"Niang Pao" put his hands together and prayed, and then looked at Ye Li with pitiful eyes.

Ye Li couldn't tell how she felt.

Anyway, he didn't want this "mother" to continue following him, nor did he want him to whisper in his ears.

But even if there are 10,000 unwilling people in my heart, I can't just leave people here.

After all, the "Mother Pao" has already encountered danger, he is not around, this person may meet again at any time.

For the "mother cannon" who doesn't have a little bit of effort, how can they have the ability to deal with those beasts.

Ye Li thought that it was a human life after all, and he couldn't ignore it.

Then he nodded very unhappily, "Well, then follow me down the mountain!"

"Niang Pao" heard excitedly and gratefully said, "Thank you hero!"

Ye Li couldn't help adding, "No thanks, but I have a condition to take you down the mountain..."

"Heroes, let's talk about any conditions!"

"Don't be wordy in my ears, take care of your own mouth!"


"Niang Pao" was stunned. Does the hero dislike him for being too long-winded?

But he didn't say anything...

What he said was all compliments to Ye Li.

It was the first time he met someone who didn't like listening to compliments!

But it is precisely because of this "mother" that Ye Li feels a little different from others.

Not only is he handsome and capable, but he also has such a good character. I don't like flattery, which is really rare!

In order to avoid Ye Li hating him, "Mang Pao" followed Ye Li quietly down the mountain.

While walking, he admired Ye Li's handsome back.

Especially when I saw Ye Li carrying a wild boar effortlessly, I couldn't help feeling the power of Ye Li!

It is really rare that such a superb man appeared in a remote country!

It seems that his trip to Yangcheng was right. God arranged for him to meet Yeli.

Ye Li walked ahead, always feeling a little hot from his back.

Behind him seemed to have a gaze staring at him, very uncomfortable.

Ye Li didn't want to look back, because he didn't want to see the "mother cannon" that made him feel very uncomfortable!

Doudou on the side discovered that it was unusual. He stretched out his little hand to pull Yeli, and whispered in his ear the same night, "Uncle Ye...Does that little brother like you? He keeps looking at you, just like me Daddy looked at me like my mother..."

Doudou's words made Ye Li a bit cold.

This "mother" is really staring at him!

too disgusting!

A big man facing another big man is obviously a good man and has the habit of breaking sleeves!

He is a normal man, and it feels weird to be stared at by a man with an abnormal sexual orientation.

Ye Li picked up Doudou, speeded up his pace and hurried down the mountain, just to get to the mountain earlier, so as to get rid of this "mother cannon".

It took about ten or twenty minutes to finally reach the entrance of the village.

Ye Li stopped, and said displeasedly with "Niang Pao", "I have already arrived in the village, so you are safe. You don't have to follow me anymore! Let's say goodbye!"

After Ye Li finished speaking, he turned around and prepared to escape.

But "Mangpao" summoned him, "Heroes, wait!"

Ye Li was even more impatient, "What else?"

"Mompao" pulled her clothes corners and said aggrievedly, "Heroes, it's already so late, I don't think I can go back to Yangcheng, I don't know if the heroes can take me in for one night, let me go to you to stay overnight. ?"

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