Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2829 Beating the Imperial Official

With a bang, the door of the house was kicked open. Sun Zhou, the guard of Xunyang Town, was startled. When he saw that the person coming was Bai Ruozhu, there was a look of success in his eyes. It seemed that the person he sent had succeeded.

"Master Sun, you are well." Bai Ruozhu's voice sounded dangerous. She and Sun Zhou had only met once. When they entered Xunyang City with the emperor, Sun Zhou, together with officials and nobles, came to pick him up. when.

She knew Sun Zhou, but had never interacted with him, let alone offended her. Sun Zhou's behavior seemed a bit meaningful.

In the officialdom of Danliang Kingdom, there are also situations where beauties are given as gifts, but that is also when the other party's wife is not around, and a maid or a singer is given to serve. Of course, many officials accept it happily, and the relationship between everyone is further improved.

But she, Bai Ruozhu, is in the same team and is also a court official. He sent a singer to seduce her husband under her nose. Isn't this a slap in her face?

Everyone else was hit, so she had to fight back.

"I wonder what the purpose of Mr. Bai's sudden visit is?" Sun Zhou slowly picked up the tea cup and took a sip, looking very leisurely.

"Master Sun, what do you mean when celebrities don't talk secretly?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

Sun Zhou put down his tea cup, "Master Bai, what's going on? Why don't I understand what you mean?"

Bai Ruozhu's eyes shone with a cold light. Has this person never heard of her evil reputation, or is he too confident in himself?

She knocked his tea cup down to the ground, "I don't have time to make excuses with you. If you can't explain clearly, I will have to follow my rules."

Sun Zhou's eyes stood up, "Master Bai is just a female official, don't bully others too much."

"Haha." Bai Ruozhu sneered and suddenly punched him in the face, "Yes, I am a woman, and I will let you taste a woman's fist today."

Sun Zhou didn't expect her to make a sudden move, and he didn't have time to call the guards, so he screamed in pain.

When the guards heard the commotion and came over, Bai Ruozhu beat him out again, and then continued to punch and kick him.

"You should be lucky that I just want to do it today and don't want to use medicine." Bai Ruozhu was also tired from the beating, so she left without saying a word.

Sun Zhou was left holding his head and groaning, and angrily said to the guards: "What's the point of raising you, why don't you help me up?"

The two guards were also badly beaten and endured the pain to help him up.

"Sir, Bai Ruozhu is not easy to mess with. You'd better..." Don't mess with her.

Sun Zhou stared, "I don't believe there is no justice anymore. I'm going to see the emperor now!"

He didn't even tidy up his appearance, and just rushed to Tang Yin's residence in a state of embarrassment.

"Your Majesty, the humble minister Sun Zhou has something to report. I beg your Majesty to seek justice for the humble minister!" Sun Zhou cried outside the door.

Tang Yin, who was "recuperating from illness", frowned. After all, these local officials did not know the rules as well as the nobles in the capital. Why are they howling? He was "recuperating from illness". Don't you want to disturb his recuperation?

"Come in and talk." Tang Yin sighed and called someone in.

When he saw Sun Zhou, he was shocked. Why was it like this?

"Master Sun, aren't you too particular about your appearance when you come to meet the Holy Master?" the waiter next to him reminded in a low voice.

Sun Zhou knelt down and kowtowed, "Your Majesty, I am scared. Please save me!"

"What's wrong with you?" Tang Yin asked.

"It was Bai Ruozhu who beat Wei Chen like this, and even said he would poison Wei Chen. Please make the decision for Wei Chen." After finishing speaking, Sun Zhou kowtowed to Tang Yin. Not to mention how aggrieved he was.

Tang Yin was a little surprised, "Why did Bai Ruozhu hit you?"

After asking, he regretted a little. Calling Bai Ruozhu by his first name seemed too casual.

But whether Sun Zhou is a court official or a local official in Xunyang City, even if Bai Ruozhu hits someone, he can't do it so openly, and he actually hits someone in the face. It's so impulsive!

"I saw that she and Mr. Jiang had a hard journey and had nothing to do, so I kindly sent a maid there. Who knew..." Sun Zhou said very wronged, but Tang Yin understood instantly.

It is not uncommon for officials to send women as gifts among themselves, and it is perfectly normal, and most of them are bed-warming women.

"It's not just as simple as a maid, right?" Tang Yin raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "Bai Ruozhu is a female official and the leader of the Medical Alliance. Don't you know? Or did you deliberately slap her in the face?"

"Your Majesty, isn't it normal to give a dancing girl a gift? Besides, which man doesn't have three wives and four concubines? Isn't Mr. Bai too jealous?" Sun Zhou became more and more angry as he spoke, "Besides, she is just angry and can talk to Wei Chen. Speak carefully, Wei Chen must pay attention in the future, she beats people without saying a word, and she ignores the law too much."

Tang Yin couldn't help laughing, "All men in the world can have three wives and four concubines, but I dare not bet Jiang Yichun. Sun Zhou, you touched the tiger's ass this time. If you think about it carefully, it is a private matter between you." , go in private, I need to rest, don’t disturb me with these little things."

Seeing that Sun Zhou was still talking, he deliberately increased his tone. Sun Zhou's expression changed, but he was still a little unwilling.

"Your Majesty, it was a good thing for Bai Ruozhu to establish the Doctors Alliance, but now they have a monopoly on the medical industry. Those doctors are now very arrogant. Once someone offends them, medical treatment becomes a problem. In the long run, Bai Ruozhu has controlled the entire Danliang doctors. Doesn't it mean that even the court will look at her face? Your Majesty, this is not a private matter, please think twice!" Sun Zhou said with an angry face.

Tang Yin frowned slightly. Sun Zhou's words were a bit exaggerated. Didn't Danliang also have a Chamber of Commerce, a Water Transport Association, and a Escort Association? But no matter which society, even if it has existed for decades, it cannot completely control the country.

"Okay, I will send someone to investigate the truth, so you don't have to worry about this anymore."

Sun Zhou saw that he was a little impatient, so he had to shut his mouth, bowed and left.

Tang Yin sighed and asked someone to call Jiang Yichun.

"I never thought that someone would take advantage of you, Jiang Yichun." Tang Yin suppressed a smile, looking gloating at his misfortune.

"It's not done!" Jiang Yichun was shocked, understanding that the emperor was definitely here to ridicule him.

"What didn't come out? Did you get under the covers?" Tang Yin laughed, "Your wife beat Sun Zhou into a pig's head, and people are filing a lawsuit. You are causing trouble for me."

Jiang Yichun pouted, "He should be lucky that it was Ruozhu who did it, instead I would just chop off his head."

"Sun Zhou is an official of the imperial court, how could you kill him casually?" Tang Yin's face darkened.

"Who am I doing this for? If you hadn't insisted on seeing Luo Shi, could I have kept worrying about you these two days? Otherwise, I wouldn't have been mentally exhausted. A naked woman sneaked into the room, and Ruozhu hit me. Wait." Jiang Yichun said angrily.

Pfft, Tang Yin couldn't help but said, "Bai Ruozhu is angry just like that? You did something, right? We are all men. If you can't control it, I can understand."

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