Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2362 Another person is missing

But when the team leader thought about it, he thought it was impossible. He didn't know Wang Shun yet. Not only was he an honest man, he couldn't kill people randomly. What's more, this was a deserted island. How could he escape after killing someone?

Besides, the income of sailors is less than one-tenth of that of these guards. How could Wang Shun be interested in making money?

This is so unreasonable!

Jiang Yichun obviously thought of this and hurriedly said: "Don't separate, everyone. There are some problems on this island."

If everything is fine, how can people disappear without any reason?

It's just a sailor, but most of the guards are well-trained. They disappeared on the way back from the queue. Even if they are in danger, they can call for help to attract the attention of their companions.

This is so wrong!

"Qiu Zhi, check if there is anything unusual on this island." Bai Ruozhu said suddenly.

She didn't believe in ghosts before, but when she found Fang Luo, she had no choice but to believe it. The people near Fang's house turned out to be the dead souls of that year.

"Yes." Qiu Zhi responded, randomly taking out the compass and checking it, but soon he shook his head and said, "There is nothing unusual. I wonder if the compass is prone to failure at sea."

"Let's send people to look for them again. This time there will be three teams. If we don't search hand in hand with the right people, we are not allowed to get separated." Jiang Yichun ordered.

The three teams set off again, and Bai Ruozhu said to Jiang Yichun, "Let's go and have a look too."

"No! This island is weird, you can't take risks!" Gao Juan immediately objected.

"If there is something really weird, it would be even more unsafe not to investigate." Jiang Yichun retorted.

"Then Tang Feng and I will accompany you." Gao Juan said.

This time Jiang Yichun did not refute.

Duan Nian, who was sitting on the side, opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

This island was recommended by him. Now that there is a problem, he feels a little uncomfortable and wants to help, but he can't walk on the ground yet. When he goes ashore, he just sits. He wants to help but can't do anything.

Wei Wei saw his mood, held his hand and said, "It'll be okay. Madam, they are very powerful. They will definitely find out what happened."

"I'm just afraid of those two people..." Duan Nian said and sighed.

"There are no wild animals on this island, and nothing will happen to them. Don't think too much about it." Wei Wei comforted her hurriedly.

Duan Nian sighed, when will he be able to walk freely? This person is just greedy. He used to think that it would be good if he had legs. When he had legs, he had more demands. He was really not satisfied. .

He smiled bitterly and continued to secretly use his inner strength and energy to move towards the acupuncture points on his legs, hoping to change the condition of his legs, hoping that one day they would no longer be just decorations.

Bai Ruozhu and the four of them set off. Jiang Yichun naturally held Bai Ruozhu's hand. Gao Juan finally held hands with Tang Feng reluctantly.

He turned around and saw Bai Ruozhu smiling evilly, and immediately said fiercely: "Stop your rotten thoughts, don't forget that I am still your father-in-law!"

Bai Ruozhu laughed twice and said, "I don't mind the gender of my mother-in-law."

"Bai Ruozhu!"

"Bai Ruozhu!"

Gao Zhan and Tang Feng were furious at the same time, and Jiang Yichun looked confused. Why were these two people so excited?

"Okay, okay, didn't I say nothing? You can't accuse me unjustly." Bai Ruozhu looked innocent.

"Your smile has already betrayed the dirty thoughts in your heart." Gao Zhan raised his eyebrows and said, "I am a straight man, a straight man!"

Tang Feng also hurriedly expressed his position, "Brother is also straight!"

Only Jiang Yichun looked confused. He pulled Bai Ruozhu to walk slower and asked in a low voice: "What is a straight man? What does the rotten girl my dad just said mean?"

"It's nothing, let's talk about it when we get back." Bai Ruozhu laughed. She felt that if she told her Ah Chun, he would definitely give her a good meal, and then tell her how to correct her three views.

Alas, how can these men understand the little happiness of rotten girls?

Jiang Yichun held her hand a little tighter, "Just tell me, otherwise I'll ask my dad."

"Uh..." Well, I think it's a little safer.

"Where I used to live, some girls liked to see two men holding hands, just like Zhou Jue and Ji Ziran." Bai Ruozhu decided to explain simply.

Jiang Yichun's face turned dark when he heard this, and he said displeasedly: "Zhou Jue is not considered a man."

"Okay, I think he is a man in my heart." Bai Ruozhu said.

Jiang Yichun glared at her fiercely, "Don't have such strange thoughts in the future. What a rotten girl. It's just nonsense."

Bai Ruozhu curled her lips secretly and muttered in a low voice: "The ancients were old-fashioned."

Well, the two fellows over there who are also dressed in clothes are also very old-fashioned, and probably even straight men can't accept it.

She nodded vigorously, "I understand."

She thought silently in her heart and promised not to smile secretly again.

Jiang Yichun thought she had repented humbly and did not dwell on the matter anymore.

As a result, when the two of them finished speaking, they looked up and found that Gao Juan and Tang Feng were missing!

"Aren't you angry with me? They left on their own, right?" Bai Ruozhu was a little worried, but thought it was impossible. After all, they were both masters.

"They should be sensible, let's walk faster and look for them." Jiang Yichun said, pulling Bai Ruozhu to speed up the pace. The two of them called Tang Feng and Gao Zhan's names as they walked, but they didn't get any response.

The two of them searched like this for a quarter of an hour, and finally determined that they were separated from them.

"Let's go back first to see if they have returned to the beach." Jiang Yichun frowned tightly. This time, even his father suddenly disappeared, and he disappeared under his nose. This was too weird.

He only hoped that this was just a misunderstanding, and Gao Juan and Tang Feng just returned to the beach to gather.

When the two of them rushed back to the beach, they didn't see Gao Juan and Tang Feng. The two of them had only talked for a while. Even if Gao Juan and Tang Feng wanted to walk away, they couldn't go far. How could they not hear their shouts? Voice?

At this time, the three teams came back one after another. They still did not find the missing sailors and guards, nor did they encounter Gao Juan and Tang Feng.

But thankfully, none of them were missing.

"Why is this happening? Senior won't run around without permission, let us worry, right?" Mo Beishan asked in confusion.

Gao Juan and Tang Feng still haven't come back after such a long time, and Bai Ruozhu's heart has sunk to the bottom. She should have known that she shouldn't think about those messy things, so she wouldn't be separated from them.

"Master, ask your subordinates to search for it. I have a signal on me. If there is any situation, I can release the signal in time. Even if I disappear for no reason, you can at least determine where I was before I disappeared." Jian Qi suddenly came out. Please order.

"No!" Bai Ruozhu objected immediately, "What if you don't have time to send the signal? My adoptive father and Tang Feng are very strong in martial arts. They didn't make a sound before they disappeared. What if you run around and run into danger again?"

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