Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2361 Missing Sailor

Jiang Yichun's face turned dark. He had known earlier that he should go to the island. Wasn't it his duty to deliver fruits to his wife?

The sailor who presented the wild fruit felt cold all over his body and couldn't help but shiver. Why did he feel like he was being stared at by a beast?

Bai Ruozhu took the wild fruit and rewarded him with some broken silver. The man happily continued to look for things.

"You guys take them, wash them and share them." Bai Ruozhu handed the wild fruit to Yi Zi. The little girls' eyes lit up when they saw it, they must have wanted to eat it.

Life on the ship was difficult. The food and accommodation were not good, and it was difficult to even eat some fruit. No wonder the little girls’ eyes widened when they saw the wild fruits.

"I'm going to look around too." Jiang Yichun said.

"I'll go with you." Bai Ruozhu also wanted to take a look around, maybe he would make some good discoveries.

The two wandered around the island. The island had lush vegetation and seemed to be supported by a water source. However, after wandering for a long time, the two only saw caves, but not any freshwater rivers such as creeks.

"Is there underground water?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

"It's surrounded by the sea. How come the groundwater comes from it? It can only be seawater, right?" Jiang Yichun said.

At this time, the sky became dark, and I returned to the beach in two days, preparing to have dinner with everyone.

There is no flat beach here, but a coastline made of rocks.

As a modern person who had been to many beach vacations in his previous life, this was the first time Bai Ruozhu discovered that the coastline looked like this.

If they want to travel through that area, they have to step on big rocks. Those rocks have been washed by the sea water and are mostly round, smooth and less angular. It is not easy to walk on them.

People like Bai Ruozhu and others with martial arts would have no problem, but some women walked cautiously.

The boat is parked some distance away from the coast, and people on the boat can swim over or use a small boat to come over.

The woman in the ship's kitchen took a small boat and brought some food over.

Wuya carried a food box, hesitated for a while when he got off the boat, and finally took off his embroidered shoes, stepped on the stones with his bare feet, and jumped over like a nimble deer.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but smile. It was great to see young girls like them, and she felt young.

She couldn't help laughing again. She wasn't old either, she hadn't even passed her twentieth birthday yet.

The boatmen set up a bonfire, and someone took out fish and barbecued it. Although it was still fish, the barbecue was in a different style.

Soon someone shot a few seabirds over, plucked them, processed them, and grilled them.

Bai Ruozhu looked at all this and felt that the tension of the previous few days had been swept away, and she felt much more relaxed.

After the meal, everyone was in high spirits. Some people danced around the bonfire, and Wuya and Yizi also started playing.

"Why hasn't Li Zi come back yet? No dinner?" Someone muttered to the person next to him.

"Yeah, why haven't you come back for a long time? I saw him come back after finding some wild fruits and then leave again. Is there something wrong?"

"How is that possible? We just walked around for a long time and no one encountered any wild animals. There is no one on the island. How could something happen?"

Bai Ruozhu happened to hear the two talking to each other. She looked around and found that the sailor who brought her wild fruits was not there.

She suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart. Could it be that this desert island was not as simple as it seemed on the surface?

"Ah Chun, has anyone ever explored the cave before?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

"I looked around and found no traces of man-made digging on the other side of the hill," Jiang Yichun said.

"Send someone to look for the sailor named Li Zi. Don't fall somewhere and there's no way he can come back."

Bai Ruozhu said.

Jiang Yichun was a little unhappy, because he still remembered the sailor's hospitality in front of his wife, but he knew the importance, so he immediately told Mo Beishan and arranged for people to search.

Many people noticed the movement here, and Tang Feng suddenly said: "Is it possible that the black pirates landed quietly from the other side of the island?"

Everyone became nervous, but Mr. Ding quickly ruled out this possibility.

The island is not big. Even if he lands from the other side of the island, the black pirate ship will still be close to this area of ​​the sea. Others will not notice it, so he will not feel it at all.

Unless the black pirates rowed a boat over from a very far away place.

Bai Ruozhu shook his head after hearing this, "If that's the case, they should have waited for everyone to arrive slowly and then caught us off guard, instead of attacking a sailor rashly and arousing our suspicion and vigilance."

Everyone thought it made sense, and basically rejected the possibility of black pirates, but at the same time, many people had some vague feelings in their hearts.

The people sent out came back in less than half an hour. The island was not big, so half an hour was enough to search the island, not to mention that three groups of people were divided into different areas to search.

"Head, nothing was found."

"My subordinates found some footprints, but there were many people on the island today. I'm not sure who left them. No clues were found for the rest."

"Master Mo, my subordinates went down to the area where Plum found the wild fruit, but found no clues."

Mo Beishan frowned, "Have you searched carefully? Has the cave gone too? Can a living person disappear on the island?"

"Could he have an enemy and get close enough to kill the person and throw them into the sea?" a guard said.

Li Jin hurriedly said: "There are all honest people on the boat. How can anyone with such hatred want to kill people and dump their bodies?"

This was strange. Bai Ruozhu called everyone over and asked loudly: "Which of you saw Li Zi on the island today? Where did you see him? What was he doing at the time?"

Someone quickly answered, some said they had seen Li Zi near the wild fruit stomping ground, others said they had seen him on the way to the gathering, and the last one said he had seen Li Zi and went to the island to look for things. He was also very happy to say that Master Bai had rewarded him with silver.

"Could it be that he was motivated by wealth?" Qiu Zhi said suddenly.

Bai Ruozhu glared at him. She was not a reckless person. Although she rewarded the sailor with silver, it was just a small amount of silver barley and not worth much at all. She would kill people just for this small amount of money. The ship's monthly reward was Yue Yin, why don't you kill him?

But she wasn't going to give up any clues. If that didn't work, she would separate the sailors who came ashore for interrogation.

"Hey, why are there so few people in our team?" A team leader suddenly asked, "Where is Wang Shun?"

Several other people hurriedly looked around, only to realize that a guard named Wang Shun was missing.

"When was the last time I saw him?" Bai Ruozhu asked hurriedly.

"We just went to look for Li Zi. We gathered back without any clues. He was there when we were gathered, and he even talked to us on the way." The captain looked bad. Could it be that one of his subordinates secretly killed someone?

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