Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2617 Earth Dragon

Astrology frowned, "It's the grass that can help you heal when you're sick."

The savage leader said disdainfully: "We never get sick, we only die of old age or in battle."

Feng Lanying rolled her eyes speechlessly. Even though these savages have tough skin, they never get sick. Are they so outrageous?

"You are injured when you die in battle. If the bleeding can be stopped and treated in time, maybe fewer people will die in the battle." Xingxing said, "Let's exchange some wound medicine with you. Let us find the herbs we need and find us. Will be leaving soon."

The leader thought about it, then thought about his current situation, and finally nodded and said: "Okay, but it's not that I'm afraid of you. Even if you kill me, my people will never let you get out alive!"

Xingxing curled his lips, not bothering to argue with him about this, and quickly came out of the state of spiritual communication.

Then he told everyone the conversation with the savage leader. Bai Ruozhu thought for a while and asked: "With their strength and hard skin, what kind of prey will make them die in battle?"

This question gets to the key point. If you are a savage, you will still suffer a loss if you encounter a pack of wolves, but it seems that they all live in groups and hunt together, so they will have a big advantage. Most animals will be swept away by them, right? ?

Astrology smiled bitterly, "I just communicated with him, and I won't be able to do anything for a while. I can't help you ask."

"Let me try." Feng Lanying became interested.

Everyone looked at her. She stared at the savage leader and asked the question Bai Ruozhu mentioned.

Soon the savage leader showed a surprised look and said something in his mouth.

"He said it was an earth dragon, but I don't think it was a real dragon." Feng Lanying spoke excitedly, "I guess there is a powerful beast group that suppresses each other, so they didn't go to the islanders. side."

"I think although their skin is hard, they are very afraid of poison, so they can't get through the miasma forest." Bai Ruozhu casually flicked his fingers as he spoke, and soon the arrogant-looking beast leader collapsed and fell to the ground.

Feng Lanying reached out and poked his arm curiously, and shouted in surprise: "Ruozhu, his skin became soft after he fainted!"

Yuan Licheng hurriedly pulled her away and said unhappily: "He is a man, why are you touching him?"

"You're not a man, and which of your eyes saw me touching? I was clearly poking!" Feng Lanying said three words "poke" in one breath, and gave Yuan Licheng a fierce look.

When the savages outside saw that their leader had fallen, they screamed like crazy again. Bai Ruozhu hurriedly gave him the antidote, and the savage leader quickly got up again.

"What did you just do to me?" He yelled, and only Feng Lanying could understand what he meant.

"These are the herbs I mentioned to you. You don't understand how powerful they are." Feng Lanying replied with a smile.

This time the savage leader calmed down and stopped yelling. He looked at Feng Lanying and said, "Okay, I promise you, but you must leave after three days. Don't try to do anything. Our Chi tribe is not easy to bully!"

Feng Lanying quickly learned what he said to everyone, and Bai Ruozhu raised his eyebrows, "Chi tribe? Is their ancestor Chi You?"

"Let me ask him." Feng Lanying said.

Soon, the savage leader showed a proud look and raised his head with his nostrils pointing to the sky, indicating that they were indeed the descendants of Chi You.

Bai Ruozhu and the others found it strange how Chi You's descendants ended up on the island east of Fusang and grew up like this.

Soon, the savage leader yelled at the tribesmen outside, and Jiang Yichun also unblocked his acupuncture points. Now that Bai Ruozhu knew that they were afraid of poison, he knew how to deal with them.

Moreover, the savage leader seemed to feel Bai Ruozhu's threat to him, and deliberately stayed away from her.

With Feng Lanying communicating with the savage leader, there has been a lot less friction between the two parties and it has become much more convenient.

Bai Ruozhu asked them to lead the way to see what they called the earth dragon. A creature that could be called a "dragon" must be very special. Maybe there was dragon-seeking grass near the earth dragon that the savages called.

The savage leader selected about ten people to lead the way with him. The group of people kept walking towards the mountain. When they approached the top of the mountain, the expressions of the savages became solemn.

The leader made a gesture and grinned, but he forgot that no one could understand his mouth shape.

Fortunately, Feng Lanying communicated with her consciousness and quickly understood what he meant: Let everyone be gentle, not far ahead is the habitat of the earth dragon.

Bai Ruozhu sniffed. There was some special herbal fragrance in the air, but it was also mixed with some strange smell, which seemed to be the smell of some kind of animal.

Suddenly, the earth trembled suddenly, and everyone suddenly lifted their spirits, and the savages also raised their spears and forks one by one, as if they were ready to fight at any time.

Jiang Yichun protected Bai Ruozhu behind him and reached out to push aside a clump of branches in front of him, and the scene suddenly became clear.

Not far away, two huge creatures were wrestling together. It was unclear whether they were fighting or playing. Because their bodies were so big, the ground would shake when they fell to the ground.

Bai Ruozhu's mouth twitched, this thing was much more powerful than a savage when dropped.

But what exactly is this? Dinosaur?

Gao Juan and Tang Feng also looked surprised. The three of them looked at each other. Didn't dinosaurs become extinct in the Jurassic?

If these big guys are not dinosaurs, are they giant lizards?

At this time, an earth dragon raised its front legs, walked on its thick hind legs, raised its head and roared, and the savages next to them had a look of fear in their eyes. It was obvious that this earth dragon was their natural enemy, and was even much more powerful than them.

The more Bai Ruozhu looked at it, the more it looked like a dinosaur, but there were many types of dinosaurs. She hadn't done much research on it, so she didn't know which one it was.

Suddenly, the dinosaur suddenly turned its head, sniffed in their direction, and then roared angrily.

A fishy smell hit their faces. The savages were used to it, but Bai Ruozhu and the others almost vomited out. This was definitely the bad breath from never brushing their teeth.

"You are not hiding the smell on your body. We have been discovered. Run away!" The savage leader said angrily and turned around and ran away. He ran very fast, like a monkey on the mountain. The other savages also hurriedly followed.

The Earth Dragon over there reacted very quickly and had already rushed over here. Bai Ruozhu and his group didn't want to face off against so many Earth Dragons, so they could only run down the mountain while throwing some charms, poisons and so on.

Soon, Bai Ruozhu discovered that these earth dragons were not afraid of poison, and poison even had little effect on them. Their skin was harder than that of savages. No wonder the savages were so afraid of earth dragons.

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