Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2564 Burned to Ashes

When the two returned to the place, they saw Gao Chan stabbing Wu Yunfeng with a knife, and he was stabbing Wu Yunfeng with great vigor. Bai Ruozhu hurriedly shouted, "Don't move!"

Gao Juan was startled and turned to look at her, "Why can't you kill me?"

"No, there are bugs in his body. I'm afraid that if you poke a hole, the bugs will come out and bite you." Bai Ruozhu said and walked over quickly.

Yizi and Hualu were both afraid of Gu insects, so they quickly retreated after hearing these words. Yizi also subconsciously hid behind Jianqi, and Jianqi also very wisely protected her with one hand.

But Feng Lanying was not afraid and released three puppet beasts, "Where are the bugs? Let my puppets kill them."

Yuan Licheng was so frightened that he hurriedly pulled her away, "Auntie, please don't join in the fun. The Gu bug is not an ordinary bug. You haven't killed it, but what if it bites you? I don't know how many people it has bitten. It's so dirty!"

The corners of Feng Lanying's mouth twitched. She felt dirty and stepped aside.

When Gao Ruan heard that there were poisonous insects, he didn't pull out the dagger he stabbed in. He said with a look of disgust: "It's like the poisonous insects are crazy. I don't know how much flesh and blood has been eaten by the poisonous insects. This kind of person has taken over the world and conquered the world again." How, I still don’t know how many days I can live.”

Bai Ruozhu did not wake up Wu Yunfeng for interrogation this time. This man was too cunning and terrifying. She would rather give up knowing his secret.

She took out the powder to suppress the poisonous insects and poured it directly on Wu Yunfeng, covering it from head to toe.

Soon, everyone saw something squirming on Wu Yunfeng's face, neck, arms, and under the exposed skin. It was crawling around faster and faster. It was obviously a... Just a worm.

Yi Zi felt nauseated and retched twice before daring to look at it.

"Anyway, this is outside the city, let's just burn him to death." Bai Ruozhu said.

Jiang Yichun agreed, and immediately went to find some dead branches and piled them around and on Wu Yunfeng.

To be on the safe side, Bai Ruozhu drew a circle around the firewood with medicinal powder. She suddenly thought of something, looked at the horoscope and asked, "Have you found the horoscope?"

Astrology shook his head, "It's not on him, but it doesn't matter. If you can calculate the location again in three days, you can always find it."

Bai Ruozhu nodded, "Let's light the fire."

Jiang Yichun took the flint and went over to light the fire.

The fire burned quickly. Bai Ruozhu added medicinal powder to it. In a blink of an eye, the fire engulfed Wu Yunfeng. Such severe pain made Wu Yunfeng wake up.

But he was tied up by Wu Hua Da, and he couldn't even get up. Coupled with the crazy worms in his body, he twitched and screamed in pain.

At this time, Gu worms emerged from his skin one after another, just like seeds sprouting and breaking through the soil. There were holes in his skin, black blood flowed wildly, and the air was filled with a fishy smell and burnt... Mixed taste.

Coral didn't dare to look at it and hid behind Qiu Zhi.

Bai Ruozhu released the little hair ball. In the past, some special poisonous insects came out of the medicine circle. As for the poisonous insects that could not escape, the little hairy ball didn't care at all and didn't even bother to devour them.

Many Gu insects fled in the fire, some crawling on the ground and flying in the sky, but they could not escape the fire, let alone the encirclement sprinkled with medicinal powder.

Finally, a blood-red Gu worm emerged from between Wu Yunfeng's eyebrows and rushed outside quickly.

The little fur ball screamed happily, and chased after it with a wave of its wings. After a while, it flew back and threw the body of the red Gu worm on the ground.

This was after devouring the red Gu worm and leaving the body behind for Bai Ruozhu to destroy and destroy.

Bai Ruozhu curled her lips, how could she do this?

She picked it up with the tip of her dagger, and the red Gu worm was submerged in the fire and quickly burned to ashes.

Until the fire went out, Wu Yunfeng screamed until his voice became hoarse, and then his voice gradually disappeared.

Being burned to death by fire and tortured by poisonous insects all over his body was quite special. It finally made everyone feel bad.

Wu Yunfeng had too many poisons on his body, and even if he was burned to ashes, it would harm others. Finally, Bai Ruozhu poured potion on the ashes, and then led everyone away.

"Oh, I've never seen it so troublesome to kill someone." Tang Feng couldn't help but sigh.

"That's why it's a scourge, but there is another such scourge that we can't miss." Bai Ruozhu glanced at Jiang Yichun, she was talking about Song Yi.

Thinking about the fact that the man once drank under their noses and pretended to be drunk, they didn't realize that he knew martial arts, let alone that he was a voodoo breeder. He was really careful enough.

"Who was that person you just chased?" Gao Juan asked suddenly.

Jiang Yichun thought for a while and said: "It's a Fusang man. He said he was Song Yi's enemy, so he found Wu Yunfeng and helped us just now. But he didn't want to reveal his identity, so he left first."

"Thanks to this person, otherwise Wu Yunfeng would have escaped again." Gao Juan said.

Bai Ruozhu glanced at Jiang Yichun quietly. It seemed that he had figured it out, respected Wei Guanyu's decision, and would not tell anyone that Wei Guanyu was still alive.

The group of people worked hard for most of the night and returned to the city to separate. Bai Ruozhu and the others quietly walked back to the post house and went back to rest.

"You said that the astrology brought a group of people into the palace tonight?" Shenzong asked his subordinates in the palace.

"Back to my lord, the astrology said that there was a demonic presence in the palace, so he took people to check it out, but later someone discovered that he asked his men to move separately, as if they were looking for something, and even went to the laundry room." The subordinate replied.

Shenzong narrowed his eyes and said, "Continue to check and see what they are looking for."

Not long after, the subordinates came back and reported, "Lord, they were probably looking for someone. That person was staying in the laundry room, but then he apparently escaped from the palace. Astrology led people to chase them out of the city. The subordinates have already sent people out of the city. Traced.”

Shenzong glanced at the round wooden pillars placed in the study room, his eyes darkening a bit.

"Continue to investigate. No matter whether there is anything wrong or not, let's use the topic to our advantage and find something for them." Shenzong said fiercely.

That round wooden pillar was one of the two pillars at the entrance of Shen's house. He sent people to cut the pillars for a long time, but the red writing was still visible, so he simply had the pillars cut down. Now the stone lion at the door of Shen's house , pillars, and door plaques were all replaced.

But just because it was replaced with a new one, the bright red blood words became even more unclear.

He also wanted to prove that the words could be erased, but they couldn't be erased. There was still color inside the wooden pillars, so he had to have them chopped off.

But he remembered this grudge. Even if he tried to expose his identity and affect his plans over the years, he would still let those Central Plains people die miserably!

Thinking of this, he sent away the servants around him, called up the system and asked: "Is there any way to kill several masters at once?"

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