Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2127 Yizi is missing (20 updates)

Bai Ruozhu walked over slowly. She was a little scared in her heart, probably because she was afraid that seeing the desperate expression on her grandma's face would make her feel distressed.

Ji Jun'er raised her head, and the silver thread slipped down, with a few peach petals stuck on it.

"Is the injury better?" Ji Jun'er asked.

"Much better." Bai Ruozhu replied, then went over and sat next to her.

"It was grandma who hurt you." Ji Jun'er's voice was very soft, as if she was mumbling to herself.

Bai Ruozhu laughed, stretched out his hand to hold her arm and said, "What are you talking about? If you really think about it, it's me who has caused everyone's trouble."

"It's also my fault that I had a conflict with the Feng family. Later, Du Fei escaped from the clan and met Ah Chun on the road. She hated me in her heart, so she wanted to assassinate Ah Chun, but she was caught by Ah Chun and the others." When she mentioned Jiang Yichun now, she didn't It hurts so much, but my heart feels empty.

"Later, Du Fei's son went to rescue him and almost killed the medical saint, but was beheaded by Ah Chun and the others. And yesterday You Meng intercepted us just to avenge his son. So in the final analysis, it is also my fault. I shouldn't mess with the Feng family," Bai Ruozhu said.

Ji Yun'er became anxious upon hearing this, "I don't blame you, you came to see me too, otherwise there wouldn't have been these storms at all."

"So no one expected that the Jiuli tribe would be in civil strife. The second elder also turned to monsters to harm his own people. Many things were beyond our expectation. Even if we didn't go out and just stayed at home, we didn't see anyone causing trouble for us."

Bai Ruozhu said and sighed, "This life in this world is full of ups and downs. Without wind and waves, it wouldn't be called life."

"What did Ji Ling tell you? Are you here to persuade me?" Ji Jun'er smiled bitterly.

"You are my grandma. I shouldn't be in a bad mood. Are you here to cheer me up?" Bai Ruozhu asked with a smile. Now Ji Yun'er felt a little embarrassed.

Bai Ruozhu smiled and continued: "Actually, there are some things we didn't tell you at the beginning. For example, I had a child before I got married. At that time, Ah Chun had an accident and was not with me. I caused my parents to be laughed at by the villagers. Of course I blame myself very much and even have the idea of ​​not wanting to live anymore, but my parents and brothers are so good to me, how can I make them sad?"

What she was talking about was actually more of the memory of her predecessor, who wanted to die at that time.

"Grandma, you have your aunt and us now. What can't you get through? Why are you so pessimistic? Besides, the third elder has been waiting for you for decades. I'm afraid not many men in this world can do it. How can you bear it? Is he disappointed again?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

"But I..." Ji Yun'er paused as she spoke, "I'm just afraid of hurting him."

Bai Ruozhu shook his head, "It's no harm, my master has the art of observing Qi. I've seen that your luck is not bad, but you are overthinking it."

"You don't want to comfort me, are you really going to do that?" Ji Yun'er asked dubiously.

"Of course, you can go and find out. Before I became a disciple, my master, who was the former national master of Danliang Kingdom, helped me and said that I was a person with purple energy rising from the east. He later accepted me as his disciple. How can I not learn this skill?" Bai Ruozhu actually doesn't know how to watch Qi, but she just said this to reassure her grandma.

Ji Yun'er's expression improved a lot, and she seemed to have listened.

Bai Ruozhu thought to herself that if she had said that she knew Qi Observation from the beginning, she really failed to grasp the old man's mentality.

Sure enough, at night, Ji Ling said happily: "How did you persuade me? Your grandma's mood has improved a lot, and she doesn't mention that she is an unlucky person anymore."

Bai Ruozhu said with a smile: "I know Qi-watching. I helped grandma see that she has good luck, so she stopped thinking about it."

Ji Ling laughed, "That's not true. If we weren't lucky enough, would we have a granddaughter as smart as you?"

Three days later, the wedding between Ji Yun'er and the third elder was successfully held. Many people in the clan came to celebrate and sent many congratulatory gifts. Because the Jiuli people don't like yellow and white things, and many people rarely go out, so most of their gifts are precious medicinal materials collected in the back mountains. But Bai Ruozhu was so greedy that she was so greedy. As expected, on the second day of the wedding, Ji Yun The son gave her most of the medicinal materials.

If he wasn't busy, Bai Ruozhu would have gone to the back mountain to search for herbs for a few days.

After that, Bai Zepei planned to leave. He had to complete his inspection errands and then return to Beijing to deliver business.

Bai Yihong and his wife also wanted to leave with him. After being away from home for so long, they also missed home and their eldest son's family.

However, Bai Zepei persuaded his parents. On the one hand, the situation was not yet stable, and on the other hand, it was inconvenient for the third elder to leave the Jiuli clan for the time being. If they took Ji Yun'er away, wouldn't they have to separate just after they got married?

Bai Ruozhu also agreed with her second brother's opinion. In addition, she felt that the Jiuli people's beautiful scenery was very suitable for recuperating their health. It would be good for her parents to stay here for a while.

As for herself, she didn't know where to go.

But thinking about it carefully, she still had a lot of things to do. She had to find a way to undo the curse on her body, find the whereabouts of Ning Yu and Yu Huan, and let Ning Yu give birth to Le Bin. Prince Xi broke the curse. This was something she promised and would never forget.

Before the second brother left, he was most worried about her. He found an opportunity to tell her alone: ​​"I will help you find out about the person who can break the curse along the way. I will contact you through the Chamber of Commerce when the time comes."

Bai Ruozhu made some snacks and said, "Let the second brother worry about it."

Bai Zepei was silent for a moment, and then suddenly said: "If Jiang Yichun doesn't come back, you can find a father for Deng Deng again. With my little sister's talent and appearance, there will definitely be many men taking the initiative to pursue her."

"Second brother, please stop teasing me. We still have three children. I don't want to think about this for the time being." Bai Ruozhu lowered his head, covering the fog in his eyes.

When it comes to Ah Chun, her heart still hurts.

"Then you can think about it later." Bai Zepei said.

Within two days, Bai Zepei and Si Yihuan left the Jiuli tribe. When they left, many people went to see them off. In addition to the people from the Wei Hall, there were actually many married women from the tribe.

Even Bai Zepei took Si Yihuan's hand and left, and the girl quietly wiped away her tears. Bai Ruozhu looked dumbfounded. Should she be so affectionate to her second brother? I'm afraid the second brother has never spoken to them, right?

Bai Ruozhu and the others went to Duanyang City for shopping before and left their contact addresses for the people below. Letters have been arriving in the past few days. The one that worries Bai Ruozhu the most is that Yi Zi has not returned yet!

She asked Jian Qi to go out and inquire. Yi Zi said that she was going to the nearby mountains to find materials for setting up the formation. She didn't say how long she would be back, but it had been almost ten days since she left.

Bai Ruozhu knew Yi Zi well. She was a bit clingy in character, that is, she was afraid of being alone. She had been sad to be separated from Bai Ruozhu for a long time this time, so even if she counted the days, she would think that Bai Ruozhu was coming out soon. How could it be that many days have passed without coming back? ——

After finishing the work~ I only slept four or five hours for many days in exchange for saving the manuscript, and it was gone in the blink of an eye. My body ached so much that I wanted to cry, and I went to sleep~

PS: I don’t know if there are any book friends who like to read male videos. I would like to recommend a good book "Emperor Swallowing Heaven". The author Qianxun Luoluo is the younger brother of a certain person. He is handsome and well-written. He is an authentic little fresh meat~

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