Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2216 Ruolan is gone

The two of them returned to the stilted building tiredly. Lan'er was still in a coma, but Gao Juan had checked her pulse to make sure she was fine. But the person has not woken up. Is he still the same Lan'er? No one knows whether Wu Wanqing will take over her body again.

Ji Ling didn't dare to rest and kept staring at Lan'er with wide eyes. Her body had just recovered. After such hard work and emotional fluctuations, Ji Ling's face was as white as paper at this moment. Bai Ruozhu wanted to persuade Ji Ling to rest, but she knew that no matter how hard she tried, it would be useless because Ji Ling was worried about Lan'er the most.

Bai Ruozhu prayed silently in her heart, hoping that Lan'er could survive this crisis and live a stable and happy life from now on.

She couldn't help but think of her cousin Ruolan, wondering if her soul still existed? But in terms of the degree of affection in her heart, she already favors Lan'er in her heart.

Phoenix Gu couldn't let it go, so Bai Ruozhu went to Chief Su and told him the whole situation. Chief Su immediately arranged for many people to search the back mountain, but the ones sent were basically the masters of the Wei Hall, and they were sent in groups of three, because three people could form a formation to resist the attack of Phoenix Gu, otherwise some of them would be alone What should I do if I go looking for Phoenix Gu and accidentally get it into my body and control my thoughts?

The Jiuli Clan can no longer afford another crazy Gu.

Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun did not go to the back mountain anymore, but stayed with Lan'er at home. Fortunately, Lan'er finally woke up the next morning.

Her face was pale and she looked a little lost. Ji Ling hurriedly took her hand and asked, "Lan'er, how are you? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Chenfeng also approached and asked with concern: "Does it hurt anywhere else?"

Lan'er felt a little embarrassed when she saw everyone surrounding her. She shook her head slightly, then suddenly covered her head and said, "My head still hurts a little, but it's not as severe as before. What's wrong with me? Why don't I have any impression? I just feel like my head hurts."

"The Phoenix Gu suddenly flew out of your mouth, and it has now left your body." Ji Ling said.

Lan'er's eyes widened, and then she looked happy, "I finally don't have that weird bug on me. This is a good thing. Why are you looking so sad?"

Feng Jiu winked at Ji Ling and said to Lan'er, "When you wake up, your mother and the others will stop worrying. It'll be fine."

Bai Ruozhu went to check Lan'er's body and quietly observed her expression. Because Wu Wanqing woke up and pretended to be Lan'er before, she wanted to take a closer look at whether it was really Lan'er or Wu Wanqing this time.

But looking at those clear and bright eyes, Bai Ruozhu felt that this must be Lan'er. No matter how she pretended, Wu Wanqing could not make her eyes so clear and bright.

Lan'er woke up for a while and felt tired again, so she lay down and continued to rest. Seeing that she was fine, everyone dispersed. Fengjiu also advised Ji Ling to rest, and Ji Ling went back to rest, but fell ill again as soon as she lay down.

Bai Ruozhu prescribed medicine for Lan'er and Ji Ling respectively, and was busy taking care of the patients. Even her three children were less with them.

Facing Bengbeng and Tiaotiao, she felt very ashamed. She spent the least time with them. Once she left like this, when she came back, they probably wouldn't recognize her as a mother, right?

Bai Ruozhu felt a little sad thinking about it, but the child could not live without his father's love, and she did not want to lose Achun.

After three or four days of this, Ji Ling's health also improved. Seeing that Lan'er was fine, she felt much more relaxed.

The search in the back mountain is still continuing. No one has seen the golden phoenix Gu, and they don't know where it flew to. Even the traces it left behind have not been found.

Phoenix Gu is very small, only as big as a cicada, so it is difficult to leave traces, and it does not seem to kill any creatures on the mountain, so it is extremely difficult to find.

In addition, every time when people who go out to search come back, several elders will check their bodies to see if they are possessed by phoenix Gu.

The Phoenix Gu is so small that it would be difficult to find if it were hidden deep in the mountains. Moreover, the Jiuli Clan is not airtight. The Phoenix Gu is a monster. Even if it can break through the barrier and fly out, it is not surprising.

A few days later, Lan'er's condition improved a lot, and there was a smile on her face. She started playing around with Chen Feng when she had nothing to do.

Suddenly one night in the middle of the night, Lan'er woke up crying loudly, alarming everyone in the building. Ji Ling was the first to rush over, and Bai Ruozhu also hurriedly put on her coat and rushed over.

"Lan'er, what's wrong with you?" Ji Ling rushed over and hugged her daughter, asking worriedly.

Lan'er had already burst into tears. She did not answer her mother's question, but looked at Bai Ruozhu and said, "Sister Ruozhu, I'm sorry for you. It turns out that sister Ruolan is still alive, and she has always been in this body!"

Bai Ruozhu was stunned for a moment. She had also thought about this possibility before, but she had never really faced it, let alone how to face it if it was true.

Lan'er cried and said: "But because I came in, I occupied the body, and Huang Gu and Wu Wanqing left, she said she couldn't stay any longer. She just said goodbye to me, and she wanted me to take my place. She wants to say thank you to you."

"Where did she go?" Bai Ruozhu asked hurriedly.

Lan'er cried and said, "I don't know, she just said she was leaving, and then she floated away like a point of light."

Ji Ling said hurriedly: "Ruolan must have been reincarnated. Don't think too much about it. That child has committed so many crimes. It would be a good thing to start a new life again if he could be reincarnated into a good family."

Ji Ling felt sorry for her daughter and didn't want Lan'er to bear the psychological burden.

Bai Ruozhu sighed. She didn't think Lan'er had done anything wrong. It was just a coincidence that Lan'er was resurrected in Ruolan's body. It was as if she had traveled through time and had a new life in Bai Ruozhu's body.

She patted Lan'er's shoulder and said softly: "These are all destined by God and have nothing to do with you. You have not sorry for me, nor for Ruolan. If you really want to count, it is Wu Wanqing who is sorry for her. She is the one who was blamed by her." My parents and Wu Wanqing were harmed."

Lan'er was still crying. She was pure and kind-hearted. As she cried, she said: "If I had left just now, she would have been able to stay. This body was originally hers. I took it from her."

Chenfeng was frowning beside him and didn't know how to persuade her. Ji Ling looked at Bai Ruozhu and didn't know what to say. After all, Bai Ruolan was a relative of the Bai family, and everyone sympathized with her plight.

Bai Ruozhu sighed, it was more appropriate for her to say this.

"Do you know why Ruolan became like this? She wanted to die in the beginning because her parents and grandma were like that. She really had no care in this world and life was too difficult."

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