Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2202 Covered in Poison

Why were you joking just now and now you are so serious in the blink of an eye? Feng Jizhi touched his nose. Could it be that he had offended Bai Ruozhu without knowing it?

He doesn't seem to be such a reckless person, right? Feng Jizhi's expression became serious in the next second. The other party must be powerful, so Bai Ruozhu suddenly changed his attitude.

Indeed, as Feng Jizhi thought, Bai Ruozhu felt the poison powder in the air before the two people arrived, and she was almost certain that if it was not the poison in the "Poison Sutra", it would only be something similar to Poisons in rare poison spectrums like "Poison Classic".

She didn't dare to be careless. A powerful poison master could be worth a hundred warriors, because he could kill people silently.

Moreover, the people of the Quanrong tribe were murderous and ruthless, and did not care about the dangers of large-scale poisoning. Bai Ruozhu could not help but feel fearful of their reckless attack.

In fact, she came to use the golden cicada to escape. On the one hand, she wanted to avoid the siege of the Quanrong tribe and attack the Fire and Thunder Formation. On the other hand, she did not want to fight the Quanrong people in Duanyang City, because once they fought, they would bring harm to the people in the city. The danger coming is great.

Even though she and the Jiuli people are careful, the Quanrong people don't have so many scruples. They don't care about the lives of ordinary people. If tricks are used again, I don't know how many innocent people will die tragically.

In the wild, Bai Ruozhu feels more at ease when using poison.

She quickly threw a green pill to Jiang Yichun, "There are poisons everywhere, take it quickly."

She threw another porcelain vase to Feng Jizhi, "One for each person, hurry up!"

At this time, a strong wind struck, and Bai Ruozhu dodged to avoid it. The wind also contained poison, and it was a more powerful poison.

"And the antidote? I'm quite capable. But I'm in a bad mood today, old lady, and you all have to die!" The old woman's voice was very ugly, and her throat was obviously broken. Her hands turned into claws and pointed towards the air. With a wave, a large amount of poisonous powder was sprinkled out.

Bai Ruozhu quickly avoided it. Although she was not afraid of most poisons, she was not invulnerable to them, and it was natural to be careful.

"Ha, you are really willing to test the poison everywhere on your body." Bai Ruozhu sneered. The old woman had poison hidden all over her body, but unlike Bai Ruozhu who hid the poison in space, she really used it. Her body contains poison, so her skin is blue and black, and wrinkled in many places. It looks like she is too old and her old skin has too many wrinkles, but it is actually caused by her use of poison.

Even her voice must have been caused by poisoning. Her vocal cords were damaged. She always had this hoarse voice, like sawing wood.

"What do you know? This is called the way of using poison. In my eyes, those little tricks of yours are just like playing with a baby, and they are not enough." The old woman laughed hoarsely, and the voice was particularly unpleasant. If it weren't for the sea of ​​​​fire in front of me that lit up the night sky, it would have been strange to hear such laughter in the dark night.

"Just like those who use their bodies to raise poison, they are all lunatics." Bai Ruozhu said.

The old woman smiled and said, "The masters of cultivating body poison in our clan are indeed powerful, but not everyone has this qualification. Just like my poison, not everyone can match it!"

She slapped Bai Ruozhu hard with her palm, which contained some poisonous powder.

Bai Ruozhu quickly dodged, transferred her inner energy to her sleeves, and slapped it hard. The poisonous powder was blown away by the strong wind and flew back.

But the old woman is not afraid of her own poison, otherwise she would not be able to hide the poison in her body.

"Eh? How could it be okay?" The old woman's face sank. She found that Bai Ruozhu had not been poisoned and fell down, and then she realized that she had underestimated Bai Ruozhu.

Next to them, Jiang Yichun and the old man were fighting fiercely. Gao Chan took the opportunity to make a surprise attack. The old man was beaten so hard that he fell down and vomited blood.

"How can you Jiuli people be so despicable that you sneak attack when one on one?" the old man cursed unwillingly.

Gao Juan couldn't help but laugh, "Who told you about a one-on-one competition? Besides, we are not from Jiuli, but we don't have so many rules. Soon you Quanrong tribe will no longer be despicable?"

Seeing that the old man was injured, the old woman suddenly changed direction and ran towards the old man, reaching out to help him up.

Unexpectedly, the old man shrank back subconsciously as soon as he was caught by her hand. Bai Ruozhu chased him and said with a smile: "Old lady, the men in your family are afraid of the poison on your body."

The old woman trembled with anger and shouted: "Shut up, you all die here!"

She suddenly raised her head and screamed, and a mouthful of black blood spurted out from her mouth.

"Be careful!" Bai Ruozhu shouted and hurriedly pulled Jiang Yichun and Gao Zhan away. As a result, her right shoulder was sprayed with the old woman's blood in several places. Although it was just a few small blood spots, her sleeve Black smoke suddenly erupted from his body, and Bai Ruozhu shivered violently.

She quickly stuffed a handful of green antidote pills into her mouth. The old woman was surprised and wondered how she hid the medicine.

"Ruozhu, are you okay?" Jiang Yichun went to help her worriedly, but Bai Ruozhu avoided her, "Don't touch me, you guys quickly retreat to the barrier."

Gao Juan grabbed Jiang Yichun and dragged him into the barrier, "We can't get involved in the battle between poison masters. Your presence will only make it impossible for her to face the enemy with peace of mind."

Jiang Yichun gritted his teeth. If he hadn't saved him and his father just now, Ruozhu wouldn't have been injured.

"Will your broken barrier be able to block my poison in the future?" The old woman laughed and looked at Bai Ruozhu with an extremely sinister look, as if she wanted to grab her and bite her hard.

"I don't know much, but I know that the poison you made with your heart's blood isn't much, unless you plan to spit out all your heart's blood." Bai Ruozhu said as he stepped back and quickly took the powder to his right shoulder. Fall down.

Her right hand kept shaking, which she didn't want to do, because the whole arm was out of control.

"Killing you is enough!" The old woman rushed towards Bai Ruozhu again, but her movements were obviously slower than before. It could be seen that she had spit out her heart's blood and she was also injured.

Bai Ruozhu did not dare to confront her head-on. The old woman was so angry that she sprayed poison repeatedly, but either Bai Ruozhu avoided her or she was not afraid of the poisonous powder. Suddenly, a ray of white light shot toward the old woman. The old woman had just spilled the poison and was unable to take back her movements before she was bitten by the little fur ball.

"You..." The old woman felt her eyes darkening. She quickly tapped her chest a few times, suddenly turned around, picked up the old man, and ran away quickly.

"Don't let her run away!" Feng Jizhi pointed in the direction of the old woman and shouted, "Everyone aim and fire!"

The kerosene bombs were thrown in the direction of the old woman's escape. Jiuli's mechanics knew how to calculate the trajectory, so many of the kerosene bombs were planned in advance. They flew in front of the old woman and waited for them to land. When he hit her, she was escaping.

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