Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2687 Saint Scam

Only then did Gao Juan understand why Bai Ruozhu stopped them from killing the elder. He secretly blamed himself for being too impulsive and failing to understand the child's painstaking efforts.

"You are still so stupid. I have been waiting for you for more than 20 years. Do you have to let me work hard in vain? Then what hope do I have in life?" Gao Juan said painfully.

"Aren't you stupid? I don't deserve this." Chu Shuang said with difficulty.

Gao Juan wanted to hug her, but was afraid of hurting her. For a moment, he didn't know where to put his hands.

People say that the most painful thing in the world is that you are by my side, but you don't know that I love you. But that’s nothing, at least you can still watch people love silently.

The most painful thing is that I have been looking for her for twenty years, only to be separated when we meet again, and I want to hug my lover, but I don't dare to touch her.

"Ajiang..." Chu Shuang raised her right hand with difficulty. She only dared to expose her hand a little bit from the quilt, signaling Gao Juan to hold her hand.

Gao Juan's movements were very gentle, as if touching a new and fragile shadow. He was afraid that he would hurt him if he touched it hard.

"Don't look, I'm already like this. I really don't want you to look at me more." Chushuang was happy to see him again, but it was painful for him to see her as a human being and a ghost.

At this time, there were rapid footsteps outside the cave. It was Bai Ruozhu and the others who were looking for Gao Chan. As a result, people from Yuchen Palace came to report the news.

Bai Ruozhu knew she couldn't hide it any more, so she told Jiang Yichun the truth on the way, but told him to stay calm, otherwise Chu Shuang would be the most irritated.

The two stopped at the entrance of the cave. They did not dare to go in and disturb Gao Zhan and Chu Shuang, but Jiang Yichun could see the situation inside the cave. His father and mother were so in love and in so much pain.

The tears couldn't stop flowing, and Bai Ruozhu bit her lip. She took Jiang Yichun's hand and whispered, "Let them talk, we will definitely find a way to save your mother."

Jiang Yichun didn't say anything. He finally said yes for a long time, then suddenly turned around and strode away.

Bai Ruozhu hurriedly chased after her, "What are you going to do? Don't be impulsive. I also want to kill them all, but we have to find a way to save your mother first. The elders and the others must know something."

Jiang Yichun didn't say anything, and didn't pause at all. He rushed to the shark hall in one breath. The elders were guarding the astrology at the door. They were all frightened by Jiang Yichun's expression at this moment, and they didn't know what happened.

"Ruozhu, what's going on?" Feng Lanying asked hurriedly.

Bai Ruozhu gritted her teeth, "His father has found his mother. In fact, I have met her before, but I promised to keep her secret because her condition is very bad."

Feng Lanying became worried, "How bad is it?"

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but shed tears, "Those sharks only had to eat her flesh to live past the age of thirty."

"What!" Feng Lanying shouted, Xingxing and Ning Yu looked at Bai Ruozhu in disbelief, how could the sharks eat the flesh of their own race?

"Why do you think they cultivate the saint? Just to eat the saint's flesh to break the curse and live past thirty!" Bai Ruozhu rushed into the hall after saying this.

Jiang Yichun had already found a few elders under guard. He didn't use his internal strength, but used the power of his fists to beat them. The elders had been sealed by Xingxing and Ning Yu, and they could only be beaten at this moment, completely unable to resist.

Bai Ruozhu didn't go over to stop him. If he wanted to vent, let him vent. Even after she saw Chu Shuang, she wanted to kill those old bastards.

Suddenly there was a loud noise outside the hall, and a large number of sharks gathered at the entrance of the hall, shouting angrily: "Why are you foreigners arresting our elders? Get out of our shark island!"

Bai Ruozhu frowned. It was time to clarify the matter. She just had to wait for the news from Jian Qi.

Fortunately, Jian Qi quickly came out from the back of the palace, bringing with him several little girls with pale faces and dull expressions.

"Master, all the saints have been rescued. One of them is the most serious. I'm afraid she won't be able to survive." He helped a girl. She was the oldest among them, but she was only about ten years old. Because she had been fed blood for the longest time, her condition Also the worst.

The kind of blood fed can repel the curse, but it also does great damage to the bodies of those girls, just like poison, so no saint has been able to survive these years.

Bai Ruozhu reached out to help the girl and said softly: "Don't be afraid, I will save you, you can go home."

The girl was very weak, but there was a look of panic in her eyes, "No, I can't go home, it will hurt my relatives."

"Silly boy, no one will harm your family in the future." Bai Ruozhu said and fed her some medicine to make her feel better for the time being.

She supported the girl and said to the other little girls, "Who do you think those people are?"

The girls looked in the direction she pointed and were stunned. The elders they feared were being beaten, and their faces were covered in blood. Where could they still be as aloof as before?

"Who are you? Are you really going to help us?" a girl asked.

Yunyun had just entered and was in the best spirits. She recognized Bai Ruozhu and said to the other girls: "She is an adult from the Jiuli tribe. She is very powerful. She will definitely be able to help us. We don't want to drink blood anymore. I think With my parents."

Several girls couldn't help crying, "We also want to go home."

They were all still young, and when one of them cried, the group started crying too. The cries suddenly spread outside the hall, and the people shouting outside suddenly became quiet.

What kind of grief is this that makes you cry like this?

"It's Yunyun's voice, it's my daughter!" Ayi shouted excitedly and was about to rush into the hall, but Xingxing and the others didn't stop her and let her rush in.

Shark civilians were not allowed to enter the main hall. Some people hesitated, but after seeing that there were no usual guards, they followed in.

"Mom!" Yunyun saw Ayi and ran over happily.

Bai Ruozhu smiled at Ayi and said, "It's okay. Yunyun's condition is not serious. She will be fine after taking a few doses of medicine."

At this time, many people recognized their daughters, but it was obvious that they were having a hard time after becoming a saint. They hugged their daughters and started crying.

The eldest saint looked at the crowd and saw only her uncle.

"Xiaoyue, your parents have gone." Her uncle came over and said.

Xiaoyue started to cry, and suddenly passed out.

"What's going on? Sir, sir, please save Xiaoyue, my brother is just a child like her!" The man knelt on the ground and cried, begging with a very pious attitude.

"You get up first, I will save her." Bai Ruozhu asked Feng Lanying to help, and put Xiao Yue on the chair next to her. After scaring her, Xiao Yue woke up.

"My parents have really..." There was hatred in her eyes suddenly, "The great elder promised me that as long as I persevered hard, he would give my parents a chance to live a long life. He lied to me!"

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