Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2153 Drinking alone under the moon

Although the words were polite, they were somewhat provocative, as if to say: Tang Zhuangyuan, you have the ability to show off your skills. Let us see if you are worthy of the title of No. 1 Scholar.

"What is the name of the speaker? I can't remember the younger one. He is related by marriage to Tian An, the number one pick the year before last." Gao Yu's voice came from the side.

Bai Ruozhu knew in her heart that Tian An was unhappy with Tang Feng and was stumbling upon him.

It's just a poem written on the spot, what's the problem?

Tang Feng stepped forward and said with a smile: "Now that Brother Lin has opened his mouth, Tang has made a fool of himself."

The speaker rolled his eyes and said: "With the talent of the number one scholar of the Tang Dynasty, it is meaningless to write a poem in such a simple way. How about choosing a topic and making it more difficult?"

"How to choose a topic?" Tang Feng asked patiently.

The man rolled his eyes and criticized the wine served by the maid: "What do you think of Tang Zhuangyuan as the title of this wine?"

Tang Feng frowned slightly, but soon relaxed, "Okay, I will follow Brother Lin's wishes."

Many people caught the moment when Tang Feng frowned slightly, and wondered in their hearts, maybe Tang Feng didn't have any good ideas about the wine proposition. Is he going to make a fool of himself today?

Many people became excited. After all, Tang Feng was not from his country. Many people were not convinced by him and even had some xenophobia.

Soon Tang Feng took a pen and started writing on the paper. His graceful movements and outstanding temperament made many people couldn't help but admire him.

No matter how good the poem was, they were impressed by his magnanimity.

The words were written in a eloquent way, almost filling a piece of paper.

A scribe accompanying him could not help but read.

"If heaven does not love wine, the wine stars are not in the sky. If the earth does not love wine, there should be no fountains of wine. Heaven and earth love wine, and if you love wine, you are worthy of heaven. I have heard that it is clearer than the sage, and the Tao is as turbid as the sage. The sage has drunk it , why ask for gods. Three cups lead to the road, and a fight combines with nature. But if you get the fun from wine, don't pass it on to those who are sober."

At the end of the reading, the man became a little excited, and his voice could not help but become much louder.

"Okay, that's good, but you have to enjoy drinking, don't pass it on to those who are sober." Another person next to him laughed, "I don't think Tang Zhuangyuan was also a lover of wine. This poem is well written, great!"

"It's so impressive. It makes me want to drink three hundred glasses of wine."

"Haha, you'll be drunk to death after three hundred cups. I don't dare to think too much about it. I just want to get drunk."

Listening to the praises, Lin You, who was looking for trouble, didn't look very good and said, "This poem by Tang Zhuangyuan is good, but his tone is a bit arrogant, isn't it?"

The discussion suddenly became quieter. Lin You was clearly looking for trouble. It all depends on how Tang Feng will deal with it.

Tang Feng said unhurriedly: "We are all young men, and they will behave like this after drinking. However, we should not pass it on to those who are sober. If Brother Lin doesn't like it, wait until he has had a few drinks before he is drunk again." Just read this poem.”

Many people laughed, as if the meaning in the poem was that only people who drank the same wine could clearly explain the fun in the wine. Lin You felt arrogant because he did not understand the fun in the wine.

Lin Youqi's face was livid, and he wanted to argue again, but received a look from Tian Anshi not far away, so he had to sit down and take a sip of tea.

It turned out that the tea soup was hot, and his tongue was burned all of a sudden, and he almost spit it out. But how could he be so rude in this situation, he could only hold on tightly with his teeth, and slowly waited for the tea to warm before swallowing it.

Bai Ruozhu whispered to Gao Juan and Jian Qi: "Look, that man's mouth and tongue were burned by the hot tea. Is this retribution?"

She smiled and shook her head as she spoke. A guy like Lin You with a mind like this who wants to plot against Tang Feng is simply asking for trouble.

But why did Tang Feng choose this poem by Li Bai?

As far as she knew, apart from using some ancient poems when he was young, Tang Feng later composed his own poems. He had studied poetry and calligraphy since he was a child, and was somewhat arrogant, unwilling to blindly use ancient poems to impress. But if I use this poem today, I’m afraid it’s not because I’m in a hurry and I don’t have a good poem, right?

It seems that the most likely reason is because of her.

Only when he talks about ancient poems can she, a "fellow fellow", guess the meaning.

Gao Zhan thought of something with her, and whispered beside her: "Drink alone under the moon."

This poem is the second one in "Drinking Alone Under the Moon", which is also Li Bai's very famous poem "A pot of wine among the flowers, drinking alone without a blind date. Raising a glass to the bright moon, facing each other and forming three people." That poem was written after , and two other poems make up the four poems "Drinking Alone under the Moon".

Bai Ruozhu thought about it carefully and felt that the poem written by Tang Feng had no other meaning and was the least likely to be discovered, so the meaning he wanted to express should be among the other three poems.

The first song is very similar to Tang Feng's situation at this time. He is lonely without friends and can only drink alone to the moon, and he is not even free yet.

But Bai Ruozhu still had no way of confirming what he wanted to express, and she didn't dare to be distracted. She could only suppress the matter for the time being and think about it carefully when she went back.

At this time, someone announced that Princess Fu'an had arrived.

Everyone stood up one after another, and Bai Ruozhu also stood up and saluted. Immediately following Princess Fu'an, accompanied by her maid, she walked gracefully, smiled at everyone, and said, "No need to be polite, everyone, please sit down and continue."

"Princess, the prince-in-law has written a poem." A maid reminded cheerfully, and took Tang Feng's poem to show it to Princess Fu'an.

Bai Ruozhu looked from a distance and saw that there was no Jiang Dan among the maids brought by Princess Fu'an today, probably to avoid suspicion. After all, it was rumored that she was not clear with Jiang Dan.

Princess Fu'an took the poem and read it, then a smile spread across her face, "It is indeed a good poem, and the consort is also a lover of wine."

Tang Feng's expression froze, then he saluted and said, "Princess, you are so complimentary."

The people below all looked envious, but Bai Ruozhu knew that those who came here to participate in the poetry conference would respect Tang Feng and call him "Tang Zhuangyuan" instead of "Tang's Consort". But Princess Fu'an appeared and mentioned the word "consort" several times. This not only showed the deep love between the two as husband and wife, but also reminded Tang Feng not to forget his identity.

Princess Fu'an still had a gentle and dignified smile on her face, and said: "I am also passing by to join in the fun. There will be a poetry contest later, right? I am here to give you a lottery because I am afraid that everyone will not be able to let go, so I will start with Farewell."

The maid took the gift box and opened it, revealing a set of glazed tea sets. Princess Fu'an smiled and said, "If I had known that Prince Consort meant wine, I would have prepared a set of wine sets."

Tang Feng saluted, and the gift box said: "Thank you, Princess, this prize is really rare."

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but snicker. When Tang Feng said this, he must also be snickering in his heart.

Liuli was precious to people at this time, because the technology was difficult to achieve, and most of Liuli's things came from the West. But to modern people, isn’t it just a bunch of artificial crystal products? Not much different from glass.

Moreover, the craftsmanship was limited at this time. Although the colored glass tea set was beautiful in color, it was not thin and transparent at all, and it was not as good as modern colored glass cups.

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