Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2410 Either poison or curse

"Not long after Master Puru met the Central Plains people, a major fire broke out in Zhaoti Temple. Later, he asked to pray for the second prince in private, which led to the sudden death of the second prince. Now the Central Plains people have appeared again. There is really nothing involved. "?" the warrior continued. "Your Majesty, you should think twice."

"Do you think the appearance of the Central Plains people has another agenda?" The emperor frowned, "But what does this have to do with Jiro? Why did he die suddenly?"

The warrior shook his head, "I don't know, but there must be something unusual here."

The emperor hesitated for a while, and after a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Call Bai Ruozhu in. If the people from the Central Plains have an agenda, then let's keep our eyes open and see clearly."

Soon, Bai Ruozhu was released and successfully met Master Puru. She deliberately pretended not to know anything and asked: "Master, what happened in the temple?"

"It's okay, please run away." After Master Puru finished speaking, he coughed a few more times. Bai Ruozhu became nervous and hurriedly took Master Puru's pulse. It seemed that only after checking the pulse did he know that Master Puru's condition was not too bad. , he coughed deliberately.

Master Puru knew that Bai Ruozhu had seen through his trick. After all, he was an outsider and it was difficult for him to cheat, so he blushed with embarrassment.

But if he doesn't do this, how can he attract the attention of His Majesty the Emperor? If Bai Ruozhu can be allowed to see the body of the second prince and find out the real murderer?

Amitabha, Buddha will forgive him.

"Master, what happened to you? Your health is not getting better, why has the situation worsened again?" Bai Ruozhu's voice suddenly became louder, "Is it because you don't have a good rest, or is something tiring you? I just came in. They are all being stopped. If you have any situation, please tell me directly. I will immediately go to the palace to meet with the Emperor and talk to him carefully!"

Puru knew that Bai Ruozhu was telling people outside on purpose, so he hurriedly said: "It's because I can't sleep well, it has nothing to do with anyone else. Donor Bai, please don't worry about it, and don't disturb His Majesty the Emperor."

"You must have a good rest. The burn area is so large and you have been poisoned by fire. If you hadn't touched me, no one could have saved you! Why don't you cherish your hard-won life? What are you thinking about? ?" Bai Ruozhu said deliberately, but she did not say these words loudly, but lowered her voice a little, so as not to let people outside think that she was doing it deliberately.

"Yes, the poor monk must listen to Donor Bai and take a good rest." Puru said helplessly.

Bai Ruozhu prescribed medicine for Pu's next injection. These treatment procedures were supposed to exist, and those words were just an introduction.

Soon, their conversation reached the ears of the emperor. The emperor frowned, "Fire poison? This is the first time I heard it."

"Remember that Central Plains woman knows Hua Tuo's acupuncture, can she also detoxify?" the attendant reminded in a low voice.

The warrior also looked hesitant, "Maybe we can show her to the second prince?"

"If all this was planned by the Central Plains people, would it be..." The emperor hesitated.

The attendant carefully glanced at the warrior next to him, and then whispered: "How many people have come in total? How can they compete with our Great Fuso Kingdom? No matter how powerful the Central Plains country is, they want to come across the vast sea. It was extremely difficult, I heard they almost died of thirst on the way."

The Emperor nodded after a while, "Okay, let her take a look, and just observe her reaction. If this matter has nothing to do with them, that's it. If they planned it, I will definitely not be able to spare them!"

"Your Majesty is exactly what you said. If they dare to act recklessly, it will be difficult for them to get back to the ship!" The warrior's eyes shot out a cold light, as if he could shoot through the enemy in the next second.

Soon, the emperor's attendant went outside Master Puru's house and said, "Master Bai, can you finish treating the abbot?"

Bai Ruozhu turned around and said, "It's almost done. What's the matter?"

"His Majesty the Emperor would like to invite Mr. Bai to come over." said the attendant.

Bai Ruozhu quickly exchanged glances with Master Puru, and finally succeeded!


Bai Ruozhu and Feng Lanying left the room, but the attendant stopped Feng Lanying and said, "His Majesty the Emperor has only summoned Mr. Bai. Please wait here."

"Wait for me here." Bai Ruozhu winked at Feng Lanying. Feng Lanying's stay was not in vain. He must observe the situation in the temple.

Afterwards, Bai Ruozhu followed the attendant who delivered the message to the back hall, and soon saw the emperor.

"Master Bai, we meet again." The emperor originally wanted to smile and greet, but he couldn't smile, and his tone became more sad.

"Your Majesty, what's going on?" Bai Ruozhu looked puzzled, obviously aware of the sadness in his tone.

The emperor took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down, "The second prince died suddenly yesterday."

Bai Ruozhu looked at him in surprise, "Did he be assassinated? I have met the second prince twice, and he has no hidden health problems."

"Can you tell whether the other person is sick or not just by looking at him?" The emperor grabbed this information and asked.

"Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to looking, hearing, asking, and feeling. Looking is the first step, but if you want to be more accurate, you need the next few steps. I can only get a general idea by looking at the eyes. Generally, I can see emergencies or hidden diseases, and then I can fully understand them after taking the pulse. Confirmed." Bai Ruozhu replied.

"Then do you think I have any hidden problems?" The Emperor asked tentatively, testing Bai Ruozhu's ability.

"Your Majesty has no serious problem, but his eyes are black and his breath is uneven. I think he hasn't had a good rest recently. In addition, when you raise your right shoulder, you occasionally feel a tingling sensation inside, and sometimes you make a sound. I'm right. ?" Bai Ruozhu said again.

At this time, both the emperor and his attendants looked surprised.

"How did you tell?"

This is an admission that what Bai Ruozhu said is right.

Bai Ruozhu smiled and said, "Your Majesty, this is frozen shoulder. It is related to holding a sword all the year round and maintaining one posture to review memorials. With acupuncture, drug fumigation and massage, it will be cured slowly."

Now the three emperors were a little more convinced of Bai Ruozhu.

"The second prince was not assassinated. He suddenly convulsed and fell to the ground, and then died." The emperor said with a choked voice. "At that time, only Master Puru was present beside him, and Master Puru was praying for him before he ascended the throne. ,Can……"

"Master Puru will not and has no reason to murder the second prince. I'm afraid he has been poisoned or cursed." Bai Ruozhu interrupted the emperor.

"The doctor checked and said there was no poisoning. What happened to the curse? A witchcraft?" the emperor asked in surprise.

Bai Ruozhu calmed down and said slowly: "If it is poisoning, I will definitely be able to find it, but if it is a witchcraft, it will be troublesome. I don't know if anyone in Fusang country practices witchcraft. There was a tribe in the Central Plains that inherited a terrible They killed a thousand tribesmen and used their blood as sacrifices to curse my husband..."

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