Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2430 Rainy Night Terror

"I sneaked into Lihua's room at night, woke her up and gave her the medicine. She vaguely said that the queen got it from a young master, and that the queen and the young master were in love, but it was a pity that the queen had to marry into the royal family. , wanted to elope with the other party but missed the opportunity because the queen fell seriously ill before the marriage." Jian Qi said.

"Who is this man?" Bai Ruozhu asked with interest.

Jian Qi shook his head, "Lihua said she didn't know. The queen never took her with her when she secretly went to see the man. She didn't even tell her about the bracelet. It was only when the queen spilled the beans one time that Lihua found out. But she didn't understand at the time, how could the queen be willing to She gave the bracelet given by her loved one to Princess Zenko. Over the years, Rika vaguely guessed the problem and was afraid of being implicated, so she has been very afraid of it."

Bai Ruozhu pinched her chin and looked at Jiang Yichun with excitement, "Ah Chun, you said that the eldest prince could not be the son of the queen and a foreigner, right? I always feel that the emperor likes the second prince more, shouldn't everyone love the eldest son more? ? Anyway, what we love most is little Dengdeng, right?"

Jiang Yichun smiled and nodded. When he mentioned Xiaodengdeng, the lines on his face softened.

"You mean the emperor knew about it but didn't expose it?" Jiang Yichun shook his head slightly, "I think no matter how good the emperor is, he would not agree to the confusion of royal blood. The Fuso people attach great importance to royal blood and say they are descendants of gods."

"It makes sense, otherwise they wouldn't have married in order to maintain bloodline relations." Bai Ruozhu pouted, then looked at Jian Qi, "Are there any other clues?"

"Lihua also mentioned that the queen was full of illusions about love when she was young. She couldn't help but mention that man, saying that he was the smartest person in the world and always had many novel ideas. She also said that if he became an official in the court, he would definitely be able to It will benefit the people, but it is a pity that the man cannot become an official in the court. That's all." Jian Qi said again.

Bai Ruozhu's slender fingers were tapping on the table, and the words Jian Qi said were spinning rapidly in his head.

After a while, she raised her head and said, "Go down and have a rest first. Go and see Yi Zi quickly. She's really worried."

Jian Qi's face turned slightly pale, "Yes, my subordinates are resigning."

After the door closed again, Bai Ruozhu dragged her chin and began to think, "Ah Chun, what kind of people in Fusang are full of talents but cannot serve as officials in the court?"

"Artist?" Jiang Yichun shook his head, "Forget it, don't think about it, take a rest and ask Matsuda and the others tomorrow."

The two of them got on the bed and lay down. Jiang Yichun gently put his arm around Bai Ruozhu's waist and heard her sigh slightly.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"It's okay." In fact, she missed the child, but she didn't want to say it for fear that Ah Chun would blame herself again.

"Then go to bed quickly." He held her arms tightly, feeling a little bitter in his heart. He knew that she wanted to have a child, but she didn't mention it every time, just because she was afraid that he would be sad. She really didn't know his When will things turn around?

Sleeping until midnight, a strong wind suddenly blew outside, and soon raindrops hit the window. Bai Ruozhu suddenly opened his eyes.

She quickly stood up, put on her clothes and ran outside. Jiang Yichun was woken up, and before he could call her, he saw that she had already rushed into the heavy rain.

He also stood up hurriedly, quickly put on his coat, and was about to leave the house, but was shocked back by the water on the ground.

Fortunately, there were raincoats and rain gear used by Fusang people under the eaves not far away. Jiang Yichun hurriedly put on the raincoats, took an umbrella, and chased in the direction Bai Ruozhu left.

She rushed out at this time, probably going to the second prince's house. Jiang Yichun chased after him and saw that the door of the second prince's palace was wide open and candles were lit inside. She was indeed here.

"He..." Jiang Yichun just said a word, but his words were stuck because he saw Bai Ruozhu stripping off the second prince's clothes and putting the naked second prince into the medicine bucket.

This, this is simply...

The anger in his heart suddenly surged, and he rushed into the house quickly.

"Why don't you ask me to help? Don't you know the difference between men and women?" Jiang Yichun became angry, with a tone of questioning and reprimand in his voice, which made Bai Ruozhu's men pause in shock.

But soon she moved again and said in a cold tone: "I will accept it from you later. I want to save people first."

Jiang Yichun was even more annoyed now. What kind of attitude is this!

But he knew from Bai Ruozhu's expression that the situation was urgent, so he could only endure it. But just like that, his anger had nowhere to vent, and he wished he could break several pillars in the temple.

Bai Ruozhu didn't dare to be distracted at all, because she had been careful for a long time, but she missed this point. If she hadn't been alert and heard the sound of rain, she was worried that poison and moisture would be intertwined on rainy days, and the poisoned person would be very painful, so she hurried Come and take a look, otherwise the second prince will definitely have expired by tomorrow morning!

When she arrived, she saw that there was a hole in the roof above the main hall, and rainwater seeped in, and it happened to fall on the second prince. The other prince really had all the tricks and even the weather taken into account.

Don't look at that little bit of rain, as long as it is mixed with a little something, the second prince will die immediately.

But now that it was on the second prince's skin, Bai Ruozhu couldn't sit still and wait for death. She immediately thought of a way to treat him. He directly filled the bathtub with the hot spring in the space, and also put in the concentrated potion that was ready to rescue him in case of an accident. Then he took off the second prince's clothes and let him in.

She never expected that Ah Chun would follow her. She knew that it wasn't that she couldn't explain it clearly, but that Ah Chun would be very unhappy about it.

But she didn't have time to think too much now, because she couldn't be distracted in the slightest, otherwise the second prince would really die in her hands.

The silver needles were inserted one after another, almost pricking the second prince into a hedgehog. Then she took incense made from special herbs, lit it and burned it on various acupuncture points on the prince's body, and directed the poisonous gas little by little towards his left hand. Forced to go.

At this moment, the second prince's eyes were tightly closed, his breathing was getting lighter and lighter, and he was about to die.

Bai Ruozhu became more and more nervous, and hurriedly shouted to Jiang Yichun, who was still angry at the side: "Hurry up and call your father to help, otherwise the person will not be saved!"

Jiang Yichun's expression changed and he seemed a little hesitant, but he still rushed out of the hall and went to Gao Chan's room.

Soon Gao Zhan rushed over. Because he was in a hurry, he didn't have time to use rain gear. He was chilled by the heavy rain outside. But he didn't care at all and asked with a serious face: "What should I do?"

"Take the medicinal incense and incense the pulse. Finish it first." Bai Ruozhu quickly handed over a lit medicinal incense.

Without saying a word, Gao Zhan imitated Bai Ruozhu and started to smoke.

It took Bai Ruozhu a long time to smoke out the Ren vessels. When he looked up, Jiang Yichun didn't come with him, and he knew that he was really annoyed.

She frowned slightly, but quickly regained her composure. Now she couldn't make any mistakes, this was a human life.

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