Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2688 The choice of the shark

The great elder had been beaten to the point of dying. Xiaoyue struggled to go to him. Bai Ruozhu simply helped her over, letting everyone see the terribly beaten elders.

Some people exclaimed, how could these foreigners be so powerful that they beat up the superior elders?

Xiao Yue glared at the elder and said angrily: "You lied to me! You forced me to drink that poisonous blood. My whole body hurts every day. The pain was so painful that I couldn't sleep at night. I often coughed up blood, but I kept on Grit your teeth and persist, just because you said you could let my parents survive!"

She started crying and said painfully: "I watched my friends around me die one after another. When I was feeling uncomfortable, I even thought about dying, but I gritted my teeth and endured it, just because you said you could let my parents go." Survive, but you lied to me!”

She didn't have the strength to hit anyone, but she had nowhere to vent the hatred in her heart. She spat at the great elder, and her bloody spit hit his face.

Other girls also came over and waited angrily for the elder and the others, "It turns out they were all lies. Xiaoyue persisted for so long. Aren't her parents dead? Didn't we persist in vain?"

After all, they didn't dare to hit anyone, but they couldn't calm down the anger in their hearts, so they imitated Xiao Yue and spat at the elder and the others.

Some people were still afraid of the elders and the others, and hurriedly went over to take back their daughter. Xiaoyue's uncle heard the clues and pointed at the elder angrily and said: "You lied to us and said that you chose children to be saints, just to feed them poisonous blood and torture them." Them? They were only five or six years old when they were chosen as saints. They were still so young, how could you do it? "

There was hatred in the eyes of the great elder, "What do you know? I am here for the clan, for everyone to get rid of the curse and live a long life!"

Bai Ruozhu kicked him in the chest, "Fuck your dog! Why are you doing it for the sake of the clan? You are doing it for a small number of your nobles. Why don't you tell everyone how the Saintess was trained to help everyone?" Life extension?"

"I told them that there would be sacrifices. The sharks have a sense of honor. They understand my painstaking efforts." The elder said with difficulty.

"What a pain in the ass!" Bai Ruozhu gritted his teeth, "How many girls have you harmed so that you can live a long life? Many girls have died in the past few years. Even if they are successfully trained, you can bring supreme blessings to their families. Glory? I just let you eat her flesh so that you selfish people can survive!"

The sharks were in an uproar. Ayi's face turned pale with fright, and she hugged her daughter Yunyun tightly, "Master Bai, what are you talking about, they eat the flesh of the saint?"

Jiang Yichun's fist clenched loudly, and Bai Ruozhu's eyes were red, "Yes, they survived because they ate the flesh of the saint. Your children were selected as saints by them, and they were not tortured in the process of feeding blood. To die is to survive after more than ten years of torture, only to be eaten by elders and nobles like them!"

"How is this possible? You lied to us!" Some people refused to believe it. After all, they had never seen it with their own eyes.

"Everything she said is true!" A voice sounded outside. Ling Chen appeared with Feng Ran in his arms, and everyone hurriedly moved out of the way.

Fengran walked into the hall, her face wet with tears, and the wrinkles on her face were a little deeper.

Almost all the sharks died before they grew old. They were not used to aging yet. Many of them frowned when they saw Feng Ran's wrinkled face.

"I can prove that she is telling the truth. I was fed the meat of Saint Chushuang by the great elder, and I only lived past the age of thirty." Fengran's voice trembled, "But Chushuang is my disciple. Just like my biological daughter, I ate her flesh. I couldn't accept this and went crazy many times. I also thought about committing suicide again and again, but they threatened me with Shuang'er's life, and I could only suffer. Alive, but I hate myself and hate them even more!”

She glared at the great elder fiercely, as if she wanted to eat his flesh and blood alive.

"Fengran, I'm doing this all for your own good, why can't you understand me?" The great elder's firm eyes finally showed cracks, and he cried out in pain.

He has his faith and persistence, and he doesn't care about other people's eyes, but only Fengran's hatred will make him miserable.

"For my own good?" Feng Ran sneered, "The thing I regret most in my life is marrying you!"

The great elder fell to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Brother, brother, don't get excited." The second elder and the others called out worriedly.

Bai Ruozhu walked over step by step, "Now that everyone knows your true mask, there is no need to hide anything. Tell me where the dragon beads are hidden. As long as you have the dragon beads, you can help the sharks break the curse of not being able to live until thirty." "

The sharks were in an uproar again. As long as we have the dragon balls, the curse can be solved? But what are Dragon Balls?

There was a fierce light in the eyes of the great elder, "You are sent by Bailong! Don't even think about getting the Dragon Ball. I will not give it to you even if I die!"

He looked at the sharks again and shouted angrily: "What do you know? Without the Dragon Balls, how can you live on the shore like you do now? Your legs will turn into fish tails and you can only live in the dark seabed." , your children will look like monsters as soon as they are born!”

"Sharks are born like this, how come they are monsters?" Duan Nian walked out, "You didn't recognize me? I am the Duan Nian who was expelled by you more than ten years ago!"

Everyone quickly remembered him and looked at his legs.

Duan Nian lifted up his pants, "I cut off my tail fin and learned to adapt to life on the shore little by little. Although it is difficult, I can do it as long as I work hard. Rather than being cursed to not live to be thirty, I would rather accept who I am. !”

"This, how is this possible..." The great elder looked shocked, but soon he shouted: "You are liars, you want to defraud the Dragon Ball!"

Bai Ruozhu looked at everyone, "Do you want to carry your sins and die before you reach thirty, or are you willing to return to the sea and grow old with your family and children?"

A group of people were silent, they had never thought about this problem.

"Even if you have human legs, are you free? Trapped on the back of this turtle, where is the real life ashore? You are just tools controlled and used by the elders and nobles!" Jiang Yichun said, "I am also a shark I am a human being, but I would rather stay with my wife and children for a long time, even if I can only live in the water!"

"I agree with Master Bai. I want to see my child grow up, get married and have children, and also watch my grandchildren grow up, even if they live in the water!" Ayi was the first to speak.

Yunyun hugged her mother, "Mom, don't cry, Yunyun can't bear to leave you."

Many people then said that if they had to be separated from their loved ones so soon, they would rather return to the sea.

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