Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1265 The true face of the temple

It was not until two days later, when everyone arrived at Sheng Yao City, that their overall condition improved again. Jiang Yichun's men had experienced many things, and their psychological quality was still very good.

Bai Ruozhu has been working hard to treat the guard who was electrocuted. His name is Liu Xinyu, and he is Jiang Yichun's confidant who has been with him since he was in the General Affairs Department. Fortunately, there was still some ointment she had prepared for Aunt Zhang's treatment. She used it on Liu Xinyu in the past two days, and the pain on his body was not that bad.

But there was some ointment, and the area of ​​his burn was too large, so the ointment was used up after two days. It was difficult to find the ingredients for preparing the medicine. Bai Ruozhu asked the Du family, which had a large medicinal business, to find it. It took a long time to wait, so now that she is in the Western Region, it is really difficult to prepare all the medicine.

But she still couldn't enter the space, and the little furball couldn't wake up. She wanted to ask the fish in the pond what happened, but unfortunately those silly fish couldn't talk at all, and she couldn't get anything out of it unless she entered the space. A live fish comes.

Shengyao City is the nearest big city to Gaochang. Passing through Shengyao City and then passing through some small villages and towns, you can reach Gaochang.

Jiang Yichun asked Bai Ruozhu privately if he would put Qingyan in Shengyao City. Bai Ruozhu thought for a moment and said, "Send Buddha to the west. It's not far from Gaochang anyway, so let's take him with us."

After settling the patient, Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun went shopping again. They also pretended to let Mu Yu take the goods they had prepared for inquiry. These goods were prepared before leaving Beijing early in the morning. They were all rare silks and satins in the Western Regions. fabric.

Prices in Sheng Yao City were very high, so Bai Ruozhu didn't pick anything. Nero's body no longer hurt. He licked his face and introduced her to a market for shopping. She and Jiang Yichun followed her and took a look, and found that Nero said The place is similar to a modern flea market.

Because they were all old items, the prices were not high, but Bai Ruozhu found several small antiques that were a few years old and simply collected them. There was always a chance to exchange them and make money.

After wandering around the flea market for a while, she asked to go to a drug store to find medicinal materials for treating burns. As a result, she found that there were very few types of medicinal materials in the Sheng Yao City drug store. Even the several stores she visited were like this. Moreover, these drug stores had no business at all. After observing for a long time, she did not see anyone coming to buy medicine.

It was Nero who took the initiative to explain, "Madam, you don't know the habits of people in the Western Regions. When they feel uncomfortable, they would rather go to the temple to pray than go to the doctor to get medicine."

Bai Ruozhu was surprised. If you don't see a doctor or take medicine when you are sick, can you just go and pray for blessings? Aren't you afraid that a minor illness will turn into a serious illness?

"The saints of the temple and the branch temples of the temple in various places regularly pray for the people. Many people who are uncomfortable can recover after praying for blessings." Nero explained.

"Can all diseases be cured?" Bai Ruozhu asked suspiciously. Is this entirely based on the existence of faith in the deified temple?

"That's not true. It's just that you can pray for general physical discomfort, but not for serious injuries like your guards or Qingyan." Nero replied.

Bai Ruozhu thought of the medicinal powder that the saint gave to Jin Jing's mother, and then thought that the people in the temple might know some medical skills, and some even had profound attainments, and the water used for blessing might be used to treat common colds, diarrhea, skin rashes, etc. Potion for minor ailments, so praying can cure minor ailments.

"Then what if it's not a minor illness and praying for blessings is useless? Why don't you go to the hospital to see a doctor and get medicine?" Bai Ruozhu asked again.

Nero shook his head, "If it is a serious illness, the medical center cannot cure it. People in the Western Regions think that the people are being taken away by the gods, so their families will prepare funerals for them, and then happily send them to see the gods."

Nero has been doing business in Danliang Kingdom for many years, so his thinking is still much more advanced than that of the people in the Western Regions. It is not that he has not been sick and has gone to the medical clinic in these years. Naturally, he does not believe in not seeing a doctor when he is sick, etc. He believed in the reason why the gods took him away, so there was a touch of sarcasm in his tone when he spoke.

Bai Ruozhu glanced at Jiang Yichun and couldn't help but say: "Is the Western Region so backward? Do the people in the temple silently wait to die when they get sick?"

"I heard that people in the Western Region Temple live very long lives, especially those who hold important positions. It is said that they are the attendants chosen by God, so they are the most favored by God." Jiang Yichun sneered after speaking.

"I'm afraid those royal families and nobles are not just waiting to die quietly. The temple will send people to pray for them?" Bai Ruozhu asked again.

Nero nodded, lowered his voice and said, "Although I haven't witnessed it, I can guess that it was a secret healing."

Well, the situation is obvious. The temple wants to rule the people with faith, not only to control their hearts, but also to decide their life and death.

"Pretend to be a ghost." Bai Ruozhu muttered disdainfully, thinking that the ordinary people in the Western Regions are really pitiful. They are kept in the dark like this, do not go to the doctor when they are sick, and just wait to die. It is no wonder that the Western Regions have gone downhill in recent years. Saint Such an approach will only lead to the destruction of the Western Region.

At this time, Bai Ruozhu saw the gate of the temple branch not far away. It is said that the temple branch in Shengyao City is second only to the main temple in Gaochang. It is indeed tall and majestic. She can be seen even if she is far away. Its momentum is shocking.

But there is a group of despicable and hypocritical people living in that place, who use their faith as a cover for their own greedy and sinful purposes.

Suddenly, a bamboo sedan chair carried by two people carried a woman into the temple branch. The woman was very pure in white clothes. If you just looked at her back, you might even think she was a maid in the temple, but Bai Ruozhu could see clearly. Oh, what was being carried was that stomach-churning Jin Jing!

Jiang Yichun followed her gaze and saw only Jin Jing's back. He didn't recognize who it was and couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

"It's Jin Jing. I didn't expect that she is not dead yet. It seems that the medical skills of the temple should not be underestimated." Bai Ruozhu said with a sneer.

Jiang Yichun's face also darkened, "Jin Wanliang may also be in Shengyao City. I'll send someone to check it out. It's time to teach him a lesson."

Bai Ruozhu opened her mouth worriedly, but after thinking about it, she still didn't say anything. She knew that Ah Chun was a measured person, and venting anger for Liu Xinyu was also the wish of the other guards. Everyone was holding their breath along the way.

The group of people hurried back to the inn where they stayed, and Jiang Yichun's men soon dispersed to investigate. Jian Qi, Chen Feng and the others went to get a few sets of Western Region people's clothes. They had already changed into them and were ready to cover their faces to deal with Jin Wanliang later. .

Soon, the person sent came back to report: "Jin Wanliang is drinking tea at Wangxianju. He is also accompanied by a woman from the Western Regions. She seems to have some identity."

"Could it be the mother of the famous person next to the saint that Jin Jing said?" Bai Ruozhu became interested. She wanted to see what kind of woman could teach a daughter like Jin Jing.

"I'm not sure, but I saw Jin Wanliang's servant calling her madam," the guard replied.

Bai Ruozhu blinked at Jiang Yichun, "Let's go and have a look."

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