Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2034 Do you really want to do this?

Tang Yin suddenly became angry, "If you give up everything, can you give her a prosperous life and ensure her safety? If you give up everything, what's the meaning of your life? It's just eating, drinking and waiting to die. Without your own goals and Pursuit? If she really cares about you, she won’t let you give up everything for her. If it’s Le Bin, she won’t make it difficult for me!”

Jiang Yichun took a deep breath, "She didn't ask for it, it was me who wanted to do this. I ask the emperor to grant it."

He said and kowtowed twice.

Tang Yin saw that his forehead was bruised, and his pale face was even more shocking. He felt panicked in his heart. He waved his hand and said, "Go down, I will think about it."

Jiang Yichun stood up and excused himself, returning to the tent. Seeing him like this, Gao Deng couldn't help but sigh, "Can't you just say a few soft words? Why are you kowtowing so fiercely?"

"I can't be loyal to you or keep my word to my friends. It's true that I owe him." Jiang Yichun said calmly.

Gao Deng took the ointment and applied it to him, but he still showed no expression at all, as if the injury on his head was not his own.

"Isn't it a bit far-fetched to say that Ruozhu is in trouble? How could the emperor believe it?" Gao Deng muttered.

"He really doesn't believe it." Jiang Yichun said and sighed, "I haven't received a letter from Ruozhu for a long time. I don't know how she is doing in the Jiuli tribe. I will leave the day after tomorrow at the latest and go see her as soon as possible."

Gao Deng couldn't help but sigh again, "It was fine, but what did you say..."

He felt a little unable to continue, so he threw the medicine box aside and said, "I'm going out to wash my hands."

"I hope Ruozhu is okay."

The moment he stepped out of the tent, he heard Jiang Yichun talking to himself, and his heart felt sour again.

The next day, Jiang Yichun went to see Tang Yin again. He still had the same attitude. He wanted to leave, and he would leave immediately.

Tang Yin tried to persuade him to no avail, and finally broke out.

"Are these all excuses? Bai Ruozhu will not be in danger. You keep saying you love her, but you are not using her as an excuse or a shield. Are you going to Chengshui to find your biological father?" Tang Yin yelled.

Jiang Yichun was shocked, it turned out that he knew everything.

"When did you know about it?" he asked in a deep voice, but it could be heard from Tang Yin's words that he did not know that the medical saint was his father in disguise.

Tang Yin was probably infected by his calmness and calmed down again, but there was still unquenchable anger in his eyes.

"When something happened in Jiangge's hometown, it was impossible for the late emperor to completely ignore it. After half a year of investigation, we found out the truth. We all thought you had gone to Chengshui Country. Later, the late emperor explained that it was not easy for Mr. Jiangge. He was also the one who arranged for Mr. Jiangge back then. The person who received the envoy from Chengshui felt that he had treated Mr. Jiang Ge badly and forbade me from publicizing this matter."

Tang Yin sighed as he spoke, "When I saw you again, you said that your father died of illness not long after leaving Beijing. I know that he would rather die than take you back to the chaotic Chengshui, so I don't want to mention it more."

Jiang Yichun's heart felt cold. He tried to calm down and said, "Your Majesty, please rest assured that I will never be an enemy of Danliang at any time, let alone work for Chengshui."

"What about Bai Ruozhu?" Tang Yin asked.

Jiang Yichun felt even colder. The emperor could not trust him. He had never been able to trust him. He was afraid that one day he would become Cheng Shui's sharp blade, and he was also afraid that Cheng Shui would get a miracle doctor like Ruozhu.

"She has no interest in politics. The emperor is too worried," he replied.

Having said that, Tang Yin also knew that he could no longer stay, but if he was asked to kill Jiang Yichun to avoid future troubles, he could not do such a cruel thing, so he could only sigh and wave his hands, saying: "Remember today?" What he said to me."

"I will keep this in mind and will never forget the emperor's kindness in nurturing me." Jiang Yichun saluted again and then withdrew.

Lu appeared in the tent and said with some worry: "Your Majesty, if you let the tiger return to the mountains, there will be endless troubles. You can't be soft-hearted."

Tang Yin said with a cold face, "That's enough, I will make my own decision!"

Lu didn't dare to say anything, but his face looked very ugly. Jiang Yichun couldn't be used by the emperor, so he shouldn't have been allowed to leave like this. After all, he knew too much!

Jiang Yichun returned to the tent and said to Gao Deng, "Let's go. Be careful on the road."

"You go in the light, I'll go in the dark." Gao Deng was much more cautious after all.


Jiang Yichun took Jinglei and Mu Yu on horseback and left the camp, alarming many people at the same time. The Wu family's father and daughter also saw this scene. Wu Ying asked worriedly: "Master Jiang is leaving at this time. Isn't it because Ruozhu has something to do?"

Wu Lie shook his head, "Don't think too much, dad will go find out."

At this time Ao Qi appeared and stopped Wu Lie, "Uncle, please stop asking about Jiang Yichun. I heard that he insisted on leaving and had a dispute with the emperor. Now the emperor is still in a rage and no one dares to mention him."

"Is something wrong with Bai Ruozhu?" Wu Lie became worried. Bai Ruozhu was very kind to their family.

"Probably not. It seems that Jiang Yichun was too seriously injured and felt that he was not suitable to be an official." Ao Qi said. Although he was not from Danliang, he had some foundation and was extremely well-informed.

Wu Ying breathed a sigh of relief, "It's good if Ruozhu is fine, but it's a pity for Mr. Jiang."

"It's good that people are alive. When we are at our age, it doesn't matter what kind of martial arts or internal strength, as long as people can be safe." Wu Lie said with some emotion, "You two should also be more careful. Don't rush in when attacking the capital. You must ensure that Your own safety! You can earn military merit again at any time, but if you lose your life, all your efforts will be in vain."

"Uncle is right, Ao Qi took note of it." Ao Qi said respectfully.

Wu Ying also nodded, "Dad, I remembered it."

Wu Lie felt happy when he saw that his prospective son-in-law and his daughter were both so sensible. His daughter had been a thorn in the side before, but he could never have imagined that his daughter could change like this.

After everything calmed down, the marriage was arranged for the two of them.

Jiang Yichun left the camp all the way, and Gao Deng left from the darkness. They met outside the city not far away, planning to go south overnight.

"Thank you for your hard work, Dad. I'm really afraid that something might happen to Ruozhu." Jiang Yichun said to Gao Deng in shame.

"What kind of hard work is this? I'm not old yet. What's the point of traveling all night?" Gao Deng glared, "Besides, Bai Ruozhu is also my adopted daughter and my daughter-in-law. Can I not worry about her?"

Jiang Yichun managed to squeeze out a smile, but soon turned his face serious, "Dad, don't say anything when you see her. Remember what you promised me."

"Okay, I will do what I say." Gao Deng said a little depressed.

The group of people rode on horseback for less than half an hour when Gao Deng suddenly stopped and whispered to Jiang Yichun: "No, there is an ambush ahead."

Jiang Yichun's heart sank. He regarded the emperor as his elder brother. Did the emperor really want to do this?

With a whoosh, the arrow pierced the night sky and shot towards his face quickly...

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