Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2154 Penglai Pavilion

Bai Ruozhu glanced at Gao Dian next to him who was also snickering, and knew that he and she were thinking of the same place. The three time travelers were here to laugh at the ancients. Is that really okay?

Princess Fu'an glanced at Tang Feng before saying goodbye and retreating. Her eyes were full of tenderness, just like a little wife facing her husband, which made the people below look very envious.

Some people even whispered: "Look, Princess Fu'an is completely infatuated with Tang Zhuangyuan. The two of them are deeply in love and their relationship is going well!"

"That's right, who is it that spread the news that Princess Fu'an has put Tang Zhuangyuan under house arrest? It's sheer nonsense!"

"There is chaos in the court. The emperor is young and many people are concerned about his position. It would not be surprising if someone attacks Princess Fu'an." Someone else said.

Bai Ruozhu's ears were very good and he heard all the whispers of these people. He felt very contemptuous in his heart. These people were still literati and could be regarded as the opinion leaders of this era. Why did they change just by looking at this picture? What do you think of Princess Fu'an? Don't they know there is a word called "acting"?

However, there were still many people who didn't say anything. They were probably skeptical about Princess Fu'an's performance. After all, it was still a long time. Princess Fu'an didn't expect to change her image by just holding a poetry conference. She wanted to come to Tang Feng's poetry conference, but also The Siwen Society will continue to be run with him.

Immediately, Tang Feng announced the start of the following activities, followed by the meandering water drinking ceremony. Tang Feng invited everyone to stand up and went to the winding stream in the guild hall. Everyone took a seat. Although it seemed casual, it was very meaningful. Rhyme.

The creek in Changnyeong Hall is very special. It is an artificially excavated river channel with twists and turns, which is very suitable for this kind of meandering water drinking game.

There are musicians playing by the stream, and the elegant sound of silk and bamboo sounds makes people calm down.

At this time, cups of wine slowly flowed down the stream.

As a modern person, Bai Ruozhu played this kind of game for the first time and couldn't help but take a closer look at the wine glass floating down the river. This kind of wine glass is small and has a support at the bottom, so it can float on the water. She looked carefully and saw that the wine glass was made of wood, so it would not sink.

In the blink of an eye, a wine glass stopped in front of a talented man. He was very happy, and then he picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp. He also composed a drinking poem, but his drinking poem was different from Tang Feng's. Tang Feng's was unrestrained and wanton. , but his description is delicate, describing the color and taste of the wine. Although it is good, it has more craftsmanship and is not as brilliant as Tang Feng's poem.

After all, Tang Feng is the number one scholar, and there are few people who can compare with his literary talent, so this poem is considered to be excellent. It quickly won the cheers of everyone, and then another wine glass stopped in front of others.

The meandering wine tasting went smoothly, and the atmosphere gradually became lively. A wine glass stopped in front of Tian An in the middle. He wrote a poem describing the scene. The poem was majestic and had a somewhat grand and lofty meaning. It won a lot of people. People's praise.

Tian An was very happy and secretly looked at Tang Feng's reaction from the corner of his eyes. Unfortunately, Tang Feng didn't look at him, which made him feel very frustrated. He gritted his teeth and thought: One day he will teach Tang Feng a lesson and let him know. Who is worthy of being the real number one scholar? Tang Feng is just a male favorite who was betrothed by the princess.

Immediately, everyone selected the most outstanding poem, which would get the glass tea set given by the princess. The poem by Tian An was finally selected.

I don’t want anyone to say: “The wine poem written before the number one scholar of the Tang Dynasty was a bit more outstanding, so the prize should go to the number one scholar of the Tang Dynasty.”

Tian An was a little displeased, but he quickly calmed down and saluted Tang Feng, saying, "The poem by the Prince Consort of the Tang Dynasty is indeed better than mine, and the prize should go to the Prince Consort of the Tang Dynasty."

Many people's expressions changed slightly after hearing this. Everyone else called him Tang Zhuangyuan, and Tian An directly called him Tang's Prince Consort. Isn't the meaning obvious?

Tang Feng smiled at Tian An and said: "Since it is a gift from the princess, if I take it away, won't it lose its meaning? I am the organizer of this conference, and I just want to make friends with poems, so I don't want this gift." "

Someone laughed and laughed and said, "Yes, let Tang Feng take Princess Fu'an's prize. Isn't it a gift from my own family? Tian An, don't be polite. Among these poems, no one can compare to yours." "

Bai Ruozhu glanced at the speaker quietly. He was really eloquent and had a high emotional intelligence. He praised both of them in just one sentence, which made Tian An stand out.

Tian An wanted to let Tang Feng take something if he didn't want it, and he was very reluctant to do so. But thinking about it carefully, he didn't feel that his poems were any worse than Tang Feng's. He only felt that Tang Feng's poem was extremely arrogant, not even a bit arrogant. He didn't know how much he weighed, but thinking about his victory over Tang Feng, he felt much more comfortable now.

Bai Ruozhu did not compose poetry. She was originally an insignificant middle-aged businessman and her position was very outside, so as soon as the poetry conference ended, she left with others.

After returning to his residence, Bai Ruozhu wrote down the four parts of "Drinking Alone under the Moon" and studied them with Gao Juan.

Gao Juan pointed to a place and said, "Is it here?"

He was referring to the sentence "Xianyang City in March". Bai Ruozhu frowned, "Where is Xianyang City? He can't go there recently, right?"

"Write it down first, and let the people below check it later." Gao Juan said.

Then Bai Ruozhu saw another sentence, "Could Penglai and Gaotai in the fourth song be the names that appear in Beijing?"

Gao Juan thought for a while and suddenly said: "I remembered that there is a scenic spot called Penglai Pavilion not far from Beijing. It is a summer resort and there is a hot spring. Will Princess Fu'an want to stay at Penglai Pavilion for a while? "

Bai Ruozhu's eyes lit up, "If that's the case, we can go to Penglai Pavilion in advance to arrange the arrangements. As long as we don't alert the snake, the chance of rescuing Tang Feng will be much greater."

"Then are you really planning to kill Fu'an?" Gao Juan asked suddenly. Bai Ruozhu had told him about his cooperation with Zhou Shibin before, but he didn't speak at that time and didn't want to ask about it now.

"What, it's your relative, you don't want me to kill him?" Bai Ruozhu asked with raised eyebrows.

Regardless of anything else, let's just say that she harmed Tang Feng, colluded with Jiang Dan, and arrested many young men to cause harm. Killing Princess Fu'an was considered as eliminating harm for the people.

"I'm afraid that Tang Feng won't agree. One day is a blessing for a couple, and it's easy to kill her. When the chaos breaks out in Beijing, we can take Tang Feng and escape back to Danliang. I'm afraid that he won't let you kill her. It will be difficult to deal with it then." Gao Chan shook his head and sighed.

Bai Ruozhu thought for a while and said: "Tang Feng is a decisive person. I don't think he will be soft-hearted. Even if he is really soft-hearted, then let's kidnap her as a hostage and escape."

Gao Chan shook his head, "She is of no use as a hostage. King Ying will pursue us and he would like us to kill Fu'an directly in anger."

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