Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1875: Congratulations on being knighted

The emperor arranged for people to first go to the bank in Beiyu City and obtain a large sum of silver, probably nearly 200,000 yuan.

"Queen Mother..." Tang Yin couldn't help but sigh when he saw the silver offered.

He knew that his mother was planning to open a restaurant outside to make money for a rainy day, but her mother had a weak temperament and always needed someone to protect her, so he subconsciously didn't expect much from this, thinking that it would be good for her to do something. But he didn't expect his mother to give him a big surprise, but he himself was the most useless.

"Your Majesty, Beiyu City and Beijing have the most deposits, and the other major cities have smaller deposits. When Beiyu City welcomed guests, it was the first one to let Mr. Bai take a stake and change the recipes and business model." Shen Lu below. Report it truthfully.

The emperor was stunned. It turned out to be related to Bai Ruozhu. Did he accept Bai Ruozhu's love again?

He thought for a while and realized that it was not easy to talk about this matter openly. Even if he was to give Shen Lu a reward, he would have to find other excuses. Moreover, Bai Ruozhu was the destined wife, so it was not good to give too many rewards to avoid making people gossip, so it was best to start with Jiang Yichun or her relatives received a reward.

Thinking of this, Tang Yin quickly made some calculations.

On the second day, one of the emperor's confidants mentioned something in the court, saying that the righteous businessman Shen Lu had donated hundreds of thousands of taels of silver to the court, and proposed that the emperor reward Shen Lu. In addition, the Bai family also donated family property to the court, and proposed that the emperor reward the Bai family. The head of the family, Bai Yihong, asked the common people to learn more about their righteous deeds.

Many people in the court were shocked when they heard hundreds of thousands taels. Why didn't they know about this? Then I thought about it, knowing this matter and proposing it here must be the emperor's intention. Who is going to cause trouble for the emperor if it doesn't matter? Besides, it is troublesome to encourage such things when the court is spending money.

For a while, all the ministers agreed, and Tang Yin asked with satisfaction: "How do you think the reward is appropriate?"

Many people started to think, this is definitely not the right time to reward silver. Others have donated hundreds of thousands of taels. If you are rewarding some gold and silver treasures, wouldn't it become a joke to compare the values? After thinking about it, it was either a field or an official title.

So all the ministers expressed their opinions, and the reward was finally determined. Shen Lu was made a Marquis of Zhongyi. He had no actual position, but could enjoy the court salary. The title was hereditary according to the regulations of marquis. In other words, Shen Lu's heirs could inherit the title, but the title would not be the same. Downgrade.

This is fair, because this is the hereditary rule for the Marquis of Danliang Kingdom.

As for the Bai family, Bai Yihong was granted the title Jiaqing Bo, and still enjoyed the hereditary status, but the title was also reduced by one rank.

In the Danliang Kingdom, titles with foreign surnames are granted from the marquis dynasty. For example, Marquis Bo was granted the title of marquis for his military merits, so Shen Lu's title is already very high. If Bai Yihong were to be granted the title of marquis again, I am afraid that there would be some veterans in the court. There's going to be a scene.

When the imperial edict was delivered to Bai Mansion, Bai Yihong thought he was hallucinating. He also had a title? He can't think of anywhere in his life!

"Uncle Jiaqing, congratulations!" It was Wang Shun who came to deliver the edict. He handed it over with a smile.

Bai Ruozhu knew that with Wang Shun's status, he definitely didn't need to deliver the order personally, so maybe there was something else going on?

She hurriedly stepped forward and gave Wang Shun a red envelope, "Thank you, Mr. Wang."

Wang Shun said with a smile: "Easy to say, this is a hot and spicy one. Would you mind inviting the Za family for a cup of tea, Mr. Bai?"

"Your Majesty is willing to show your respect. I'm so happy that it's not too late to invite you here." Bai Ruozhu made a gesture of invitation, and she knew that Wang Shun still had something to do.

She asked someone to bring tea to relieve the heat and soothe the throat. Wang Shun drank a few sips of the tea and then lowered his voice and said, "Your Majesty knows that you are responsible for welcoming the guests, but it's not easy to say it openly. It's hard to find a reason why you should be rewarded again, so I rewarded your father."

Bai Ruozhu laughed after hearing this, "That's great. My mother has a royal title. I don't know how envious my father is."

Wang Shun also laughed after hearing this, "As long as you understand the emperor's intention, the emperor asked the Zajia to come here just to say thank you."

Bai Ruozhu was stunned. She had always said that she didn't have a good impression of Tang Yin, because that man had always been a little cold towards her, and even always acted condescendingly, so she didn't expect that the emperor would thank her, but he shouldn't Say thank you in person?

"Master Bai, after all, the emperor is a noble person. It is a bit difficult to succeed to the throne at a young age. Many times he has to hold back. Otherwise, how can he frighten the ministers? But he has a clear heart and is a rare wise king." Wang Shun Said with a sigh.

"Eunuch Wang, I understand." Bai Ruozhu saluted Wang Shun and said respectfully.

Wang Shun nodded, indicating that Ruozhu understood the emperor's intention.

Not long after Wang Shun left with his people, someone came to congratulate him. As the rewarded Jiaqing Bo, Bai Yihong felt happy, but he had to keep receiving guests, and his face almost stopped laughing.

Several families who are close to the Bai family have come. The men from the Meng family are the eldest son Xu Huilin and the second son Meng Hanhong. Meng Hanhong has not seen them for a long time. He is completely exhausted. He is almost as tall as Xu Huilin. He finally looks like him. An adult.

In the past, because of Wang Miaoshuang's death, he hated Bai Ruozhu and was very repelled by Xu Huilin. But now it seems that he is respectful and polite to Xu Huilin and very humble to the Bai family. It is probably because he has gone through too many things and finally feels relieved. .

When Xu Hui saw Bai Ruozhu sizing up Meng Hanhong, he whispered: "Seeing me like this, he took pity on me and got close to me."

He said it very easily, but Bai Ruozhu felt that it was definitely not pity. She gave him an angry look and said, "He obviously admires you for not betraying the family at this time, and he truly recognizes you as the eldest brother in his heart."

Xu Huilin chuckled twice, "It's better for me to say this myself. It's more appropriate for you to say it."

Oh, the lover had been planning to get her to say it out early, so he could just listen to the compliments proudly?

Then Xu Huilin lowered his face and said: "Jin Se's incident also hit him hard. He felt that he was not as good as Jin Se and had not made any contribution to the family or the court. Fortunately, he did not become decadent. He has been studying particularly hard recently. .”

Bai Ruozhu nodded, the Meng family's children would not be any worse.

At this time, the servants outside announced: "Master Bai, the Minister of Rites, is here to congratulate you."

The expression on Bai Ruozhu's face froze. What was Bai Guanghe doing here at this time?

Seeing her like this, Xu Hui sighed and said, "Go and accompany your father. There are many people today, so don't get too stiff."

Bai Ruozhu nodded and went to find her father.

Originally, the female family members received female guests in the backyard, but Bai Ruozhu's status was different. She was also an official in the court, so she didn't have to avoid anything.

Sure enough, her father's face was stiff, but he didn't know what to do for a while. The second brother next to him had a cold face and looked very unhappy with Bai Guanghe's appearance.

Some people have noticed Bai Yihong's reaction. Although Bai Mansion and Bai Guanghe did not recognize each other, who in Beijing didn't know about the original rumors? Many people have speculated whether Bai Guanghe is Bai Yihong's biological father, and they may know the answer today.

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