a time when I got lost and strayed into this mountain!"

After speaking, "Mother Pao" still couldn't move his eyes away from Ye Li's body.

The man in front of him is really the best in the world. It doesn't matter if he is good-looking, he is so sultry with his voice, and it makes people's heart sore.

Unexpectedly, such a man could appear in a remote country, it is really rare.

"Hmm..." Ye Li replied faintly, turned around quickly, and continued to walk towards the foot of the mountain while pulling Doudou.

He was so uncomfortable being stared at by the "mother gun", but he couldn't say anything.

Anyway, I think "Mother Pao" is weird, it's better to leave him earlier.

After walking for a while, I found that "Mother Pao" was still following him, and asked unhappyly, "There is no danger now, why are you still following me?"

"Niang Pao" grinned, revealing a row of white teeth, a pair of fox eyes narrowed, but some of them like to watch...

Ye Li was shocked by the evaluation he had just thought of.

How can he find another man cute?

too frightening!

So his face was stern, and he became more serious.

"That... Hero, I don't know the road, can I go down the mountain with you?"

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