Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2473 We must make up for the losses

Bai Ruozhu guessed that Wu Ya Niang saw Jiang Yichun feeding her, her face couldn't help but feel a little hot, and she quietly glared at Jiang Yichun. Now Jiang Yichun couldn't make trouble with her anymore and sat down to eat honestly.

When the meal was almost done, Bai Ruozhu asked, "How was the check?"

"It should be Boss Hei and the others. They are just dealing with the people on the boat. They don't need to use the Shushan sword technique. In addition, the people fled into the city and took their things with them, but they seemed to disappear suddenly. I suspect they entered from somewhere." He found a secret passage, maybe he is hiding in the Shenzong Mansion now." Jiang Yichun said.

Bai Ruozhu narrowed her eyes. She was so angry now that she wished she could kill Shenzong's family so that no one could live in his family.

But think about it calmly, for such a cautious person as Shenzong Yi, would his own family be so easy to attack? He has a system, points, and maybe even a magic weapon. How could he not build his home like a strong fortress?

"Don't impulsively take people to take revenge on Shenzong's family. It's too dangerous. The debt must be settled, but we can't let ourselves suffer any losses." Bai Ruozhu stared closely into Jiang Yichun's eyes. Sure enough, his eyes flickered. Obviously I thought about leading someone to secretly beat Shenzong's family.

Bai Ruozhu was a little angry, so she hit him on the head with chopsticks and said, "Don't do this nonsense. Nothing is more important than your safety."

"Ruozhu..." Jiang Yichun was a little ashamed, but more moved.

The two of them had finished their meal while they were talking, and it was getting late. They explained to Mo Beishan before returning to the post house.

Bai Ruozhu was very tired. When she got home, she simply scrubbed and fell asleep. When she woke up, it was already broad daylight.

"Master, the emperor sent Lord Otani here, and General Akamatsu also sent Matsuda to visit. Because my uncle is not here, they are still waiting in the hall." Jian Qi heard the movement outside the house and said to Bai Ruozhu.

Bai Ruozhu stood up in a hurry, "How long have they been waiting? Why didn't you wake me up?"

"My uncle told me not to wake you up and let you sleep a little longer." Jian Qi replied, "They have just arrived. It's not too late for you to go over now."

Bai Ruozhu sighed, why did she think Jian Qi listened to Ah Chun more now?

She put on her coat and walked quickly to the front hall.

When Otani and Matsuda saw her arriving, they stood up and saluted her one after another.

"Master Bai, Your Majesty is already aware of the pirates' robbery of your ship, and has sent additional personnel to investigate the matter thoroughly. Please rest assured, Master Bai, Your Majesty will definitely give you an explanation." Otani said first.

Matsuda also said: "Master Bai, the general was furious when he heard about this. He said that those pirates must not be let go. He also said that if you need anything, just tell him."

After hearing this, Otani hurriedly said: "Your Majesty also said that this happened in Fusang territory. How can we let our distinguished guests suffer such losses? So Your Majesty, please count the lost property. We Fusang are willing to bear this loss."

Matsuda's expression changed, it was the emperor who paid so much.

"The general also said that he would make up for Lord Bai's loss, so Ming Yue asked someone to send something over." Matsuda added.

As Bai Ruozhu listened to the two people talking to each other, she felt that her head had become two big heads. Didn't she offend General Chisong before? Why did it suddenly become so popular?

But if you think about it carefully, you can make a rough guess.

The pirates robbed the pier and even went ashore. This matter will definitely spread. This matter will definitely cause an uproar among the people. Who hopes that there are still pirates in Kyoto where they live?

Therefore, the attitude of those in power is very important at this time.

The Emperor may really care more, but General Akamatsu does not want to lose the support of the people because of this matter. After all, most of the city's defense work is in the hands of General Akamatsu.

"You two are too polite. The black pirates who robbed us have an old grudge. Maybe they came to take revenge, and we failed to take precautions. I just heard that they robbed the property on the ship and hid in the city. I was afraid that the city would Someone colludes with pirates, which will affect the stability of Kyoto." Bai Ruozhu said.

She already had a plan in her head. Didn't Shenzong want to teach her a lesson? Then she should give him some trouble and see who can outplay whom!

Otani and Matsuda said some more polite words before saying goodbye and leaving.

Unexpectedly, in the afternoon, Xinye sent Bai Ruozhu over again, saying that he wanted to invite Bai Ruozhu to come over.

Bai Ruozhu raised her eyebrows. Could it be that he wanted to tell her about the fraud?

"Isn't it that Lu Zhi still wants to take revenge on me?" Bai Ruozhu asked deliberately.

Matsuda waved his hand hurriedly, "No, no, Master Luzhi doesn't know about this. Master Shinno wants to see you."

"Okay, I'll let you go and have a look."

Afterwards, Bai Ruozhu went to have a simple disguise, and then followed Matsuda to Xinye's home.

Xinye sat on the bed with a look of pain and helplessness on his face. His eyes lit up when he saw Bai Ruozhu.

"Master Bai, how long will it take for me to walk? Lying like this is really killing me!" Shinno shouted.

Bai Ruozhu frowned, "You came to me to ask this?"

Isn't it about the work?

"I want you to help me take a look at my legs, or is there any medicine that can help me get better quickly?" Shinye's eyes were a little wandering. He didn't know what was wrong with him. He probably couldn't move. He was easily irritable while lying in bed. Somehow, Matsuda, who was visiting, was suddenly called to invite Bai Ruozhu over.

At this moment, he bit the bullet and asked, where can it be just two or three days?

"It's early. Haven't you heard that it takes a hundred days to break your muscles and bones?" Bai Ruozhu raised her eyebrows, "Don't ramble on. You asked me to come and you don't have anything else to say?"

Xinye's face turned red, but because of his dark skin and the poor lighting in the room, Bai Ruozhu and Matsuda didn't notice him.

What does she mean? Did she guess something?

Xinye was a little flustered and didn't know how to answer.

"No, it's nothing." He said with some lack of confidence.

Bai Ruozhu glared at him fiercely and said, "Then let me ask you, please explain what happened."

Xinye's face, which was still hot, suddenly cooled down. He looked at Bai Ruozhu in confusion and asked, "What are you doing?"

Bai Ruozhu frowned, that's not right. Looking at Xinye's reaction, did he really not know?

Was that person sent by Lu Zhi?

Just as she was about to ask again, her peripheral vision glanced at the surprised face of Matsuda next to her. Maybe Matsuda was thinking about what happened when he fainted.

"Matsuda, can you help make a pot of tea?" Bai Ruozhu said.

Matsuda came to his senses and said hurriedly: "Okay, I'll go right away."

After Matsuda left, Bai Ruozhu stared at Xinye and asked: "You handled the body extremely improperly. Those wounds looked like fresh wounds. When I went to help you with the aftermath, I saw a gangster doing the same thing. If someone It wasn't you who arranged it, could it be Lu Zhi?"

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