Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2472 Feeding

"It is said that they are a group of pirates coming from the sea. They are so arrogant. No pirates have dared to grab a ship at the dock for many years. When the emperor and Akamatsu got the news, they were furious." Mo Beishan said.

"It's Boss Hei and the others!" Bai Ruozhu shouted.

Mo Beishan was shocked, "What? Aren't they dead?"

Others also looked in disbelief. They were trapped in that mysterious place on the island. Could there be a way to escape?

"I just learned from my chat with Astrology that the island will trap people for ten days. When the time is up, the trapped people will come out automatically, and they will be fine if they don't eat or drink for ten days." Bai Ruozhu explained.

"This, this is too arrogant!" Yi Zi's face turned red with anger, "Are they just so blatantly looking for trouble?"

Bai Ruozhu laughed angrily, "It's because their master is having a hard time, so he jumped over the wall in a hurry."

"I'll take people to take stock of what's been lost, and I'll have to settle it with them later," Jiang Yichun said.

Bai Ruozhu nodded, "Jian Qi, help me get the medicine box. I'll also go check on the injured boatman."

"Yes." Jian Qi responded.

When Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun arrived at the ship, they found that there were more than one injured person, including Wu Ya's father Wu Liu.

"Master, please save Wu Ya's father, his arm cannot be disabled!" Wu Ya Niang cried and knelt in front of Bai Ruozhu. This woman who looked different from ordinary boat girls, at this moment, unexpectedly He was panicking, completely losing his usual composure.

Bai Ruozhu hurriedly gave her a hand, "I'll show him right away."

After saying that, she rushed into the cabin and rushed to Wu Liu.

Wu Liu was seriously injured, his arm was bloody, and the bed was stained in large areas. The wound was randomly wrapped with some cloth and treated in a hurry.

Bai Ruozhu hurriedly opened the cloths and suddenly saw wounds that were deep enough to show the bones.

The wound was a knife wound. It was an extremely deep cut. It looked like it had been cut with internal force. Even the bones were cut with cracks. If it were deeper, half of the arm might be chopped off.

"Don't be afraid, there is a way." Bai Ruozhu said quickly and started to stop Wu Liu's bleeding. Not only could his arm be saved in his current condition, but if he continued to lose blood like this, his life would be in danger.

Jian Qi saw Wu Ya Niang crying hard and stopped her outside the house, "Calm down first, prepare some boiling water, and let the master concentrate on saving people."

He has seen Bai Ruozhu treat people a lot, and he probably knows what Bai Ruozhu may need.

Bai Ruozhu said without looking back: "Ask Mo Beishan to arrange for someone to pick up Wuya. She will stay on the boat to look for Gu's father recently."

Jian Qi immediately went to do it. Wu Ya Niang had just wiped away her tears and told herself to be strong, but when she heard that Bai Ruozhu still considered them, she was moved and cried again.

By the time Wu Ya was picked up, Bai Ruozhu had already finished treating Wu Liu. The bleeding had stopped, all the places that needed to be sutured were sutured, and medicine to replenish qi and blood was prepared. After that, it was necessary to observe that there was no fever at night.

Seeing her father like this, Wuya's face turned as white as paper and she almost burst into tears.

Fortunately, Bai Ruozhu glared at her and said, "Don't be too busy crying. You have been learning medical skills from me for a while. If nothing else, you can at least take care of your father. You have been staring at your father these days." If the patient has a fever, cool him down physically. If the condition worsens, ask someone to send me a message."

"Yes." Wu Ya tried her best to hold back her tears. Now was not the time for her to cry.

Bai Ruozhu immediately stood up and said, "I'll show it to others."

"Master!" Wuya called to Bai Ruozhu, and suddenly knelt on the ground with a thud, "Thank you, master, for saving my father. Wuya will never forget this kindness."

Bai Ruozhu shook his head, "What are you kid doing talking about this? Don't delay me from going to see other people's injuries."

After hearing this, Wu Ya couldn't help but kneel any more and hurriedly got up from the ground.

Jiang Yichun and Mo Beishan learned more about the situation, and then Mo Beishan took people to the city to find out the news and see where Boss Hei and his group were hiding.

According to their understanding, Boss Hei and the others swam from the sea to the ship, but their ship did not approach the dock, so after grabbing some goods, they fled into the city with the goods. However, the situation was chaotic and no one knew that they had escaped. Where did you go.

Bai Ruozhu had been busy treating the wounded. By the time he finished, it was already dark outside.

"Madam, you haven't finished eating yet, so I brought some food." Wu Ya Niang brought some food over.

Bai Ruozhu didn't feel it when she was busy, but when she was done, she felt hungry, and she didn't refuse. She took the chopsticks and started eating.

After a while, Jiang Yichun rushed back, walked into the cabin and saw her eating. He immediately sat next to her and said, "Why are you eating now? I understand that you want to save people, but you can't ignore your own health."

Bai Ruozhu turned to smile at him, "You didn't eat, did you?"

Jiang Yichun choked and let out a dull sigh.

"Tch, you're still talking about me, aren't you the same?" Bai Ruozhu laughed, "Wu Ya Niang, is there any food?"

"Yes, yes, I'll get it right away." After Wu Ya Niang said that, she quickly left the house and went to the kitchen below to get the food.

Jiang Yichun reached out and took Bai Ruozhu's chopsticks, picked up a piece of fish and put it into his mouth.

"Those are the chopsticks I used!" Bai Ruozhu shouted.

"Then I'll feed you." Jiang Yichun laughed, picked up some green vegetables and fed it to her mouth.

Bai Ruozhu blushed, "It's not like I don't know how to eat. How long has it been and I'm still acting like this?"

"I feel sorry for you. How can I call it nonsense?" Jiang Yichun smiled and took a piece of fish and put it in her mouth.

Bai Ruozhu frowned slightly. In fact, she didn't really want to eat fish. She was really tired of it, but the boat was not well prepared, and some fish and vegetables were already difficult to eat.

Jiang Yichun also noticed her displeasure and did not feed her any more fish. He only whispered, "We will eat something else when we get back to the inn."

"Yeah." Bai Ruozhu replied casually, thinking about today's events in her head, and didn't pay attention to Jiang Yichun feeding her, so she subconsciously opened her mouth to eat.

Wu Ya Niang came back with the food and saw this scene when she walked to the door. She stopped hurriedly, with a look of envy in her eyes. The relationship between Mr. Jiang and Mr. Bai is really good. Her Wu Ya didn't know Can she meet a good man who truly loves her?

But Wu Ya Niang quickly came to her senses and shook her head secretly. Her Wu Ya was still young, so it was too early for her to think about this.

What's more, with their status as criminals, how could they dare to dream of a wonderful marriage?

Jiang Yichun had already seen Wu Ya Niang over there, and said calmly: "Put the food down, you go and do your work first."

Wu Ya Niang hurriedly put down the food, bowed and left. Her movements were very standard, and she looked more like a stewardess among the nobles.

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