Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1893 Crazy Sanji

A child who doesn't know how to cheat his father or mother is not a good child...

Bai Ruozhu recited three times in her heart: biological, biological, biological.

"I originally wanted to go wash in the fish pond, but Xiao Hei wouldn't let me. Mother, just take care of it. It's so naughty!" Xiao Hei pouted and complained.

Bai Ruozhu felt a little dizzy. Oh my god, who is naughty?

Jiang Yichun couldn't help but rub his forehead and said with a straight face: "If you go to the fish pond to wash your brother's daddy, can the fish in it still be edible? Aren't you afraid of eating daddy when you eat fish?"

"Shut up!" Bai Ruozhu finally couldn't help but got angry. No wonder his son was so cheating. It turned out to be genetic. Do you dare not to explain it in such detail? Don't you feel disgusted?

Xiao Dengdeng was stunned for a moment, then suddenly covered her mouth and laughed, "I forgot about it. Fortunately, I washed it in the hot spring later."

The corners of Bai Ruozhu's mouth twitched, she wanted to be quiet.

At this time, the rustling sound came from the "big screen" again. It looked like the outside was not as dark as before. It was displayed a little brighter and the picture was very clear.

Bai Ruozhu's sharp eyes saw something crawling on the ground at a glance, and the next second she covered her eyes.

"Xiao Hei, take Deng Deng to the woods to play with the deer. Don't come over and cause trouble." Bai Ruozhu said quickly. She had a bad feeling in her heart. She felt that this scene should not be seen by Deng Deng, so as not to frighten the child. .

Thinking of this, she went to tune Xiaotiaotiao again. Although she felt that he could not see it, she still had to be careful.

Tiao Tiao's diaper pad was crooked. Bai Ruozhu helped him tidy it up, and then felt a little moved in his heart. Deng Deng was a child, and she still knew how to take care of her younger brother. Even if she washed her daddy in the hot spring pool, she would not care. You shouldn't blame him, well, at worst, he hasn't been in hot springs recently.

After Deng Deng was taken away, Bai Ruozhu was attracted by the scene outside again. At this time, she finally saw clearly what was making the rustling sound!

It was a python moving slowly in the tent, the sound of its belly rubbing against the ground.

"Look at its head!" Jiang Yichun exclaimed. With his steady temperament, it was extremely rare for him to exclaim like this.

Bai Ruozhu looked over and was so frightened that he involuntarily took two steps back, then his legs went weak and he sat on the ground.

Strong and strong arms came up, hugged her, and whispered in her ear: "Don't look at it."

As he spoke, he covered the corners of her eyes with his big hands and held her arms tightly, "Don't be afraid, I'll take care of everything."

Bai Ruozhu forcefully pulled down his hand that was blocking her eyes, "It's okay, I'm not that timid. If you don't let me look, I'll be more likely to think wildly, which will make me even more scared."

In her previous life, she was actually quite courageous. She studied abroad alone and lived alone in a simple room. How scary would it be if she were timid?

In the past, horror movies were particularly popular in the United States, and her classmates also asked her to watch them, such as zombies and murderers. On Halloween, there were people dressed up in scary clothes to scare people. However, she always felt that foreign ghost movies were really not very interesting. Most of them were The bloody severed limbs actually made me scared after watching a Hong Kong ghost movie.

The film never showed the appearance of ghosts, but it created a scary atmosphere. Coupled with her rich imagination, she was very scared.

So now she would rather see it than imagine it out of thin air.

At this time, she took a clear look again. The snake was slowly squirming, but where the snake's head should have been, there was a woman's head!

Before Bai Ruozhu could see clearly whether it was Honglian, the mouth of the human head suddenly opened, and it opened to a strange extent. How could a person open his mouth so wide? It was like a snake opening its mouth!

The next second, it bit out a severed limb from a jar, and then swallowed it directly!

Bai Ruozhu turned around and retched, Jiang Yichun hurriedly blocked the screen with his body, "Stop watching, turn it off."

She vomited some acidic water, shook her head and said, "It's okay, I'm not afraid, I just feel sick. If you wait a little longer, maybe Sanchi will come back soon."

"Then don't stare. Go get some grilled fish, and Tiao Tiao needs to be fed. I can just keep watching here." He said and touched her head. If another woman saw this scene, , I was so scared that I cried. Is it good or bad for his woman to be so strong?

It is said that a woman who has no man to rely on will have no choice but to be strong like a man. His husband is too incompetent.

Thinking about how he fell under Wu Wanqing's spell and didn't remember what happened in Houshan Village, and left her and the child alone for so long, it's no wonder that she is stronger than ordinary women.

Bai Ruozhu went to kill the fish, but when he saw the blood, he felt nauseated. He simply threw it aside in frustration, took the millet stored in the space, and made millet porridge.

At this time, footsteps came from the tent outside, and it was Sangji who was back.

He walked quickly towards the monster, with hope in his eyes.

"How are you feeling today?" As he spoke, he gently picked up the human head on the snake and stared at the other person lovingly.

Jiang Yichun narrowed his eyes, and he could finally see clearly. The monster was Honglian, but the eyes on the head were closed.

"It's integrated a little more? You did a good job. I will reward you well tonight." He laughed softly as he spoke, and then the sound of undressing came from the tent.

Bai Ruozhu was so shocked that she couldn't close her mouth, but Jiang Yichun quickly walked over and covered her eyes, saying angrily: "Don't look at it."

"Okay, don't look at it." She didn't want to look at Sanji's body, it wasn't disgusting enough.

While the two were talking, the sound of Sanji's breathing and the rustling sound of the snake squirming even more could be heard from the other side of the screen.

The next second, Bai Ruozhu turned off the screen. Not to mention that Xiao Dengdeng saw it, even if she heard it, it was not good. This was simply too challenging for her outlook.

The two were stunned for a long time, but Jiang Yichun came to his senses first and said, "I wonder when he met Honglian and how he fell in love with Honglian."

Bai Ruozhu rubbed her temples, "I don't know if he loves Honglian or not, but he is definitely a pervert. Even if the one he loves dies, in order for her to rest in peace, he cannot turn her into a monster."

She paused as she spoke and looked up at him, "If I die in the future, you can't be so messy. You must let me rest in my grave."

The next second, he covered her mouth angrily, "Don't talk nonsense. As long as I'm here, you won't let anything happen to you."

She burst out laughing, "I mean when I get older, I must walk in front of you."

He went to rub her head, with a gentle smile on his face, "I will try my best to live longer and take good care of you for the rest of my life."

Afterwards, the two played with the child in the space and put the child to sleep. Then they looked at the situation outside again, and Sanji was nowhere to be found in the tent.

"Let's go out first." Jiang Yichun went to pull Bai Ruozhu, but suddenly his face tightened, "Why is it so hot?"

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