Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1876 Bleeding from the Seven Orifices

There were already servants at the female guest's side to report the news to Lin Ping'er. Lin Ping'er's expression changed and she wanted to go over, but stopped. It was really against the rules, and what could she do to help if she went over with a full belly? busy?

Ji Ling, who was accompanying Lin Ping'er, clenched her fists tightly. She had been staying by Feng Jiu's side. Today, she heard that her brother was knighted, so she came to the front yard to celebrate and said a few words, There were more and more guests, and she was worried about Lin Ping'er, so she stayed with them, but unexpectedly she heard the news about Bai Guanghe.

That was her biological father, but he was the father she didn't want to admit at all.

When she was young and ignorant, she stupidly asked her mother, "Why do you like a nerd? He has no martial arts, isn't he a waste?"

Ji Jun'er looked very lonely. She raised her hand to touch her hair with difficulty and said, "My mother looked down on that nerd at first, but she was always speechless by his great principles. Later she didn't know Why, I couldn’t help but fall into it.”

Ji Ling didn't understand why. She just thought her mother was too stupid. How could she like a loser?

When she grows up and has someone she likes, she will understand why.

If you really like someone, you will be unable to control yourself and slowly fall deeper and deeper into it.

"Brother and sister, don't worry. I'll go over and take a look and hide in the dark. I'll go out if I need help." Ji Ling took Lin Ping'er's hand and said.

Lin Ping'er nodded, "Sister, don't be impulsive. After all..."

After all, they were father and daughter. Lin Ping'er felt that these words were inappropriate and simply swallowed them.

"I know." Ji Ling said and walked out.

Bai Ruozhu had already arrived next to Bai Yihong, and soon Bai Guanghe brought his family in to congratulate him. Those who didn't want to be with him were Bai Yuanxiu, the eldest son of Bai whom Bai Ruozhu had met, and Bai Qizhi's husband and wife Bai Yuanshan.

She remembered that Bai Yuanshan was very warm to her, but the eldest son Bai didn't want to get involved with them. Why did he come here in person now?

Soon she figured out why.

Bai Yuanxiu let her father accept the marriage, just because he didn't want to lose his identity as the eldest son and lose his inheritance rights. But now that her father has been knighted, and even Bai Guanghe doesn't have a knighthood, how can her father influence Bai Yuanxiu? And if her father is willing to recognize Bai Guanghe at this time, their Bai family will be even more prosperous.

Bai Ruozhu felt irritable in her heart. She didn't know if Bai Guanghe thought the same way. If he was also following the trend, she would really feel sick.

"Uncle Jiaqing, congratulations." Bai Guanghe did not act like an elder, but gave the official courtesy. It seemed that he was really here to congratulate him.

Bai Yihong was still a little stunned. He knew that Bai Guanghe was his biological father, and he had hated him in his heart, but he had never met him. Now that the person was standing opposite him, he suddenly didn't know what to do.

His mind was in chaos, was this man really his biological father? Was he foolish and filial back then, or was he doting on his concubine and destroying his wife?

Bai Ruozhu quietly pulled her father's sleeve and returned the greeting to Bai Guanghe and his son, "Thank you so much, Mr. Bai. There is a banquet at home today, so Mr. Bai can take the seat first."

Bai Yihong came to his senses and returned a hasty salute to Bai Guanghe. He was clumsy and a little nervous, so he simply didn't say anything.

Bai Guanghe glanced at his eldest son secretly, feeling extremely uncomfortable in his heart. He couldn't help but think of the woman who once vowed to be a brother-in-law.

He swayed, but fortunately Bai Yuanshan next to him helped him, and he regained his balance.

Bai Yuanxiu kept staring at Bai Yihong, his eyes a little scrutinizing, and there was a flash of contempt in his eyes.

Bai Ruozhu saw everything and secretly glanced at Bai Yuanxiu. He looked down on her father, and she looked down on this loser.

Fortunately, Bai Guanghe didn't want to be entangled anymore, and quickly took his two sons to sit down at the banquet. Everyone who had been staring at this place was disappointed. Isn't today a big show of family recognition?

At this time, the maid came in to deliver tea. Bai Ruozhu caught sight of Ji Ling standing among them, and her heart skipped a beat. Ji Ling had taken away all her hairpins, and she usually wore simple clothes, so she looked like the daughter-in-law in charge of the family.

But what is she doing here dressed like this? Are you looking at Baiguang River? Or what do you want to do to Bai Guanghe?

Bai Ruozhu's heart ached. The Jiuli tribe was good at raising voodoos. Even if her aunt was not a voodoo master, she must have some voodoo poison in her hands. She wouldn't want to seek justice for her mother, would she?

No, Bai Guanghe must not die in his aunt's hands. Otherwise, after what happened, will her aunt be able to feel at ease in her life?

Bai Ruozhu took a deep breath. Maybe she was just overthinking it. She had to stabilize herself first.

She pretended that nothing happened and walked over to the maids and said, "Bring some more tea soup to relieve the heat. It's a hot day, so don't let the guests catch the heat."

As soon as she approached like this, she was very close to Ji Ling. Ji Ling and the other maids responded one after another. She looked into Ji Ling's eyes, which were very calm, with no hatred or murderous intention.

Maybe she really was overthinking it, Ji Ling just came to take a look.

Soon Ji Ling served tea and left, and Bai Ruozhu also found an opportunity to follow.

"Aunt, why are you..." Bai Ruozhu found Ji Ling and asked.

"Your mother was worried, so I told her to come and take a look." Ji Ling sighed, "But I couldn't help but want to take a closer look."

Bai Ruozhu breathed a sigh of relief, "My father is fine. If you don't want to admit it, don't admit it. No one can force you, but if you want to admit it, we will support your decision at any time, and you don't have any burden."

Ji Ling smiled gratefully, "Actually, I thought I would hate him, but when I saw his hair turned white, I couldn't bear it, but I don't want to recognize him at the moment. Thank you, Ruozhu."

The banquet was going on in a lively manner. The three fathers and sons of the Bai family, plus Jiang Yichun, Zhang Liliang, and Wei San, helped entertain everyone, and the scene was orderly.

Finally, the banquet slowly ended, the guests left one after another, and Bai Ruozhu also breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time Jian Qi suddenly arrived and whispered to Bai Ruozhu: "Master, go and have a look. Senior Feng Jiu is awake, but something is very wrong."

Bai Ruozhu didn't bother to say hello to her father and rushed towards the backyard. Jiang Yichun quickly followed after seeing this.

When Bai Ruozhu rushed to the place, she smelled a strong smell of blood before entering the house. Her heart tightened suddenly, as if she was being held tightly by a big hand.

She took a deep breath and then rushed in.

"Ruozhu, look what's wrong with Feng Jiu? He opened his eyes like this, covered his head with one hand and screamed, and he was bleeding. No matter how I called him, he didn't seem to be able to hear me." Ji Ling tried her best. He hugged Feng Jiu and cried to Bai Ruozhu.

At this moment, Feng Jiu was holding his head in his hands, shaking his head in pain, and making a sound like a beast wailing from his mouth. His eyes, nose, ears, and mouth were all bleeding, and they were bleeding continuously!

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