Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2437 So serious

In the end, Princess Zenko was encouraged by her biological sister, and finally found an opportunity to beg their father, saying that her sister wanted to marry a foreigner and that she wanted to be her brother's wife.

Her father was very surprised and asked her sister in disbelief. Unexpectedly, her sister suddenly changed her mind and said she was willing to marry her brother.

Shanzi, who was still innocent and innocent back then, pointed at her sister angrily and yelled: "You begged me, but now you say this, are you deliberately trying to harm me? We are sisters from the same mother, how could I have done anything bad to you? , you want to do this to me?"

The queen at that time just said calmly: "Sister, you must have heard me wrong. I am not unwilling to marry my brother."

Shanzi couldn't believe it. How could someone in this world tell lies with their eyes open? And that person is still her biological sister!

The former emperor was very angry, thinking that Yoshiko was so scheming at a young age, and immediately sent her to a Buddhist temple to practice, saying that he hoped that the Buddhist temple could cleanse her soul.

Later, Yoshiko stayed in a Buddhist temple for three years. During this period, no one except the current emperor visited her, not even the sister who harmed her.

Fortunately, the emperor believed in her. Later, after the emperor succeeded to the throne, he took her back and married her as his imperial concubine.

It's a pity that her sister was weak after giving birth at that time. When she went to visit, the doctor said that it might be hopeless. She couldn't help but ask her why he did that to her three years ago?

I don't know if the queen didn't want to say it, or she was too sick to hear it. Until her death, Princess Zonzi didn't hear the answer.

The maid next to her had been with her since she was a child, even when she was in the most miserable time in the Buddhist temple, so she knew these old things very well.

She really didn't dislike the eldest prince because of this incident, and she didn't even have much hatred for her sister. Even the bracelet given by her sister had been carried with her for more than 20 years. Not long ago, she suddenly gave it to her as a temporary gift. White as bamboo.

At that time, she also had other thoughts in her mind. She felt that once the bracelet was given away, the grudges between her and her sister would be gone and she should forget about it.

"Actually, it's long gone. I can't remember it forever. I just can't figure out why she did that. When she told me about her sweetheart, her eyes were full of stars. I've never seen her look so bright. Sister Feiyang, is that look fake? But why did she say that to her father later?" Princess Zhanzi's voice was choked with sobs. She just refused to give in and wanted to know why.

"My queen, don't think about it. It's been so long. You're torturing yourself!" the maid said angrily, "Maybe what the queen said was true at first, but something happened later and she couldn't get married. If I give it to that person, I want to be a queen. Think about it, according to the rules of the royal family, if your sister becomes a queen, your sister will not be able to marry the emperor. Can you let your sister be a concubine? She was afraid that she would not be able to find one at the time. It’s time to get married.”

Princess Zhanzi wiped the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, "It's not that I haven't thought about it, it's just that I haven't heard her admit it in person, and I'm not willing to accept it. That's all, I won't think about it anymore in the future."

The maid laughed happily, "That's right. Your Majesty is living such a happy life now, why do you have to think about those unhappy things?"

"I really love that child from Shengde. After all, he was placed by my side at such a young age. I watched him grow up little by little, and I couldn't give birth to a child myself. How could I not treat him as my own son? But he didn't do that. The Emperor's life cannot be forced upon. Your Majesty is kind-hearted, but he has his own opinions on major matters and no one can interfere." Princess Yoshiko added.

The maid nodded, "Your Majesty is still thinking clearly, but it's me who has the power."

She used a joking tone and they both laughed.

The eldest prince Shengde, who was not far outside the house, listened silently and then left without saying a word.

When Bai Ruozhu received the reward, she only accepted the gift note handed over by Otani. She originally meant not to let the reward enter the courtyard. Then Otani told the emperor's considerations, and Bai Ruozhu immediately agreed. She had to admit that this matter The Emperor was much more considerate.

After the things were carried away, Bai Ruozhu took the gift list and showed it to everyone, and said with a smile: "It seems there are a lot of good things. Everyone who sees it will get a share. Let's share it later."

Gao Juan and Tang Feng were not very interested, but Qiu Zhize asked with gleaming eyes: "Really? Do I get a point too?"

Bai Ruozhu glared at him and said, "Do you think I'll give you an equal share? It must be based on merit. It's good if you don't get into trouble. Giving you one or two things is considered a lot."

Qiu Zhi suddenly wilted, "I also want to send more money to the sect so that next year Master and the others won't have to worry about the sect having no money to eat."

"It's not easy for the Longhumen to be like this." Feng Lanying couldn't help but sarcastically said.

"They make a living by catching ghosts and subjugating them, but there are so many monsters and monsters in daily life. It's not easy to make money." Bai Ruozhu thought that Qiu Zhi's master hated Master Puteng so much, and she must be a little jealous. Judging from the popularity of Xinzen Temple, at least the monks in the temple will not go hungry.

"Then Ruozhu, can I give you more points?" Feng Lanying's eyes turned into stars when she looked at Bai Ruozhu. She followed Bai Ruozhu and learned nothing else but to become obsessed with money.

Bai Ruozhu looked at Yuan Licheng and said, "Depending on the merit, you don't have much, but your little Yuan gets the most."

Yuan Licheng immediately expressed his loyalty, looked at Feng Lanying tenderly and said, "Lanying, what's mine is yours, and whatever I get will be given to you!"

Feng Lanying nodded with satisfaction. With Yuan Licheng's attitude, she became even more satisfied with Yuan Licheng.

Bai Ruozhu snickered, did she secretly help Yuan Licheng?

Unexpectedly, two days later, Xinye suddenly came back from outside the palace and gave Bai Ruozhu a stack of papers: "This is the person you are looking for. I don't know if he is in there."

Bai Ruozhu was stunned for a moment, then took it and opened it one by one. Unexpectedly, every piece of paper had a person's information written on it, and there was a large portrait on the top.

One of them arrived at Fusang Country from the sea twenty-four years ago, but he did not say that he came from Danliang Country. He only said that he was an islander on an island in the sea. The man spoke Chinese very well and knew how to write poetry. Now he is in court. a small official position.

The other one came from the Fuso Kingdom from the sea twenty-six years ago. He also spoke excellent Chinese and had some political acumen. He was also assigned an official position.

Bai Ruozhu quickly looked through it. There were five people in total, and their official positions were not very high. I guess Fusang Country would not give foreigners too important official positions.

"These five people have low official positions, so you generally won't notice them. If you can't tell from the portraits, you can also find a chance to see them before talking about them." Shinno said seriously.

Bai Ruozhu said bravely, "Okay, thank you very much. I'm not familiar with that person either. Let's take a look first."

She was just talking casually, but she didn't know that Xinye was so serious and found out, which really made her a little embarrassed.

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