Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1264 Low morale

A scream came, and the guard trembled all over, his body sizzling, and soon a smell of burning smell came, and he fell to the ground with a thud.

Everyone was in shock and could not recover. Bai Ruozhu reacted the fastest. He rushed over and quickly stuffed a pill into the guard's mouth, then went to explore his pulse, and then took out a silver needle and inserted it quickly. .

Jiang Yichun also rushed over and said very nervously: "Ruozhu, let's move to another place, in case there is another thunder and lightning..."

He was afraid that she would be implicated in saving others.

"No, his life is hanging by a thread and he can't move now." Bai Ruozhu only answered hastily, and then began to treat the guard, his expression became extremely serious.

Everyone was so angry that they didn't dare to take a breath. What was that just now? Being struck by lightning is a punishment from heaven. How could such a situation happen?

And everyone is also concerned about their injured companions. Can they really survive this way? His whole body was burnt black.

Bai Ruozhu injected the needle again, gave medicine, and asked Jian Qi to deliver internal energy to the injured, and applied medicine to his skin. After a long time, she wiped the sweat and raindrops from her forehead, and said in a deep voice: "Life is temporary. I survived, but my martial arts skills are all gone and I have extensive burns all over my body. It’s hard to say whether I can survive it.”

Everyone gasped. Jiang Yichun's face darkened and he whispered: "It's too painful for him to live like this. Let me give him a ride."

He spoke firmly, but he couldn't hide the pain in his eyes. Those were his subordinates, just like his brothers.

Bai Ruozhu closed her eyes hard. She knew what Jiang Yichun said was right. The guards here were all proud. It was too cruel for him to lose his martial arts skills and even be paralyzed in bed for the rest of his life.

Moreover, the large area of ​​​​burning will cause him great pain. Judging from today's medical conditions, he may continue to have fever and eventually suffer from sepsis.

Living like this is really a huge pain!

If...if I could enter her space and soak in that magical hot spring, maybe I could be saved!

Bai Ruozhu's eyes lit up. She almost forgot about this because she couldn't enter the space recently, but she didn't know when she would be able to enter the space again. But if she just gave up like this, she couldn't bear it and felt sorry for this person. Guard.

She shook her head at Jiang Yichun, "Give me some time and let me try. Even if his martial arts cannot be restored, as long as he can live like a normal person, he still has hope in life and can do many other things."

Hope flashed in Jiang Yichun's eyes. If there was hope, he didn't want to send his men to die.

Bai Ruozhu's heart skipped a beat. She knew Jiang Yichun's expectations and mood. She was a little worried that this would take a long time. She was also upset that her medical skills couldn't be better and that she didn't have more medicine in her hands.

The injured guard was carefully carried onto the carriage. Chu Han's eyes were a little dark, "How could lightning strike down?"

People at this time were superstitious, and no matter how powerful they were, they would not avoid taboos when it came to ghosts and gods.

So everyone looked ugly. Is this a punishment from God?

"This is not God's will, and we don't know that we are unlucky. It must be something caused by the temple." Bai Ruozhu said loudly to everyone, "You should have heard that there are witchcraft that can harm people, and naturally there are People can use this kind of thunderstorm to cast spells to harm us. I studied under the master of the state, but after all, my knowledge is superficial. If the state master is still alive, or my senior brother is here, there are ways to break this spell."

She didn't believe in any kind of divine punishment, let alone standing under a tree that caused the lightning strike, because there was no lightning and thunder before, and there was no lightning and thunder after that. It just happened out of thin air. Wasn't it someone plotting against her?

But everyone is still very worried. This can kill someone. They are unable to guard against it. If this continues, won't they be completely unable to fight against the people in the temple?

"Don't think too much, we have no direct conflict with the temple. Now it is only Jin Wanliang who has found someone to harm me. What he hates most is me, the person who did not save his daughter." Bai Ruozhu did not want to disturb the morale of the army. , continued to explain: "But you should also have noticed that there is only one lightning bolt. If this spell is easy to activate, if there are a few more strikes, wouldn't we all be lying here?"

"And I've read some books. The more powerful the spell, the longer the activation cycle. That means they have done this for us. If we want to use this trick again, I'm afraid we have to stop for a while. And it's so powerful. Not everyone can use spells," she continued.

Everyone was relieved, but Jiang Yichun's eyes were full of worry, "We speed up and enter Gaochang. We only have to find a way to deal with Jin Wanliang."

Bai Ruozhu nodded. She was also scared for a moment, because it was probably her who was hit by the lightning just now. She couldn't guarantee that she could escape, let alone imagine what she would look like if she was hit.

But now she is as calm as water, not afraid or regretful, let alone regretting her refusal to save Jin Jing. She is not the Virgin and will not save those who harm her over and over again. On the other hand, she felt that even if she saved Jin Jing, it would be useless. The Jin family and her daughter would still hate her, just like she saved Jin Wanliang's life and Jin Wanliang was not grateful.

Even if it was Sangta who hurt Jin Jing, the Jin family's father and daughter would still blame her. Because they couldn't afford to offend Sangta, they would automatically transfer their hatred to her, the one person they seemed to be able to offend.

But can she really afford it?

The corners of her mouth raised slightly. Since the Jin family wanted to play, she wouldn't be polite.

This expression of hers was very familiar to Jiang Yichun. When she was extremely angry and wanted to be cruel, she would look calm and smiling like this. He looked at her worriedly and said, "Don't stay two meters away from me in the future."

She was amused by his nervous look and said, "Don't worry, I have the blessing and blessing of the national master. Such evil magic cannot fall on me."

On the other hand, she read in a book at the Astrology Tower that people with rising purple energy have extremely good luck, and it is difficult for ordinary spells to fall on her. Just like today, lightning will hit other people's heads, but it will not happen to them. It's like it won't hit her. Maybe the person who cast the spell couldn't ensure complete accuracy, but it was her who was targeted, but she was not hurt at all.

Bai Ruozhu didn't want to mention that she was a person with rising purple energy. She always felt that it was better to keep this matter a secret, especially since there was a prophecy from the barbarians, she was afraid that everything would involve her.

However, she felt very guilty about the guard who was electrocuted, and that person could be said to be implicated by her.

The heavy rain came suddenly and stopped quickly. Everyone set out again, but this time the atmosphere was a bit heavy, and the heavy rain made the road a little muddy. Everyone was splashed with mud and sewage, and they all looked a little embarrassed, and their morale was also low. An unprecedented low.

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