Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2126 Ominous Man

The clan leader checked the conditions of everyone, and found that Xiao Shao and Ji Ling were the most seriously injured. Xiao Shao was still unable to fight alone, and Ji Ling's internal injuries were not serious, but her face was very ugly.

Although the wound on Bai Ruozhu's neck was particularly scary, it was actually a skin injury.

"Quirong's tricks are really hard to guard against." Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but say. She clearly remembered the feeling at that moment. If she hadn't hid in the space, she would have died by now.

The clan leader and the third elder had the most interactions with the Quanrong clan. They led everyone back and started chatting.

"Tricks are unpredictable and difficult to guard against, but we found that there is a time interval between their attacks, and the method and intensity of the attacks cannot be completely fixed. In other words, if you are lucky, it will hit you with an internal force, but if you are not lucky, It may be that the extremely strong murderous aura directly pierced your throat, just like Ruozhu just did." The clan leader said.

Bai Ruozhu smiled bitterly, "It turns out I'm unlucky."

The third elder said: "The more people who use tricks at the same time, the stronger the effect will be, so it is right for you to attack the person who uses tricks."

"There is no need to be discouraged. Although the Greedy Wolf Technique is extremely terrifying, the user must rest for at least three months or even half a year after using it. Those with poor cultivation may directly become disabled and cannot use trickery in the future. Therefore, The Quanrong tribe won't use it easily. After all, they don't have many people, and there are even fewer people who practice trickery." The tribe leader continued, "It's just that lunatic You Meng who went crazy because of the death of his son. If If another Quanrong elder were present, he would definitely stop him."

Feng Jiu said lazily: "He can only play dirty tricks. In fact, he has no brains. He only thinks about waiting near the barrier and doesn't think about the absolute advantage here for us."

Everyone was amused by his words, and the atmosphere became much more relaxed.

While they were talking, they saw Ji Jun'er and the others running towards them with worried faces from a distance, presumably because they heard some noise.

"Ruozhu, why are you injured?" Ji Yun'er exclaimed. Lin Ping'er also looked at her daughter's neck distressedly. Bai Ruozhu thought it was better to bandage it, otherwise it would have frightened them even more.

"Sister, it's my fault that I didn't go with you." Xiao Si said dullly, if he went, he would be able to help a little.

Xiaosi was not in a good mood these days, so Bai Ruozhu and the others went out to do shopping, but he did not follow them. On the one hand, he had just arrived in the Jiuli Clan and was not as eager to go out as others. On the other hand, he always felt that he had killed Sun Xu and felt a little uneasy, but he never mentioned this to anyone, just for fear that his master and parents would worry him.

He wanted to kill the monster, but he didn't want the monster to possess a person, and the person was not dead at the time.

Although Sister Ruozhu said that the man's internal organs had been devoured by the monster and he could not survive, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

In addition, I probably miss that little girl named Feng Wuchen.

Bai Ruozhu patted Xiao Si on the shoulder and said, "Then you can practice martial arts with Master and you will be able to protect us in the future."

Xiao Si nodded seriously, "I will work hard."

Bai Ruozhu then went home and took good care of the wound. She had spent a lot of energy fighting You Meng before, but now she was really tired, so she fell asleep.

The clan leader and elders understood the situation clearly, and also knew that Du Fei's dead son was actually the father of You Meng, the patriarch of the Quanrong clan. Everyone was very angry and wanted to sentence Du Fei to death.

"We always guard against them. We wait until they attack and then defend. This will definitely not work. It's time to find an opportunity to counterattack them and teach them a lesson." The seventh elder, who is more violent, said.

"In the past few years, they have killed many of our tribesmen who have gone out for training. It is time to teach them some lessons. The tricks of the Dog Rong are unpredictable. How can we crack it?" Chief Su said.

Everyone fell silent, but soon began to discuss countermeasures. Now they were no longer the Jiuli people who were blindly defensive and only wanted to preserve their strength.

Bai Ruozhu didn't wake up until noon the next day. During this period, Dengdeng and Xiaosi looked at her several times and were worried to death. Ji Ling also went to see the doctor of the clan and found out that Bai Ruozhu was just too late. I'm tired and need a good sleep.

In fact, what she suffered was not only the consumption of that battle, but also the exhaustion accumulated from Jiang Yichun's departure, which made her feel sad and sleepless at night.

Fortunately, after sleeping like this, she felt much better after waking up, not only mentally, but also psychologically.

After experiencing life and death, her mood has changed a lot. Although she still can't forget him, she will no longer be immersed in pain.

She still has family to accompany her, children to take care of, and many things to do. She must cheer up and not be depressed any longer!

At this moment, Bai Ruozhu's eyes lit up again, regaining their original look.

She got up, applied medicine to her neck again, wrapped gauze around it, and went downstairs to talk to her family.

The three children all became happy when they saw her. The little Dengdeng was sweet-mouthed and kept saying that she missed her mother. The two younger ones, who couldn't speak yet, just screamed and then stopped to hug her.

Bai Ruozhu was holding one in her left hand and the other in her right hand. The two fat boys were getting heavier and heavier. If she hadn't practiced martial arts, she wouldn't have been able to hold two of them at the same time with her previous body.

She played with the child for a while and ate some food, and then she realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere at home. But there seemed to be nothing wrong with her parents, so she turned her attention to Ji Ling.

"Auntie, are your internal injuries better? Is there something going on at home?" she asked in a low voice.

Ji Ling winked at her and excused herself to go to her room to check her internal injuries. Then she entered the room and immediately grabbed Bai Ruozhu and said, "Ruozhu, your grandma started to be in a bad mood yesterday. She said this morning that she didn't want to get married to the third elder. He also said that he is an unknown person, and if we had not gone shopping for her to get married, we would not have been in danger."

"I didn't mention it to your parents. I think they are worried about you. Besides, it's not good for your parents to persuade you. Your grandma still feels that she has harmed your father." Ji Ling's eyes turned red as she spoke, "I I advised her not to think too much, aren't we okay? She went out early in the morning, and I was afraid that she would go to the third elder and tell her that we couldn't get married."

Bai Ruozhu felt a little uncomfortable, so she stood up and said to Ji Ling, "I'll go to Taolin and try to persuade grandma."

"We must not let her reject the third elder again. The third elder has suffered enough." Ji Ling understands this feeling best. Fengjiu has been waiting for her for more than ten years, but the third elder has been waiting for Ji Yun'er for decades. ah.

Bai Ruozhu nodded, "I'll do my best."

She approached the peach grove and saw her grandma sitting under a peach tree from a distance. Just like when she first met, she was still in the same place, under the peach tree, and she was still so lonely.

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