Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2565 It’s too late to regret

Everyone didn't dare to rest after a day's rest. The next night, they all went out in disguise and rushed to Song Yi's home.

It was inconvenient for them to act during the day, so they had to wait until night, otherwise it would be difficult to explain the execution of Song Yi. Who in Fusang knew about Wu Yunfeng, and who knew what Song Yi had done?

It's really too slow to find evidence, it's too late.

Unfortunately, their attack was in vain. Song Yi disappeared, not after they killed Wu Yunfeng, but disappeared the day before they captured Wu Yunfeng.

Song Yi's wife is also looking for him everywhere. He has also stayed overnight without returning home in the past. Men in official circles often go to drink wine and sleep in brothels all night.

But Song Yi hasn't been home for three days, and he hasn't gone anywhere on errands. It's impossible for Song Yi's wife not to be worried.

Bai Ruozhu and the others hid in the dark and quietly observed the reaction of Song Yi's wife. After observing for a long time, they found that she seemed to be an ordinary Fusang woman, and she had no idea what Song Yi was doing.

Then Bai Ruozhu made some incense and let the woman fall asleep. They went into Song Yi's house and searched.

There are no traces of cultivating voodoo insects, no hidden superstitions, and no traces of poisoning.

It is not impossible for a person to take everything away before leaving, but if he raises voodoo bugs, even if all the voodoo bugs are moved, it is impossible not to leave any traces.

But Wei Guanyu is very sure that Song Yi raised Gu insects, which means that Song Yi's Gu insects were not raised at home in the Ming Dynasty.

Bai Ruozhu looked around. Song Yi's house was not big, but it was in a good location. There were other people around, and the orientation was good. There must be plenty of sunshine on weekdays.

Such a place is not suitable for raising Gu.

The group of people didn't find any useful clues, so they had to retreat to the inn.

In the emperor's palace, the second prince said with a serious face: "Father, we can't let them go on like this anymore. Do you know that they colluded with astrologers. Last night, they entered the palace to catch monsters under the pretext of astrology, and brought a group of men with them. Someone When they saw Bai Ruozhu, they hid in disguise and sneaked into the palace at night. Do they have any good intentions? "

The emperor was a little unhappy, "Jiro, what's wrong with you? Bai Ruozhu is your savior and protected you from being killed several times. How can you doubt them so much?"

The second prince's expression was a little stiff, "I'm also grateful to them, but after all, she saved me alone, and I accept it with my life, but I can't control the palace just because they saved me." , killing my parents and relatives."

"When have they ever harmed us?" The emperor shook his head helplessly, "Do you remember resenting her for pinching your mother-in-law's neck?"

The second prince said nothing, but it was obvious that he held a grudge.

"It's your mother-in-law who has made her angry again and again. With Bai Ruozhu's character, someone else would have been cruel to her." The emperor sighed, "Your mother-in-law is ignorant, are you ignorant too?"

"Father, you have been deceived by them. Your mother and concubine were frightened to the point of going crazy by her. Why are you still called ignorant?" the second prince shouted.

"Shut up!" The Emperor roared, suddenly feeling tightness in his chest and coughing violently.

The second prince's expression changed, he couldn't bear it after all.

The emperor waved his hand a little tiredly, "You go down and rest, I'm tired too."

The second prince opened his mouth, but finally bowed his head and retreated.

He did not rush back to his palace, but took a detour to see his mother-in-law.

As soon as Princess Masako heard the news from the maid that the second prince had arrived, she immediately tore her hair tousled and her whole body was suddenly in a state of embarrassment.

"Jiro, help me, I don't want to die!" When she saw the second prince coming in, she rushed up and took his arm.

"Concubine, don't be afraid. It's okay. It's okay." The second prince coaxed his concubine distressedly, and then asked the maid beside him, "Is my concubine like this during the day?"

The maid hurriedly replied: "It's a little better, but the empress is always afraid. Could it be that she's possessed by an evil spirit?"

"Nonsense, how could there be evil in the palace?" The second prince scolded the maid and looked at his mother and concubine worriedly.

Fortunately, Princess Masako "quieted" down and seemed to be back to normal.

"Jiro, when did you arrive? Why didn't anyone bring you tea?" Princess Masako complained.

Then she walked to the table and poured a cup of tea for the second prince herself. The second prince hurriedly took the tea and said, "Concubine, have a good rest and don't think too much. If you have anything to do, ask the palace people to do it."

"Okay." Princess Masako replied with a smile.

The second prince didn't think much and took a few sips of the tea handed to him by his mother and concubine.

"Does it taste good?" Princess Masako asked with a smile.

"Is this this year's new tea? It tastes pretty good." The second prince said.

At this time, he saw his mother and concubine laughing again, but for some reason, he felt a little weird, but he couldn't tell what was weird.

He didn't know why he felt a little panicked, so he stood up and left, saying that he was going back to his bedroom to rest.

Princess Masako didn't get up to see him off, and she didn't know what she was thinking where she was sitting.

The second prince returned to the palace with a somewhat chaotic pace. He felt more and more congested in his chest. He hurriedly asked someone to pour him a few cups of tea, but he didn't want to drink the tea, which made his chest pain even worse.

He suddenly remembered the scene just now, and he knew why he felt weird!

A flash of coquettish red flashed across his mother's eyes. His mother's eyes were obviously black, so why were they red?

Before he could figure it out, he felt that he couldn't breathe in pain, and then he slowly lost consciousness, as if something was controlling him.

Originally, when the poison was eaten, the person who was poisoned would be controlled unknowingly, but the second prince's situation was special. He had just been poisoned, and was nourished by Bai Ruozhu's many medicines. The remaining medicine in his body temporarily suppressed the poison. , so he became conscious and knew that he drank the wrong cup of tea.

No, what he did wrong was not just a cup of tea, but too many mistakes. He believed in his mother-in-law, but he didn't want her to be controlled by others.

He knew clearly that Ruozhu had saved him several times and had never hidden anything from him, but he doubted them and even went to his father to confess to Ruozhu.

The second prince regretted it at this moment, but he fell down like that and it was too late to regret.

On the other side of the emperor's palace, his chest also felt tight, so he had to take a scripture and read it. Unexpectedly, the depression in his heart was slowly suppressed, and the feeling of congestion in his chest was no longer there.

The emperor didn't think much about it. He just thought that the second prince was so angry that he was disturbed. Only Buddhist scriptures could calm him down.

Princess Masako was dressing up in the mirror at the moment. She had no memory of what she had given the second prince to drink. The maid looked at her with a sarcastic smile on her lips.

At the same time, Prince Wende was doing bed exercises with a maid in his arms. The maid was probably very pampered, and she said a little bit coquettishly: "Isn't this a bad thing? The prince went to find that old woman?"

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