Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2033 She is worth giving up everything

Bai Ruozhu's face was slightly hot. She was so excited when she saw Ah Chun's letter that she even forgot about the people next to her. She should thank Feng Cheng properly next time she saw her, otherwise she didn't know how long she would have to wait when she went out to deliver the letter. when.

There was a sudden knock on the door, "Madam, please excuse me."

It was Chen Feng's voice. Bai Ruozhu hadn't inquired about him in the past two days. Now that he had arrived in the morning, she didn't know how to tell Chen Feng.

"come in."

Chenfeng walked into the house, looked around first, and then showed some doubts.

"There's been a lot going on these days, and I haven't had time to mention your matter to the Jiuli people yet. Once my second brother and I have passed the trial and enlightenment card, and our words have some weight, I can help you ask." Bai Ruozhu Said proactively.

A look of shame appeared on Chenfeng's face, "Madam, I'm not here to ask this, but I just felt that there was a stranger in your house, I..."

Bai Ruozhu was surprised, "Can you feel Feng Cheng?"

"Lan'er feels that you have something on your mind today. A stranger just came here. I want to ask if you have any difficulties." Chenfeng said.

When Bai Ruozhu heard this, she didn't hide it from Chen Feng. She said seriously: "I have been cursed. I don't know when I was cursed. There is no way to break it for the time being. In the morning, the third elder took me to see the ten people in the clan who have studied the most curses. Elder, but there is nothing he can do.”

"What? Will his life be in danger?" Chenfeng asked hurriedly.

"No, I will slowly break down and maybe go crazy, but I will find a way to prevent the curse from getting worse. I didn't say it out loud just because I don't want my parents and grandma to worry, so you should be tight-lipped." Bai Ruozhu said. He showed doubts again, "I've always wondered why others couldn't see Feng Cheng, and even thought he was a ghost. I didn't expect you to find him."

"After being planted with snakes, my subordinate's senses are very keen, especially in terms of smell. I just smelled a smell that does not belong here." Chenfeng explained.

Bai Ruozhu wondered if the snake's nose was very clever? Shouldn't it be a dog's nose?

"Feng Cheng came to me to ask for medicine before, but now he helped me send a message to Ah Chun, and he also brought back a letter from Ah Chun." Bai Ruozhu raised the letter in his hand, with a warm smile on his face, "Where's Ah Chun? Everything is fine, they should be heading to the capital."

Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief, "Ma'am, please take good care of yourself. If you need anything from me, just ask me."

Bai Ruozhu opened her mouth, wanting to tell Chenfeng to take a good rest. Suddenly she noticed the sadness in Chenfeng's eyes, and she instantly understood that Chenfeng didn't want to be idle. Over time, he would feel like a useless person.

She should have thought that in his situation, she must be more sensitive inside. She wanted him to take a good rest, but she had a good intention, but she ignored his mood.

"I just brought two masters, you and Jian Qi, in. I happen to be busy with something recently, and Jian Qi can't take care of it alone." Bai Ruozhu told Chenfeng about the poisoning, and said that he planned to Taking advantage of his plan, he immediately arranged for Morrowind to keep watch all night, watching the poisoner's actions at night to see if he made any other moves.

Chenfeng's eyes lit up, and he became energetic again, "Okay, madam, leave it to me tonight."

Bai Ruozhu smiled and nodded, so that although Chen Feng would have a harder time, he would not have to think too much when he was busy with something.

Chenfeng was about to leave, but Bai Ruozhu stopped him again.

"Lan'er likes you very much," she said.

Chen Feng tensed up and said, "Madam, I will avoid you more."

"Avoid? Why avoid?" Bai Ruozhu shook her head helplessly, "Don't you like her?"

Chenfeng's face instantly turned red to his neck, "Madam, people like me should not harm others."

"There is no problem that cannot be solved. If you give up now, it may be too late to regret it in the future." Bai Ruozhu reminded, "Actually, I had a head injury before and I don't remember your master. He was also poisoned by Wu Wanqing. , don’t remember me. I used to avoid him very much. I felt that I was a woman who had a child and was abandoned by her husband. How could I be worthy of him? But fortunately, I didn’t give up. If we missed it like this, I would wait. When it turns out that he is Deng Deng’s biological father, won’t he regret it too late?”

Chenfeng was very surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect his wife to say this to him so heart-to-heart. He felt a little moved and relaxed.

"Thank you madam, I will think about it carefully."

Bai Ruozhu didn't say anything more. Chenfeng was thoughtful and not as heartless as Mu Yu. He couldn't figure it out just because of a few words. It was right for him to think about it himself.

After Chen Feng left, Jian Qi reported outside that the master and his wife were waiting for her to eat. Bai Ruozhu hurriedly put on a relaxed smile and left the house.

She couldn't let her family know that she was cursed, and she didn't want to see her family worrying about her every day and looking sad when they saw her.

Fortunately, there was a pistachio like Deng Deng at home, and there were two cute little buns. The atmosphere was always happy, and Bai Ruozhu quickly put her worries behind her.

Emperor Wuning Tang Yin's army has already camped not far from the capital. As long as the allies arrive, they will fully attack the capital. Tang Yin will return to the palace in Danliang in an upright manner.

Therefore, the soldiers were all excited, and the generals and counselors accompanying the army were also very excited. After all, King Rui's foundation was still unstable, so this journey could be so smooth.

Everyone discussed important matters until late at night. Tang Yin ordered them all to disperse and rest, but Jiang Yichun stayed behind.

He suddenly knelt on his knees and said, "Your Majesty, please resign from your official position and leave the army."

Tang Yin was surprised, "Now that victory is right in front of you, why are you resigning? Even if you want to see your wife and children, you are not in a rush for this moment, are you?"

There was no expression on Jiang Yichun's face, "I learned that Ruozhu was in trouble and had to guard their mother and son."

"When did it happen? With the elders of the Jiuli tribe protecting him, how could Bai Ruozhu be in trouble? Even if you are worried about your wife and children, you don't have to resign, right?" Tang Yin wanted to get angry. It was Bai Ruozhu and Bai Ruozhu again. They were so Brothers for many years, they have known each other since childhood, but they can't compare to a woman? Yichun praised that woman to the heavens.

But when he saw Jiang Yichun's pale, almost transparent face, he couldn't bear to have an attack. Jiang Yichun almost didn't survive the previous crisis.

Jiang Yichun's eyes darkened, and there was pain in his eyes, "It is extremely difficult for my body to recover. I want to find a place with beautiful scenery to recuperate. I can no longer serve the imperial court."

"It's not like you have lost all your internal strength. Even if you don't have martial arts, your military skills and strategies can serve the court. Why should you resign? Just for that woman? Is it worth it?" Tang Yin felt like he hated iron.

Jiang Yichun raised his head and his expression became firm, "She is worth giving up everything for me."

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