Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2438 I can’t hold my breath anymore

Jiang Yichun came over, snatched the pieces of paper from Bai Ruozhu's hand, and said with a cold face: "Just leave these to me. If you have any clues, tell me directly. My wife should concentrate on treating the second prince first. good."

Only then did Bai Ruozhu understand why Jiang Yichun was so crowded with Xinye. This was obviously an attitude towards his love rival. She secretly covered her forehead, the men in her family were really like warriors.

Xinye looked a little embarrassed, and subconsciously looked towards Bai Ruozhu, wanting to hear what Bai Ruozhu meant. Bai Ruozhu felt even more awkward when he looked at him like this, so he had to bite the bullet and said, "Leave this matter to Ah Chun. It’s not convenient for me to leave the palace now.”

"Okay." Shinno responded, but there was disappointment in his eyes, and he quickly said goodbye and left.

Bai Ruozhu breathed a huge sigh of relief and finally left. Jiang Yichun snickered. His wife was just making an excuse. If the boy was so interested in him, wouldn't it make his wife embarrassed?

So, hehe, it's simply uncomfortable for such a Fuso man to dare to show his courtesy.

Jiang Yichun planned to throw away the information, but he didn't want to make it too obvious in front of Ruozhu, so he picked it up and pretended to look through it, but when he saw it, he was stunned.

"What's wrong?" Bai Ruozhu noticed the change in his expression and hurriedly came over.

The woman's fragrance penetrated his nose, calming Jiang Yichun's turbulent emotions a little. He took a piece of paper and said, "Don't you think this person looks a lot like my master?"

"Ah?" Bai Ruozhu realized that the "master" he mentioned was Wu Yunfeng, but she just saw it, so why didn't she think it looked like him?

"No way, hasn't he always stayed in Danliang?" Bai Ruozhu took another look at the portrait, forgiving her for not being able to recognize the ancient non-three-dimensional painting method.

Jiang Yichun frowned tightly and said, "I'm not saying it's him. He has a younger brother who is said to look very similar to him. Although I've never seen him, he once got drunk and took out the portrait to cry. , what a pain it was for his brother, I happened to pass by his study and saw him, and thought that his brother died due to some accident. "

Bai Ruozhu sounded serious, why did he feel that there was something hidden in this.

"This portrait is very similar to the portrait at that time, so I remembered it. At that time, I was curious about why I didn't hear Master mention that he had a younger brother, so I asked the senior brother privately. I didn't want the senior brother to be cold at that time. Face asked me why I mentioned such a thing, and after I told the truth, the senior brother warned me very seriously not to mention it to anyone again."

Jiang Yichun sighed as he spoke, "He probably felt it was a bit heavy after he said that, and explained that Master didn't tell us because he was afraid that his brother had died unexpectedly, and if we mentioned it, it would only anger him. Later I said this I put the matter behind me, but the moment I saw the portrait, I felt that things were not as explained by Senior Brother."

"You think Wu Yunfeng arranged for his brother to go to Fusang, so he felt sorry for his brother and suffered him. I'm afraid your senior brother knows the inside story, but this matter is very secret. He was afraid that you would make Wu Yunfeng unhappy, so he decided to I warn you not to mention it again." Bai Ruozhu said.

Jiang Yichun nodded, "Speaking of which, although senior brother has a cold temperament and rarely talks to us, he has never put himself over Xu Huilin and me. He even secretly helped us on several missions, but he never mentioned it himself. It was only after his accidental death that his confidants mentioned it.”

"It's a pity that people were killed by Wu Wanqing like this." Bai Ruozhu sighed with emotion. One of Wu Yunfeng's three apprentices was killed by his daughter, and the other had his arms chopped off by Wu Yunfeng. Fortunately, when Ah Chun escaped, she and Gao Chan were there again. Protecting him prevented him from being harmed.

"Go back and look at this Song Yi. If he is really Wu Yunfeng's biological brother, I really don't know how big a trap they have laid." Jiang Yichun's eyes shone coldly, and he remembered that he should no longer call him "Master". It’s just that after more than ten years of calling it, it became somewhat smooth.

Unexpectedly, Bai Ruozhu's unintentional intervention led to such a clue. She was a little excited. If it was really Wu Yunfeng's arrangement, wouldn't it be a happy thing if they discovered it now and disrupted the situation?

But don't be hasty yet, lest you alert the enemy.

In the afternoon, Ogu suddenly came to report and said: "Master Jiang, Master Bai, Mr. Shen came to the palace to visit the second prince. The second prince once worshiped Mr. Shen and respected him very much. Your Majesty would like to ask if it is convenient now?" "

Otani's tone was very respectful. It was obvious that he no longer had any doubts about Bai Ruozhu, and he was even in admiration. After all, not just anyone can "bring people back to life."

"Shen Zongyi?" Bai Ruozhu looked at Otani with a look of confusion on purpose, "I heard that Mr. Shenzong Yi is a wealthy businessman in Fusang. Doesn't Fusang country not allow businessmen to serve as officials? How come he can be the teacher of the second prince?"

"Lord Bai doesn't know something. The Shen family is an extremely ancient aristocracy in Fuso. It was only because of financial difficulties that Mr. Shen went into business for the family. He has great talents, and even His Majesty admires him very much. The second prince learned a lot from him." Otani explained.

"Oh, that's it." Bai Ruozhu winked at Jiang Yichun, and then said: "Since His Majesty trusts him, it's okay to let him visit the second prince, but if there is any accident, we will not be responsible."

"No, no, just don't worry, Mr. Bai." Otani said hurriedly.

Soon Ogu went back to deliver the message, while Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun looked at each other and laughed.

"I wanted to bump into him, but I didn't want him to come to the door on his own. I'm afraid he won't be able to calm down anymore," Jiang Yichun said.

"So we'll see what he has to say later." Bai Ruozhu chuckled, then asked Yuan Licheng to set up a formation, and asked Yi Zi to add a defensive formation around the second prince.

About a quarter of an hour later, the emperor and Shenzong appeared outside the courtyard gate together. Bai Ruozhu opened the door, saluted and made a gesture of invitation.

Shenzong Yi had been looking at Bai Ruozhu, with deep vigilance and inquiry hidden in his eyes, but he quickly suppressed it again, making people look at him as he still looked elegant.

Bai Ruozhu sneered in her heart. Shenzong Yi's look reminded her of the black boss. At that time, she felt that the black boss was imitating the master above and wanted to make herself look like an elegant scholar. Unfortunately, a pirate is a pirate, and soon his true form was revealed. He has been exposed. I wonder when Mr. Shenzong Yi will reveal his true colors?

"Thank you, Mr. Bai, for saving the second prince. I went out to Beijing to do business a few days ago, but I didn't want to have a big change. I really don't know what would have happened without Mr. Bai's help." Shenzong said and bowed deeply to Bai Ruozhu. bow.

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