Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2215 Phoenix Gu escapes

The four people in the Wei Hall, including Xiao Shao, cried the most because most of the people who died were sacrificed to protect them. They were the heroes who made the people survive the crisis, but they turned into withered bones and were buried in that secret realm. In the middle of the 19th century, the family members were unable to bury their bones, and now all they have to do is tomb them.

Bai Ruozhu also attended the memorial service. She was not impressed by those young people, but she was moved by their spirit.

After that, Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun stayed in the clan for some time. Bai Ruozhu fully recovered from his injuries, and Jiang Yichun became more familiar with his sudden ability to control water.

Bai Ruozhu calculated the time and it was time for them to set off.

But when she looked at her relatives and children, she felt very reluctant to give up.

"You accompany the three of them, Dengdeng. It's a long journey to the East China Sea. I can just take some of my own men there." Jiang Yichun noticed her reluctance and changed his mind temporarily.

Bai Ruozhu immediately lowered her face and said, "No, didn't we agree? I'll go with you to find a solution. Besides, I also promised the Queen Mother to go find Ning Yu and Yu Huan. Don't follow me." Nonsense. I'm not worried about you going alone. What if you run away like last time? How can I explain it to my child? Even though Deng Deng is young, he understands everything. When he asked me How do I explain it to him?"

Jiang Yichun didn't want Bai Ruozhu to talk so much. He felt a little sad and moved at the same time. He touched her hair and said, "But this journey is too hard. You will miss your family and your children. I don't want you to be like this." Uncomfortable."

"But if something happens to you, I will feel even more uncomfortable, and so will my family and children." Bai Ruozhu said seriously.

Jiang Yichun could only nodded in the end and said nothing more. He also hoped that he could survive. Even if he was greedy for life and afraid of death, more importantly, he wanted to be with his wife and children, and wanted to grow old with her. , I want to see my children grow up, get married and have children.

After persuading Jiang Yichun, Bai Ruozhu became worried again. What should she tell her parents when she leaves this time? Especially her mother, who recently suspected that she was injured and always wanted to give her a bath and rub her back, which made her laugh and cry.

Tell them the truth, and they will have to worry again. After all, my parents are old and can no longer withstand those shocks.

Don't tell them, but how do you explain it? I'm afraid Lin Ping'er would not agree to her leaving in the first place, and it would be very difficult to convince her mother.

Just when Bai Ruozhu was distressed and worried, there were rapid footsteps outside the door, followed by Ji Ling's figure rushing into the room, and said anxiously to Bai Ruozhu: "Ruozhu, go and take a look, Lan'er." She feels very wrong now, she keeps covering her head and complaining that it hurts, please go and have a look quickly!"

Bai Ruozhu jumped up when she heard this and hurriedly ran out. Jiang Yichun followed behind. When they entered Lan'er's room, they heard Lan'er's painful scream.

"What's wrong with Lan'er? Where do you feel pain? Is it a headache?" Bai Ruozhu rushed over and grabbed Lan'er's pulse, and asked carefully while feeling it.

Unfortunately, Lan'er was in too much pain and couldn't concentrate. She couldn't answer Bai Ruozhu's words. She just covered her head and screamed in pain.

Seeing that this was not possible, Bai Ruozhu hurriedly said to Ji Ling, "She will be in too much pain. Why don't we tap on the acupuncture points to make her sleep?"

Ji Ling frowned and said, "I just tried it and it didn't work at all."

Bai Ruozhu was shocked. Most people would fall asleep when the sleeping point was tapped, but Lan'er actually tapped it to no avail. This showed how intense her pain was now, and even the sleeping point couldn't make her fall asleep.

However, Bai Ruozhu took her pulse like this, but found nothing wrong, and she couldn't tell what was going on. I just feel that Lan'er's breath is disordered and her mood fluctuates greatly.

"What happened before?" Bai Ruozhu looked at Ji Ling and then at Chen Feng, who had the same worried look on his side.

"We were talking before, and she didn't have any special reaction. Suddenly she covered her head and said it hurt." Chenfeng said.

Bai Ruozhu thought for a moment and said, "Nothing has been found in Lan'er's body right now, and nothing special has happened. I'm afraid her current condition is related to Phoenix Gu."

Everyone held their breath. It has something to do with Phoenix Gu, isn't it...

Ji Ling hurriedly stepped forward and said, "I will control the Phoenix Gu. Maybe Lan'er will feel better."

Bai Ruozhu nodded, this was all she could do for the time being, she couldn't let Lan'er continue to be in pain, right?

Just as Ji Ling stepped forward and was about to use her secret technique, Lan'er suddenly let out a more miserable scream. Her mouth opened wide, and a golden light shot out of her mouth, followed by a golden insect. It flew out of her mouth and suddenly rushed into the air.

Everyone was shocked because this happened so fast that no one thought to catch the phoenix Gu that rushed out of Lan'er's body.

This is the first time Bai Ruozhu has seen the Phoenix Gu. It looks like a flying cicada, which is what we called cicada when we were children. However, its whole body is golden and it has four wings, which are also like the wings of a cicada. Thin and transparent, but with a faint golden light.

If you didn’t know that it was a poisonous insect, and just looked at it like this, you would think it was some auspicious and beneficial insect, because its golden color is so beautiful, and the cicada has an auspicious meaning, which makes it difficult for people to think of danger. Think about things.

The situation was sudden, and everyone didn't know what to do with this Phoenix Gu. If they killed it now, would it directly kill Lan'er?

In the end, Feng Jiu reacted quickly and shouted: "Catch the Phoenix Gu first, but don't hurt it. What if it escapes and affects Lan'er?"

Everyone hurriedly rushed to catch Phoenix Gu, but Phoenix Gu was so fast that he rushed to the window and rushed out of the house in a blink of an eye.

Bai Ruozhu dodged and chased after him with Qinggong. Jiang Yichun followed closely behind, using the water vapor he had newly mastered to wrap the wings of the Phoenix Gu. The Phoenix Gu's speed did slow down, but soon it broke through the water vapor. The figure turned into a golden stream of light and rushed straight to Sheshan Mountain behind.

Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun chased to the foot of the mountain, but there was no trace of Phoenix Gu. The two went up the mountain to search again, until the sky gradually darkened, but they still couldn't find the Phoenix Gu, so they had no choice but to return home.

"Do you think this Phoenix Gu will have any impact on Lan'er after it leaves her body? And will it become a serious problem if he flies into the back mountain like this?" Bai Ruozhu asked worriedly.

Jiang Yichun said with a stern face: "Phoenix Gu will not leave Lan'er's body for no reason. Could it be that the crazy Gu used some special method to summon it?"

Bai Ruozhu had a sullen face and said nothing more, because she really didn't know what was going on, and she didn't dare to imagine the problems that would happen later.

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