Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2203 Everything has been seen through

"Ah..." A scream rang out, followed by the explosion of fire and thunder. The old woman and the old man were actually blown up by the fire and thunder planted by the Quanrong tribe themselves!

The screams of the old man followed closely, but they were quickly covered up by the explosion. The mechanics on the Jiuli tribe applauded one after another, and finally let out a bad breath.

Unexpectedly, a figure ran out from the explosion of fire. Bai Ruozhu squinted his eyes and saw that it was the old woman!

It's just that her arm has disappeared, and the old man she was holding has disappeared.

Soon her figure disappeared into the darkness, but a hoarse and sad cry came from the distance: "I will not let you go, I will definitely kill your whole family and make you die with pus all over your body!"

Her voice echoed in the night sky and could not dissipate for a long time.

Bitao couldn't help but shiver and muttered: "What on earth is the poisonous granny? It didn't burn or blow up like this?"

"Maybe she was lucky, or the old man helped her block most of the attacks." Xiao Shao said.

Jiang Yichun rushed out of the barrier and reached out to help Bai Ruozhu, "Ruozhu, are you okay?"

Bai Ruozhu dodged again, "Don't touch me. If I touch you, you will be poisoned. I am resistant to the poison, so it is easier to cure it. If you are poisoned, you will be in trouble."

"If you need any medicinal materials, I will go find them now." Seeing her pale face, Jiang Yichun felt so distressed that he felt stupid for a moment, forgetting that Bai Ruozhu had stored many medicinal materials in the space.

"No, I'll just go find some herbs nearby. Just be careful." Bai Ruozhu didn't bother to say anything more and hurriedly walked to the side. When he reached a place where no one was around, he dove into the space.

Once inside, she went straight to the small hot spring, quickly took off her coat and jumped in.

There was another tearing sound on the shoulder, and black smoke floated up again. The poison refined in the heart was really powerful.

But how many people would use their own blood to practice poison? In that case, there would be no place in her body that was not poisonous. No wonder the old man was so scared when she helped him.

The hot spring pool has turned white again. It is not affected by Jiang Yichun's black blood now, but at this moment, the poisonous blood from Bai Ruozhu's wound flows out, and the hot spring pool water slowly turns black again.

Bai Ruozhu quickly inserted a needle into her shoulder and pulled out all the poison.

Xiao Dengdeng heard the noise and rushed over, saying distressedly: "Mom, why are you injured again? I don't want you to get hurt, and I don't want you to be in such pain."

"Mom is fine. It's because she wasn't careful enough. She'll be fine after a while, but you can't touch the water in the hot spring pool, you know?" Bai Ruozhu explained.

"I know, I haven't touched him in the past few days." Xiao Dengdeng was very sensible.

Bai Ruozhu didn't dare to stay in the space for too long, not knowing what changes would happen outside. When the poisonous blood on her shoulder was almost gone, she looked at her shoulder and was startled.

The old woman's poisonous blood was spattered in three places. They were small dots, but they were corroded into three extremely deep holes. If she hadn't dealt with them in time, the bones would have been corroded.

She found some clean clothes to change into, put on her coat again, and gave instructions to Tutu and Xiaohei before leaving the room.

As soon as I went out, I heard the sound of a military exchange not far away. It was You Meng who came with his men to kill!

Bai Ruozhu didn't rush over to help. She narrowed her eyes. Is she worried that You Meng could come here in person?

"Do you really think you can burn out the Fire Thunder Array?" You Meng raised his hand, and there was a crashing sound in the distance. The mechanism was opened, and trenches as deep as traps appeared, isolating the fire from the outside.

Unexpectedly, the explosion of this fire and thunder formation is extremely powerful, and there are also traps in it!

The burning fire was separated, and there was less and less stuff on the ground as they moved forward. The fire soon became smaller, and Bai Ruozhu and the others had almost used up the kerosene bombs they had prepared.

Bai Ruozhu took out the porcelain bottle and poured out all the poisonous powder. The people on her side would not be affected if they took the green antidote pills, but the same would not happen to You Meng's people.

"Poisonous! Everyone, be careful!" You Meng shouted, "Arrange yourself in formation and activate your tricks!"

Bai Ruozhu's eyes widened suddenly, and his body shot out. The sleeve arrow mechanism on his arm was activated, and the short arrow shot towards You quickly.

Feng Jizhi and the others saw Jiang Yichun's gesture and immediately evacuated in the planned direction.

Bai Ruozhu rushed over and gave Jiang Yichun a hand, and the two of them quickly evacuated.

The first attack from the trick behind them had already come over. The two of them ran forward desperately, only to feel a force of energy coming from behind. The two of them were almost knocked down by the rush, but because of this, they and You Meng pulled each other closer. Opened the distance.

Half an hour later, everyone finally escaped to a safe location. They fell to the ground one by one and gasped for air. They were really tired tonight!

"Although the fire and thunder array was not broken today, Quanrong suffered great losses. One master died, and many fire thunders were detonated." Feng Jizhi said with some joy: "I don't believe how many fire thunders they have." Let’s burn the Thunder Scripture like this.”

Bai Ruozhu shook his head, "I think he will have a countermeasure soon. It won't be so easy for us to throw kerosene bombs like this next time. Although You Meng is hateful, his head is enough."

Feng Jizhi was not discouraged after hearing this, and said, "If we continue to think of a solution, at least we will have a good start today."

"Dad, we searched all over the city and couldn't find that bastard Jiang Yichun. My daughter couldn't kill her enemy." Feng Lanying heard about what happened on the way back. She was secretly happy, but when she saw You Meng still has to pretend.

Unexpectedly, You stared at her fiercely and suddenly grabbed her neck.

"How did they know about my encirclement and suppression plan? Did someone tip them off?" He tightened his fingers. "Do you think it was you?"

Feng Lanying looked panicked, "Dad, let me go. I've been with you every day these days. You didn't tell me any plans you had. How could I be the one who tipped off the news? Am I your biological daughter?" Huh? How could you strangle me to death?"

You Meng was cruel and cruel. If his biological daughter betrayed him, he would never be merciful. Even if he didn't kill Feng Lanying directly, he would punish her severely.

But Feng Lanying was right. She had been under his nose the whole time and had no way to report the news. Even if she followed him to Duanyang City tonight, it was after his actions. Now Bai Ruozhu and the others knew about his arrangements in advance. .

"Did they expect it in advance?" You Meng muttered, relaxed his grip, and let go of Feng Lanying.

"Girl, don't blame dad for being cruel. Even if he is my own son, as long as he betrays me, I will not show mercy. This matter is not your best, but you should be more honest with me in the future, otherwise I will kill you. , any blood relationship is useless."

Feng Lanying shivered subconsciously. Did he see through everything she wanted to do?

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