Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2616 White-haired Savage

The group of people walked in the direction of the footprints, and after walking for about half an hour, Bai Ruozhu, with sharp eyes, suddenly pointed to a place and said, "Look there!"

Everyone looked over and saw that it was a piece of white bone. Gao Chan, who studied medicine in his previous life, immediately recognized it, "It's a human thigh bone."

Bai Ruozhu nodded, "It should have been taken down before death. Let's be careful. There may be agencies nearby."

This time Yuan Licheng and Feng Lanying walked in front. Yuan Licheng checked the mechanism formation, and Feng Lanying used the mechanism puppet to assist.

Soon, the two of them discovered a trap. It was not a very elaborate trap, and there was no mechanism or anything in it. It was just a big deep pit with sharpened wooden stakes inserted in it.

"There is blood on it. It must have been a human or animal death, but the body is not here." Yuan Licheng said.

Everyone checked carefully next to the trap, but no other traces were found.

At this moment, Bai Ruozhu suddenly looked back and whispered, "There's something moving over there!"

Jiang Yichun protected her behind, then took out a copper coin and hit it in the direction Bai Ruozhu said.

Crash, the leaves in the distance were not swept away, and there was a series of sounds, and something was escaping into the distance.

"Chase!" Jiang Yichun said one word, then took Bai Ruozhu's hand and chased after him.

Their Qinggong skills were very good. The chase instantly reduced the distance between them, but they also discovered that the thing was very fast, but it didn't seem to be a human being.

Because Bai Ruozhu saw long white hair, which seemed to be some kind of animal.

Just when a group of people were about to catch up, there were chaotic footsteps in the distance, and they still encountered the sound of rustling leaves.

A dozen white-haired animals appeared in an instant, surrounded them, and barked at them with bared teeth.

"What is this?" Feng Lanying asked in surprise.

At this time, they could clearly see the appearance of those white-haired monsters. They were standing and walking, and they were very fast.

One of the tallest hairy monsters suddenly roared and pointed at them and gave some order, and then the other hairy monsters threw their weapons at them.

It was a simple spear, somewhat like a harpoon. Some of Bai Ruozhu and the others avoided it, while others waved their swords to block it. The hands of those who blocked it were numb from the shock.

"These long-haired monsters have no internal strength, but they are frighteningly powerful." Gao Juan said loudly.

The opponent roared at them and suddenly attacked them very quickly. Their speed was as fast as a leopard.

"Deploy the formation!" Yuan Licheng did not look down upon those long-haired monsters. The defensive formation was immediately set up. The long-haired monsters rushed forward in a blink of an eye, slammed into the formation's protection, and then fell to the ground.

Bai Ruozhu swayed, and she quickly looked at Yuan Licheng. Yuan Licheng's face was not very good, and he cursed angrily: "What kind of monster is so strong?"

These monsters are just too strong, so they hit the formation so violently that they can even make the ground tremble when they fall to the ground.

Astrology's face looked a little unhappy, "They are not monsters, I'm afraid they are humans!"

"Can a person look like this?" Gao Zhan curled his lips.

"I once heard that there would be savages in some ancient places. Their bodies were covered with long hair, but they had their own language and wisdom, but they couldn't speak the same language as us." Xingxing explained, picking up another newly grown animal from the ground. The hairy monster threw the spear and fork and said: "You see, they can make weapons, but the beasts can't, unless they become monsters."

Bai Ruozhu thought of some articles she had read in her previous life, saying that there were traces of savages in Shennongjia and Changbai Mountain. These long-haired monsters must be the savages from Fuso. She didn't expect that they actually lived on this island.

"Perhaps they regard us as monsters or real objects?" Bai Ruozhu said.

"Although I don't understand the language, the savages are also smart. I want to catch their leader, and things will be easier later." Xingxing said as he flew out a few pieces of talisman paper and hit the strongest savage. He just fell down. On the ground, he was still a little confused. When he came back to his senses, he was surrounded by talismans with fire.

The savage leader roared and raised his hand to hit the talisman. Apparently he was not afraid of fire.

He didn't want his furry hand to touch the talisman, but not a single bit of his white hair burned. This shows that these savages can survive and have their own special features.

Astrology was not in a hurry. He changed his gestures and the talisman suddenly turned into a stream of light, restraining the savage leader.

Immediately, the person was pulled by the flow of light and pulled into the formation.

At this moment, the savages outside screamed like crazy, and they all slammed into the formation desperately.

Bai Ruozhu and the others ran over and spent a lot of energy before tapping the savage leader's acupuncture points.

No, I shouldn't say pricking, because they used their hands to prick with internal force, but it was useless. The prick on his skin was like pricking on a stone.

In the end, it was Jiang Yichun who used the tip of his sword to use his inner strength to poke the acupoints hard, and finally he was able to kill the savage leader.

"Good guy, this skin is so hard, it's not easy to kill him." Tang Feng poked the savage leader's arm and couldn't help but mutter.

The savage leader yelled angrily, but the savages outside became quiet one by one. They probably knew that the leader was in the opponent's hands and they could not act rashly.

"My family has a secret method that can communicate with foreign races, but we need to not be disturbed. Why don't you help me protect the method? I'll communicate with him first." Xingxing suggested.

"Okay, you should be more careful." Ning Yu stood behind him, forming a seal with his hands, and a magical defensive shield protected the astrology.

Yuan Licheng and Feng Lanying immediately strengthened their formation protection, while Bai Ruozhu and the others moved closer to avoid any changes.

Soon the horoscope threw out the talisman, and then he sat cross-legged and meditated and closed his eyes.

Bai Ruozhu and Feng Lanying glanced at each other. Isn't this just communicating with their spiritual consciousness?

Feng Lanying blinked at Bai Ruozhu, meaning she could hear it. Then she concentrated her attention and used her consciousness to stare at the conversation between the astrology and the savage leader.

"What kind of monsters are you? Why are your faces and hands so bare? You're so ugly!" said the savage leader.

Astrology almost stopped laughing, "Don't you stink if you have hair all over your body? We are all human beings, just like the islanders who sometimes stray here. Did you kill those islanders before?"

"What islanders? We hunt every day, and when we find prey, we catch and eat it. There are many of us. If you let me go now, I can let you go."

"You are a prisoner now. Ask us if we will let you go." Xingxing laughed. "We are just here to find herbs and will leave soon. If you don't attack us, we don't want to fight with you." enemy."

The savage leader's eyes showed confusion, "What are herbs?"

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