Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2035 Trial, Enlightenment

Three days passed in the blink of an eye. Bai Ruozhu put makeup on her and her second brother early in the morning. Both of them looked blue under the eyes and depressed.

"Does it need to be so troublesome?" Bai Zepei was not used to "putting on makeup", something women do, and his expression was very awkward.

"You have to do a complete set for a show. Do you think he will do something wrong again?" Bai Ruozhu finished the last stroke and finally let the second brother go.

Bai Zepei looked at the peep show and looked really depressed.

"The rest of the family won't go for a while. Most of the second elders think that everyone in the family has lost their energy." Bai Ruozhu said, getting up and going to talk to the third elder and the others.

Others nodded, but were still a little worried about the two of them, and repeatedly told them to pay attention to their safety.

"Uncle, are the Qizhi Cards dangerous?" Bai Ruozhu asked. In fact, she still didn't know what the Qizhi Cards were for. She had entered the illusion before, and she had entered the trial. She had some understanding of the trial. But the Qizhi card is different. Very few people know about it, even the third elder doesn't know much about it.

"There should be no danger, but be careful not to get lost in your own obsessions." The third elder sighed, "It is said that the higher a person's wisdom, the easier it is for them to have obsessions and even give birth to inner demons. Zepei, you have to be careful. "

He was a little depressed and seemed to have remembered something.

Bai Ruozhu wanted to ask more questions, but time was already running out, so she had no choice but to leave the house with her second brother and walk towards the altar.

Jiuli allows young people of appropriate age to undergo a trial every year, but a person can only enter once in a lifetime. The trial place is opened every year, but the enlightenment card is not opened every year. It is said that it has not been opened for six years before this. .

Before the trial, there was a ceremony to offer sacrifices to heaven. This year's trial had already been carried out. Waiting for another year was too long. Therefore, under the strong recommendation of Elder Su, the Jiuli tribe held a ceremony to offer sacrifices to heaven for the two of them separately, and then let The two went to trial and enlightenment cards.

Unexpectedly, when Bai Ruozhu and Bai Zepei arrived at the altar, many people were already watching.

She quietly glanced at the calm face of the second brother, thinking that with so many eager eyes staring at the second brother, the second brother didn't look awkward at all. This mentality was really not a good one.

Anyway, at her age in the previous life, she couldn't do it. It's no wonder that the second brother can play Qizhi Pai.

"Is that Bai Zepei? No one has been able to play Qizhipai in six years. How smart he is!" Someone whispered to his companions.

"You are indeed handsome, but why do you look so not in good spirits? Are you sick? Will it affect your performance?" A girl said regretfully.

"There is nothing we can do if we are sick. It is already an exception to hold a separate ceremony for them this time. How can we choose another day?"

Elder Su also noticed that the two of them were not in good spirits, so he hurriedly called them over and asked, "What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I just haven't slept well these days." Bai Ruozhu replied.

Someone next to me sneered, "Young man, you are probably too nervous."

Bai Ruozhu knew this person. He was the sixth elder and had a close relationship with the second elder.

She didn't explain it, anyway, this was the effect she wanted.

Elder Su showed doubts. Based on his understanding of the two brothers and sisters, they were both very stable. How could they be so nervous that they could not rest well because of this trial? Could it be that someone did something?

He wanted to ask a doctor to check the two of them, but he also thought that Bai Ruozhu's medical skills were superior to those of the traditional Chinese medicine doctors. She herself said she was fine, so what could the doctor find out?

"Okay, the auspicious time has arrived, don't wait any longer." The second elder said displeasedly.

Elder Su could only put away his suspicions and follow several elders to hold a ceremony to worship the heaven. Bai Ruozhu and Bai Zepei followed the procedure step by step, and their bodies were still a little unsteady, which made the second elder on the side look even more happy, with a sinister smile on their faces.

"This..." Elder Su saw everything and wanted to discuss it with the third elder, but found that the third elder was not present at all.

In the past, the third elder was obsessed with martial arts and never participated in the annual ceremony to worship the heaven. Therefore, he was also responsible for all aspects of the ceremony. There was nothing wrong even if he didn't come. But considering the importance he attaches to the Bai family's children, he shouldn't not come and see them.

Elder Su was even more worried, but suddenly he caught a glimpse of Bai Ruozhu blinking at him. For a moment, she was in high spirits, but where was the sluggishness from before? Elder Su understood instantly. How could it be so easy for the second elder to plot against the Bai Ruozhu brothers and sisters? He just waits to see the good show.

Of course, he still had a worried look on his face. Since he was going to act, he had to cooperate.

The second elder looked proud at this moment. He wanted to see how the two brothers and sisters climbed to a high place and then fell down. These people in the clan knew clearly that they had offended him, and they still came early in the morning to watch the fun. Isn't it because Bai Zepei was the only one who could go to Qizhipai in the past six years? Wait until he fails to pass the enlightenment cards and falls off the altar, and then look at the faces of these people.

There is also Bai Zepei, whom Elder Su is trying to protect. When the time comes, he will definitely question Elder Su's judgment. Besides, he has selfish motives and must drive Elder Su out of the Elder Hall.

Fortunately, the second elder has been immersed in power for many years. Even now, he is almost laughing with joy. His face has not changed much, but he is still calm.

Bai Ruozhu glanced at him secretly and sneered in her heart, waiting to see if the second elder could still be so calm.

She has been taking red fruits and calming medicine in the past few days, and the nightmares have not reoccurred, at least they will not be affected during the trial.

Finally, the heaven-sacrifice ceremony ended and the trial door was opened. Elder Su said loudly: "Jiu Li's descendant Bai Ruozhu enters the trial place!"

Bai Ruozhu nodded towards his second brother, "Second brother, come on, I'll go first."

After saying that, she strode in without hesitation. For a moment, the world was spinning. She didn't know where she went, as if she had been teleported to a far away place.

And at that moment, she seemed to feel that someone was watching her, and the words Elder Su shouted did not seem to be informing her to go in, but seemed to be informing someone inside that someone had gone in for a trial.

Is there some powerful old man living there? Will you observe every move of the tester?

But what happened to Wei Yu back then was not discovered. Was it because there were too many people in the trial? Did the other party neglect it?

No matter what, she thought it would be better not to enter the space easily, as she would be in trouble if someone noticed her.

On the other side of the altar, the black disk on the other side slowly opened, and Elder Su still said loudly: "Jiu Li's descendant Bai Zepei entered the Qizhi card."

Bai Zepei strode in. The door behind him closed slowly, blocking everyone's excited and curious sight. He walked in slowly and saw a spacious hall in front of him. In the center of the hall was a rosewood shelf. They are spiritual tablets, but there is no writing on those spiritual tablets!

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