Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2830 Reliable Deng Deng

"Do you think I am you?" Jiang Yichun covered his forehead, "Even I happened to be naked at the time."

Tang Yin couldn't help laughing again, "What are you doing naked in broad daylight? I don't care about others taking advantage of the loophole."

Jiang Yichun remained silent. Why should he explain such a thing to a stallion emperor? Yes, it was a stallion. Ruozhu said that's what the people there called him.

After Tang Yin had laughed enough, he straightened his face and said, "I finally got rid of Sun Zhou. You also tell Bai Ruozhu not to beat the court officials at will."

"Don't tell me. If I tell her, she'll beat me too." Jiang Yichun said dullly.

Tang Yin suppressed his laughter again, "You can't fight openly. Where has all your cleverness gone?"

Jiang Yichun was speechless. He was getting angry. How could he care so much? Moreover, his wife's anger has not subsided yet.

At this moment, Bai Ruozhu went out by himself and was going to go out for dinner with Aosong. As for Jiang Yichun, let him wait for a while.

Unexpectedly, she didn't find Aosong, but she met an acquaintance.

"Master Bai, I heard that you guys arrived in Xunyang City. I didn't expect to meet you." Gothe looked very excited, "I also said that I wanted to thank you in person. My youngest son was ill a while ago and said that you, the Doctors Alliance, The medical treatment is free, and the medicine is affordable, which is much better than the previous Yong'an Tang."

"Are you healed now?" Bai Ruozhu asked with a smile.

"Everything is fine. I just caught a cold and coughed. Children are afraid of recurrence and don't dare to be careless." Gao De said.

Bai Ruozhu nodded, "Yes, I need to take care of her carefully. How are you doing lately?"

"Thanks to you and Mr. Jiang, everything is fine." Gothe replied with a smile.

"Are you not on duty? I'll treat you to dinner." Bai Ruozhu said.

"I'm about to go home, so I'd better obey your orders out of respect." Gao De readily agreed.

Bai Ruozhu found a nearby restaurant, ordered a few side dishes with Gao De, and chatted while eating.

He said something about the Fang family. He kept paying attention to the situation around him, but didn't say much to anyone else.

"By the way, Lord Bai, you have to be careful, Lord Zhou and Sun." Gao De suddenly lowered his voice.

"Sun Zhou?" Bai Ruozhu sneered, "I just beat him up today."

Gao De was shocked, "Huh? You hit him? This is a big problem. Doesn't he hate you even more?"

"Hate more?" Bai Ruozhu raised her eyebrows, "I haven't offended him before, right?"

"You don't know. Sun Zhou's family has been practicing medicine for generations. They have a medical clinic and a medicine shop. The business has been good. I went to him to take the exam and became an official. I even returned to our Xunyang City. He took care of me. The Sun family's medical clinic was not famous in this area until the Doctors Alliance appeared." Gothe spoke slowly.

It turned out that the prices at the Sun Family Medical Center and drug stores were not low, and it was difficult for ordinary people to see a doctor. Later, the Doctors Alliance opened a branch in Xunyang City, and there were free clinics every month, and the prescriptions were very cheap, so slowly Soon no one will go to Sun’s Yong’an Hall.

The Sun family's business has plummeted, and Sun Zhou has not thought about dealing with the Doctors Alliance. However, the Doctors Alliance is developing rapidly and is not for profit. Sun Zhou has never been able to catch the Doctors Alliance.

Bai Ruozhu nodded secretly after hearing this. She had to go back and meet the branch president here, he was quite capable.

"To put it simply, I blocked his way to make money. Doesn't this mean that he used his power to monopolize the market and held a grudge when it failed? After all, it's not because their prices are so high that people don't dare to go there? Medical Alliance It's not like he holds free clinics every day and can't grab anyone's business. It can only be said that his own business is not doing well." Bai Ruozhu said.

"Yes, if it weren't for the Doctors Alliance, my family would not have to spend a lot of money this time to go to Yong'an Hall for medical treatment. I still have an official job with a salary, and those people have low incomes, and I look down on them." Gao De said.

Now that Bai Ruozhu knows about this, she will naturally not let Sun Zhou off so easily. This is no longer a misunderstanding caused by the officialdom sending a dancer, but someone who came specifically for her. If she didn't show any signs, she would There is no need to continue to hang out in Danliang Kingdom.

She chatted with Gothe for a few more words before returning to the hotel.

Chushuang was waiting for her with Xiao Dengdeng. As soon as he saw her, Xiaodengdeng rushed up and hugged her leg, "Mom, I heard that you and dad had a fight?"

"Who said that? Children have so many worries." Bai Ruozhu said funny.

"Someone saw a naked woman coming out of dad's house. Did dad give up and want to find a stepmother for me?" Xiao Deng Deng's face was bulging into a bun, and her mouth was so pouty that it could hang a bottle of oil. .

Bai Ruozhu was a little embarrassed. How could this child know so much? Chu Shuang is still here, she is her real mother-in-law.

Chushuang coughed dryly and said with a sneer, "I blame my child for not taking good care of me and letting him hear these gossips."

"Mom, you have already worked hard to help with Dengdeng. It's not too late for me to thank you." Bai Ruozhu said hurriedly. When they arrived in Xunyang City, she and Jiang Yichun were dealing with Luo's affairs, and the little Dengdeng was handed over to Gao Chan and Chushuang is taking care of it.

Xiao Dengdeng said with a look of resentment: "Mom, you haven't answered me yet. Grandma said she would teach dad a lesson. What if dad doesn't obey? I heard that if a man changes his heart, even nine cows can't bring him back."

"Who did you hear these words from?" Bai Ruozhu frowned, vaguely feeling that something was wrong.

"The maids at the hotel, they are all talking about this. Hum, I will never pay attention to dad again!" Xiao Dengdeng said angrily.

This is obviously someone deliberately spreading the news. On the one hand, it will cause trouble for her. On the other hand, it will make the matter more concrete and cause more trouble for her.

She had no enemies in Xunyang City, and after thinking about it, she only had Sun Zhou.

"Your father is not that kind of person, don't believe those people's nonsense." Chushuang gave Xiaodengdeng an angry look.

Bai Ruozhu touched her son's head and said softly: "Do you believe your father? Or do you believe those outsiders?"

Xiao Dengdeng was stunned for a moment, thinking of his father's goodness, "Of course I believe him."

"That's right." Bai Ruozhu smiled, "There are many things in this world that you can't just listen to one side of the story. You have to think about it here. You can't be confused and used by others."

She said and pointed at Xiaodengdeng's heart.

"Mom, I understand." Xiao Dengdeng suddenly laughed, "It turns out that mom is not angry and believes in dad, so I can rest assured."

Hey, this kid didn't believe the rumors at all, but came to persuade her.

Bai Ruozhu is angry and funny. She is so scheming at such a young age. It's incredible.

Jiang Yichun, who was hiding in the corner not far away, breathed a sigh of relief. His son was still sensible and could be relied on at critical moments. He probably didn't have to sleep in the yard today.

After a while, Chushuang took Xiao Dengdeng back to rest, and Jiang Yichun pretended to have just come back from outside.

"Have you heard enough?" Bai Ruozhu glared at him fiercely.

"Huh?" Oops, his wife was too keen and found him hiding aside.

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