Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2411 The purpose is to bury alive

The three emperors all looked surprised, and even the attendant couldn't help but take a breath.

"Thanks to us finding an expert later, we were able to help break the curse, but now that I think about it, it makes me feel creepy." Bai Ruozhu said.

"Did the curse that killed a thousand people not take his life?" the emperor asked in confusion.

Bai Ruozhu sighed, "At that time, the other party wanted to capture him alive and attempted to execute him in public, so they used a pool of blood to trap him. Otherwise..."

She shivered subconsciously, and she didn't dare to think about the consequences.

"Then do you think Jiro was cursed by a witchcraft?" the emperor asked, obviously attracted by what Bai Ruozhu said, and he believed her a little.

"I haven't seen the second prince, so I can't be sure." Bai Ruozhu said. She knew it without even seeing the body. Then wouldn't she be a fairy?

The emperor also reacted, secretly blaming himself for being careless, and thought for a while and said: "I will take you to see Jiro now, but you cannot destroy his body."

At the end of the sentence, the emperor sobbed in pain. Although Bai Ruozhu didn't have much affection for the second prince, she couldn't help but feel sad when facing such a painful father.

Soon, the emperor took her to the room next door. As soon as she entered the door, the temperature dropped suddenly. Bai Ruozhu looked around and saw ice cubes in the corners. The second prince was lying on the bed in the middle so quietly, because what happened It was so sudden, there wasn't even a coffin.

It was also because there was no coffin that he seemed to be asleep. Ignoring his pale skin, he seemed to be still alive.

Bai Ruozhu took out a pair of gloves from the space and put them on her hands neatly. Then she walked over and tried the second prince's skin, then rolled his eyelids. The emperor opened his mouth next to him, as if he was afraid of disturbing him. He killed his son, but finally kept his mouth shut.

Because he knew that Bai Ruozhu wouldn't be able to detect it otherwise.

"Eh..." Bai Ruozhu exclaimed softly, and the three people next to him were all excited.

"What's wrong?" the Emperor asked hurriedly.

Bai Ruozhu suddenly straightened up, looked at the emperor and said, "He is so lucky!"


How do you say this, people are dead and you still get lucky? The warrior next to him stared, thinking that this woman from the Central Plains is not a fool, right?

As a result, the second sentence shocked the three of them again.

"He's not dead." Bai Ruozhu said again.

"What? Jiro is not dead?" The emperor shouted, his voice rising several times.

The warrior reacted and said hurriedly: "Don't be alarmist. The second prince has lost his temper. Didn't you say such words in vain to excite His Majesty?"

Bai Ruozhu glanced at him sideways, "I haven't even finished speaking yet. Why are you anxious? Just listen carefully if you don't understand."

The emperor's eyes were shining with expectation, "You say it, even if you say it, don't interrupt her!"

The samurai was depressed, but he could only listen quietly. He wanted to hear what the woman in front of him had to say about flowers.

"I'm not joking when I say that the second prince is not dead. He is indeed not dead, but he is now in a state of suspended animation. He has no heartbeat, no breathing, and his face is pale, like a dead person. But in fact, his body functions have not disappeared. He is still alive. Alive, maybe even his consciousness is awake, he can hear what we say."

The Emperor almost shouted again. He wanted to ask if it was true, but remembering that he had just ordered not to interrupt Bai Ruozhu, he honestly kept his mouth shut.

"The second prince was poisoned by a very rare poison. It can be said to be a chronic poison. It cannot be administered all at once, but the poison will gradually take effect. In the end, he will become what he is today. Everyone else is confused. I thought he was dead, but in fact he was still alive, and he even knew the situation around him, but he had to be treated as a dead person, and he was even buried alive!”

"Oh my god, the second prince will indeed have to be buried in a few more days!" The servant couldn't help shouting, but the emperor glared at him and hurriedly shut his mouth.

Bai Ruozhu stamped his steps and continued: "I just felt strange, but if I think about it carefully, it is possible that the other party hates him very much, so he tortured him in this way, so that even if he becomes the emperor, he can only look at himself. Buried alive. In addition, according to the other party's plan of poisoning, the poison will take effect a month later. As a result, Master Puru prayed for the second prince, and Zhaoti Temple's mental method may have stimulated the latent poison, so it caused The poison suddenly broke out, and because of this suddenness, the second prince was arranged here, so he was not buried alive as planned by the other party."

"Then how can we save Jiro now? Can detoxification be enough?" The Emperor couldn't bear it after enduring it for a long time.

"It's not easy to detoxify. It can take as fast as one month or as slow as three months. The second prince may not be able to attend the enthronement ceremony." Bai Ruozhu said.

When the emperor heard that he was saved, he was so excited that he almost jumped up, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, just step back from the ceremony, as long as Jiro can live."

"You should remove the ice first. This will only do him harm but no good. It will take me three days to prepare the antidote. Then you will know whether what I said is true or false will see if his body stinks." Bai Ruozhu said again. .

"It must be true. How could I not believe Envoy Bai? Just tell me what medicinal materials you need, and I will ask someone to prepare them." The emperor believed Bai Ruozhu's words even to death, because only Bai Ruozhu said that his son was still alive.

Bai Ruozhu shook his head, "I wrote down the name of the medicine. Maybe you got the wrong medicine because of the different names. I'd better go to your pharmacy to get the medicine myself."

"I will ask someone to accompany you to the medicine storehouse in the palace now. Just pick out whatever you need." The emperor immediately ordered the samurai, who bowed to Bai Ruozhu, "Master Bai, please come this way."

He no longer had the previous contempt for Bai Ruozhu, but he still had doubts in his heart, why couldn't other doctors see that the second prince was alive? Isn't this Master Bai deceiving the emperor to delay time?

Unexpectedly, Bai Ruozhu glanced at him and said calmly: "You will know whether what I said is true or false after you go to the ice and observe for a day."

The samurai was stunned for a moment, thinking how could she guess what he was thinking? Are all the people from the Central Plains so powerful?

If Bai Ruozhu knew what he was thinking, she would have to laugh. The suspicion on this man's face was barely visible on his face. She would be stupid if she couldn't see it.

Then Bai Ruozhu called Feng Lanying who was waiting outside to go with him. This time the samurai did not stop him and showed great respect for Bai Ruozhu's attitude. Feng Lanying was very surprised when he saw this and asked in a low voice: "Ruozhu, how did you deal with them?"

"My medical skills are on display here. You'll know when you turn around." Bai Ruozhu said with a smile.

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