Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1892 Sneaking into the tent

Aosong secretly winked at Bai Ruozhu, looking a little playful, as if to say that she was not usually like this.

"Look, it's a snow camel. This is my first time seeing a snow camel!" A barbarian exclaimed.

"That's a good wool blanket, just spread on the floor like this?" A woman said with a look of regret on her face.

Qingfeng looked arrogant, almost scolding you "you bunch of rubes" directly. She grabbed a handful of gold leaves in her pocket and sprinkled them towards the crowd, "My lady is kind, this is a meeting gift for everyone."

Sprinkled with gold leaves, Bai Fumei is so grand!

The nobles were soon alerted, and within a short time, someone had already reported the matter to Sanchi.

"People from the Western Regions? Women from the Western Regions won't come to us to find husbands, right?" A look of suspicion flashed in Sanji's eyes, but soon a gentle smile appeared on his face again.

The priest Sang Rong who accompanied him thought for a moment and said, "Could it be a reclusive family in the north?"

"Oh?" Sanji looked curious.

"It is said that that family is as rich as the country, but they live in seclusion. Only occasionally will their children go out and find suitable families to marry. If they have snow camels and spread gold leaves like this, I am afraid it is that family." Sang Rong said.

"What's the family name? I've been away for many years, but I've never heard of it." Sanji was very cautious.

Sang Rong stroked his beard and said, "It seems that the surname is Zhong, but they never mention their surname outside. This surname may not be accurate. How about going to see the regent? It would be a good thing if that girl could marry us barbarians. "

Sanji stood up and said, "Let's go and have a look."

Bai Ruozhu was not conspicuous among the maids because her appearance in disguise was a bit ordinary and she had an indifferent look.

But after a while, she saw a girl running out happily, and Mu Yu, who was standing not far from her, suddenly tensed up, and his eyes secretly glanced at the girl.

That must be the girl Yan Yan mentioned by Mu Yu.

Bai Ruozhu secretly looked at her. Speaking of it, Yan Kuan hid Mu Yu and refused to retaliate, which was indeed selfish and willful. But in the end, he saved Mu Yu's life, and later he was willing to let Mu Yu come back to report the news. It can be regarded as a balance between merit and demerit. Since Mu Yu is interested in her, let him marry her if she wants.

Yan Yan quickly glanced around the people brought by Aosong, with a look of disappointment clearly showing on his face.

Bai Ruozhu secretly used her inner strength to hit Mu Yu and glared at him. She couldn't reveal her secret now. Mu Yu hurriedly put away the excitement in her heart and stood still with her eyes and nose in mind.

"This girl has come all the way, I don't know how to call her?" Sanji stepped forward to salute, his manners were polite and his expression was modest, how could he look like a crazy person with a red lotus corpse?

But sometimes looking at people is far from being as simple as looking at the surface.

"My little girl Aosong, what do you call this gentleman?" Aosong responded generously.

"Sangji, I will temporarily take care of the affairs of the barbarians. Miss Ao can stay here temporarily. If you need anything, you can ask us. We barbarians are very hospitable." Sanji said with a smile.

Aosong tilted his head and said, "My surname is not Ao. Okay, then I'll arrange two tents, so I won't bother you."

Sang Rong and Sang Ji took a quick look and immediately had two tents arranged.

There is a much larger tent for nobles, obviously for Aosong, and a smaller one for her entourage. That Sanji is quite attentive.

After returning to the tent, Aosong pulled Bai Ruozhu's sleeve, took a hairpin and wrote on the ground.

"The blood-stained aura on his body is very heavy. It seems that he has killed many people with evil magic."

Bai Ruozhu nodded and wrote on the ground: "I'll find a way to contact my people and find out what's going on."

Mu Yu's eyes lit up when he saw it. Can he go see Yan Yan?

Bai Ruozhu turned her head and rolled her eyes at him, "Both you and her can't keep their composure, please slow down, I'll go with Ah Chun."

Mu Yu's face fell instantly, and Jiang Yichun glared at him fiercely. Just a few days after getting along with this kid, his heart was completely taken away. He is so worthless!

Soon it got dark, and Sanji sent someone to invite Aosong to have dinner. Aosong declined on the excuse that he was tired from the journey and had already laid down to rest.

Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun quietly sneaked out of the tent using the darkness.

Mu Yu, who was dressed as a guard, came to guard the door of the tent, while Gao Juan, who was dressed as a nanny, looked unhappy and deliberately sat down on the tent. Hum, didn't you insist that I dress as a woman? Then I don’t have to shy away from leaving the tent. It depends on your convenience!

Bai Ruozhu took Jiang Yichun to find Dujin first. When Dujin saw that she had removed the human skin mask's true appearance, he was so shocked that he could swallow an egg with his mouth wide open.


He was about to ask, but was stopped by Bai Ruozhu's hissing.

Bai Ruozhu walked to the short table in the tent, dipped her fingers in tea and started writing quickly.

Du Jin's eyes widened when he saw it, how could this happen? Why are the barbarians so troubled? Did you really make God angry?

"I suspect that Santa has been imprisoned by him, so don't act rashly." Bai Ruozhu continued to write.

Dujin's eyes were red with excitement, but after seeing "Don't act rashly", he gradually calmed down.

Bai Ruozhu quickly wrote on the table again, explained something to Dujin, and then quietly sneaked out.

She didn't plan to find Yan Kuang's father so soon. The nobles in the barbarian tribe were bound by interests, and she didn't want to trust anyone too easily.

Suddenly, someone patrolled the area with a pet. Bai Ruozhu's expression changed. They could hide from people's eyes, but they might not be able to hide from the nose of a pet.

Jiang Yichun suddenly grabbed her waist and quickly dodged into the tent nearby.

There was no one in the tent, and no candles were lit. It was almost pitch dark when you entered, and you could only vaguely see the position of the low table and the animal skin bed.

swish swish...

Suddenly remembering the strange sound, Bai Ruozhu subconsciously pulled Jiang Yichun into the space.

"What was that sound just now?" She breathed heavily.

"I don't know, it seems like something is crawling on the ground, like an insect." Jiang Yichun replied, with a solemn look on his face, "I remember the location of the tent. This tent belongs to Sangji."

"That's good, we can keep an eye on the main target." Bai Ruozhu sneered and raised his hand to open the "big screen" to observe the outside.

Jiang Yichun was shocked. He was still a little unable to accept his wife's abilities.

At this time, little Dengdeng ran over with big steps, "Dad, Mom!"

He said with a proud look on his face: "Do you know what Tiao Tiao did just now?"

Bai Ruozhu turned around and glanced at Tiao Tiao in the stroller not far away, "What's wrong with him?"

"He pooped a lot of poop, and I cleaned it for him!" Xiao Dengdeng patted her chest proudly, "I'm a good brother, and I even went to the hot spring to wash all the poop cloth!"

The corners of Bai Ruozhu's mouth twitched. Are there golden cakes floating in her hot spring now?

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