Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2429 Selfishness at work

For breakfast the next day, everyone ate from Fuso Palace. It must be said that their breakfast was very light and good for health.

When it was time to cook for lunch, Bai Ruozhu thought about it and cooked a little more. He divided two food boxes and packed three dishes for the emperor and the two imperial concubines. He went out and handed it to Otani and said, "Master Otani, this is It is also our intention to give His Majesty, Shanzi and Princess Masako a taste of the flavors of the Central Plains."

"Okay, I'll deliver it to His Majesty and the Imperial Concubine right now." Otani led someone to deliver the food in person.

Not long after, Ogu came back with three rewards. Bai Ruozhu accepted them after thanking them.

When the emperor came to see the second prince, he praised the dishes of Zhongyuan all the time, and at the end he said: "The particularly red dish is difficult to eat, but it tastes right afterwards. Otani is a samurai, and said that the taste is the most enjoyable." "

Bai Ruozhu laughed, "It uses chili pepper and Sichuan peppercorns, which are numb and spicy. You just need to drink more water after eating it to avoid getting angry."

"It's really special to experience the delicious food of the Central Plains." The emperor said with emotion, "Fuso should establish diplomatic relations with Danliang Kingdom, open sea routes, and send some young people to Danliang Kingdom every year to learn the culture of the Central Plains, otherwise we will just sit in the well and watch the sky. "

Bai Ruozhu agreed with the emperor's idea and was pleased that he had such an enlightened idea, but felt awkward when he thought that the good son he married was his half-sister.

The second prince drank water for a day and began to drink very thin rice soup, which is the soup on top of rice porridge, but it cannot be boiled very thickly, it must be thin porridge rice soup.

As a result, his mouth can slowly move. At least he can open his mouth to drink water, but he can't make a sound yet.

Seeing that the second prince's condition was getting better and better, the emperor was particularly pleased, but when he turned around, he found Bai Ruozhu looking a little worried, and asked hurriedly: "Master Bai, what's on your mind?"

The emperor asked very cautiously, for fear that Bai Ruozhu was talking about the difficulties in treating the second prince.

"One of my maids disappeared a few days ago. Mr. Mo is still outside looking for her, but she has not been found so far." Bai Ruozhu thought for a while and told the emperor.

She was originally worried about Reiko's identity and did not dare to use the emperor's power to find her. But now that Reiko has been missing for seven or eight days, it is hard to delay it any longer. At worst, she will find a way to keep Reiko after she finds her.

As the second prince's savior, she can always ask for this, right?

But if Reiko really left by herself, it would be a bit strange. Although Mo Beishan went to Kishimoto's house to inquire, and Kishimoto said that Reiko didn't go back, Bai Ruozhu always felt that something was wrong.

On the one hand, she believed in Yuan Licheng's accomplishments in formations. Yuan Licheng said that no one went in to capture Lingzi, but that was the case for most. If the opponent can really break through the formation and get in, there is no need to arrest Reiko to arrest him, right?

I'm afraid only Reiko herself knows what happened.

"Ah? What does it look like? Why don't Master Bai draw a portrait, and I can send someone to help you look for it." The emperor said.

"Okay, I will give the portrait to Lord Otani later. Thank you, Your Majesty." Bai Ruozhu thanked him hurriedly.

"You should, you helped me more." The emperor said sincerely.

Bai Ruozhu soon asked Jian Qi to draw a portrait, but the dress was the Danliang country clothes that Lingzi wore before she disappeared. Unless people were familiar with Lingzi, most people would think that she was a Central Plains woman.

Reiko's portrait was handed over to the local magistrate below, and soon the guards were looking for her. When Kishimoto saw the portraits, he almost jumped up and wanted to go into the palace immediately to talk to Bai Ruozhu, but it was a pity that he Now he is not qualified to enter the palace, let alone see Bai Ruozhu.

In a courtyard on the outskirts of Beijing, a man looked at the woman standing by the window and said in Fuso: "They asked the emperor for help. Your portrait has been spread in Kyoto. Is this the good person you call him?"

"They were worried that something might happen to me, so they had no choice but to choose this method." The woman sighed and turned around. It was Bai Ruozhu and the others who were looking for Lingzi on the seventh or eighth day.

The man sneered, "Are you naive or stupid? This is obviously meant to harm you, can't you understand?"

Lingzi was a little angry, glared at the man, and asked, "So what do you say? What exactly do you want me to do?"

"Just do as I say and figure out which side you are on!" The man's voice suddenly rose, with a hint of murderous intent. Reiko tensed up, lowered her eyelids, and said softly: "I understand."

"Master, we have found out that the bracelet was given to Princess Shanzi by the late Queen. They are sisters from the same mother." Jian Qi came to report to Bai Ruozhu.

Bai Ruozhu was a little surprised, but soon figured it out.

"So what if we are sisters? After all, there is a conflict of interest, which makes people selfish and harmful. It's a pity that the queen has been dead for many years, and I don't know where she got the bracelet." Bai Ruozhu felt a little regretful.

"My subordinates also found out that the Queen's famous personal maid Lihua is still alive. She may know something, but now Lihua is not in the palace. She was released from the palace and returned to her family three years ago. I heard that Lihua's family is in the suburbs of Beijing." Jian Qi said again.

Bai Ruozhu nodded with satisfaction. Jian Qi was very confident in doing things and would not give up easily with a little hope.

"My subordinate wants to go out and look for the pear flower and ask, master, what do you think?" Jian Qi said again.

If they leave the palace as a group, they will definitely attract attention, but if Jian Qi leaves secretly alone, it will be difficult for the other party to notice.

In addition, Jian Qi has always been a secret guard and knows how to hide himself. Sending one more person with him will actually drag him down.

"Okay, but be careful in everything. It doesn't matter if you don't find any clues. Safety comes first." Bai Ruozhu said and took out a small porcelain bottle for him. "This can make Lihua tell the truth. Use it carefully."

"Yes, my subordinates will set off now. Go early and come back early so as not to be noticed by the people in the palace." Jian Qi carefully put away the medicine bottle before leaving.

Bai Ruozhu hurriedly stopped him and said, "Have you told Yi Zi?"

Jian Qi looked serious, "This matter cannot be delayed. Let's talk about it when we get back. Master, just help me explain a few words to her."

Bai Ruozhu was helpless, this guy was a person who could distinguish between public and private matters, but it was good that he wouldn't miss the main business.

Sure enough, in the afternoon, Yi Zi couldn't help but ask about Jian Qi's situation, saying why he hadn't seen Jian Qi for a long time. Bai Ruozhu said that Jian Qi had taken an errand to go to work. Yi Zi opened his mouth and didn't ask any more questions. .

That's fine, Yi Zi is also a girl who knows the rules.

Jian Qi came back the next night and appeared quietly outside Bai Ruozhu's house.

Bai Ruozhu heard the commotion and asked him to go into the house to report. Jian Qi knew that there was no need to hide it from Jiang Yichun, so he told Lihua exactly what he had asked about.

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