Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2864 Bloody love and hatred

Bai Ruozhu had no sympathy for Kong Er's good wife, Mrs. Sun, and they were both unclean.

Kong Er's approach to Mrs. Sun for revenge was already evil.

Mrs. Sun, on the other hand, had a husband who cheated on her with a young boy, which was also a bad behavior.

But it was true that Sun Zhou was not killed by them, Bai Ruozhu just wanted to handle the matter fairly.

"Master Bai, can he still be saved?" the county magistrate asked worriedly. After all, Sun Zhou's death was so sudden, which shocked the officials present at the time.

"He said it himself, and he found it earlier than Sun Zhou, unlike Sun Zhou who died immediately after being exposed to the poison." Bai Ruozhu explained, lest she save Kong Er, and someone later said that he could save her. He deliberately didn't save Sun Zhou.

"That's good, that's good." The county magistrate said nervously.

Mrs. Sun stared at Bai Ruozhu from the side. She wanted to speak several times but held back. She had questions and was afraid of delaying Kong Er's treatment. Kong Er was already bleeding from the corner of his mouth, which proved that what he said about taking poison was not true. False words.

Suddenly, there were rapid footsteps outside the lobby, and a woman dressed as a maid rushed in. When she saw the blood on the corner of Kong Er's mouth, she rushed over.

"Kong Er, you bastard, you promised me that you would marry me after everything is over, how could you die for her?" The woman cried and tried to pull Kong Er away. The county magistrate hurriedly asked someone to pull the woman away. opened.

Mrs. Sun looked at the woman in surprise, "Dingxiang, why are you..."

The corner of Bai Ruozhu's mouth twitched, why did she feel that the plot was getting more and more outrageous, the revenge drama had turned into a ethics drama, and now a maid appeared. This was a scandal in the mansion.

Ding Xiang glared at Mrs. Sun, "You know everything, right? Now that we've reached this point, I don't have to hide it from you anymore. Yes, I secretly put medicine in your tea the first time, but later it was all of your own free will. of."

Mrs. Sun was like a thunderclap, looking at Ding Xiang in disbelief, "You are my eldest maid, am I not treating you well? Why are you..."

Why did you help Kong Er harm her like this?

It turns out that everything was planned from the beginning, and even the people around her betrayed her.

Ding Xiang sneered, "He is the master's son and the young master of the house. Why don't I listen to him? And he promised to marry me!"

Aosong sneered from the side, "There are a lot of rules in the Central Plains, right? A young master can take a maid as a concubine, but I haven't heard of any young master who can take a maid as his wife. Of course, he is not a young master of the Sun family. It doesn't matter what you do, but if he wasn't the young master of the Sun family, would you marry him?"

"That's my own business, you don't need to worry about it." Ding Xiang said stubbornly.

Mrs. Sun sighed, "Dingxiang, I have been so good to you over the years and treated you like my own daughter. I never thought I would raise you with such high standards, and I never thought you would hate me."

Ding Xiang glanced at Kong Er. She thought Kong Er was going to die, and she was extremely excited.

"Of course I hate you. If it weren't for you, how could he die?" Ding Xiang roared.

Bai Ruozhu tapped Kong Er's body. Just now she felt that Kong Er was noisy, so she tapped Kong Er's dumb point. Now she helped him untie it, but Kong Er still couldn't move.

"That's enough, Ding Xiang, this matter has nothing to do with you, you can go." Kong Er said hurriedly.

Ding Xiang looked at him with wide eyes, "You, you're not dead?"

Kong Er didn't want to look at her, "If the trouble comes to this point, I can't give you anything. Go back and find a good family to marry."

"No! After she dies, if you return to the Sun family, you will also be the young master of the Sun family!" Ding Xiang said unwillingly.

"I won't go back. I was wrong. Unfortunately, I understood too late. I shouldn't have gone to Sun's house in the first place. It's not a place that belongs to me." Kong Er shed tears as he spoke.

Bai Ruozhu pulled out the silver needles one by one and threw detoxification pills into his mouth, "You won't die for now, but you need to take good care of yourself. I will prescribe you some side medicine later. It will take half a month to fully recover." ”

Kong Er looked at her, "Why did you save me?"

"Because I know that Sun Zhou was indeed not poisoned by you, or it was not your intention at all." Bai Ruozhu said and glanced at Niu Captou, "Niu Captou had discovered this before, and we also confirmed it. It’s a pity that we couldn’t catch that monster.”

"Monster?" The county magistrate was startled. He looked at Yusheng Yan and then at Niu Baotou, "What on earth is going on?"

"Back to my lord, Mrs. Sun gave a dancing girl to her subordinate. The subordinate noticed that something was wrong with the dancing girl. She suddenly fell down, as if something came out of her body, and her whole person became different from before. It's just that Before I could find out, my wife secretly sold the dancing girl." Niu Baantou said.

"Then I found out that Lord Bai had sent someone to look for the dancing girl, so I took the initiative to tell Lord Bai what I had discovered. Only then did I learn that it was a monster that was causing trouble and had taken possession of the dancing girl."

"This, this..." The county magistrate was a little worried, "You are so strange and powerful."

Aosong was unhappy when he heard this, "I, the heir of a family of magicians, and Fuso's No. 1 Onmyoji have confirmed it. How can it be false? Please be careful what you say. You emperors don't dare to question me."

The county magistrate was shocked. He had always thought that Aosong was Bai Ruozhu's confidant, but he didn't know that she had such a great reputation.

"This official's words were inappropriate. Master, please don't take offense." He bowed hastily and said.

Aosong snorted, not wanting to argue with him.

"Kong Er, on the day Sun Zhou died, did you suddenly collapse, as if your body was hollowed out? You couldn't keep up after that?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

Kong Er looked in disbelief, "I fell down. I thought it was because I had detoxified the poison, but I still remember the poisoning, but..."

He couldn't say anything because he didn't want to offend himself.

"It's just that you didn't want to do that, but you did it by accident, right?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

Kong Er didn't speak, and Bai Ruozhu continued: "This is how you monster controls you. I don't care about other things. Those are your own grievances and grudges in your house. But regarding the murder of Sun Zhou, you are innocent. "

"I paid off the killer too." Kong Er said hurriedly.

Bai Ruozhu glanced at him coldly, "No matter who you are, you must pay the price if you make a mistake. Don't talk about extenuating circumstances. I can sympathize with Mrs. Sun who was stimulated by Sun Zhou's death and did something extreme. But who will sympathize with the old beggar who died because of this? Sir, please deal with it impartially. The grandson of the old beggar is young and cannot be here to ask you for justice, so I am begging you on your behalf."

The county magistrate came back in a hurry, "Master Bai, you are serious. This is what a subordinate should do. But how should this case of monster murder be concluded?"

He really has a headache. Should he let the policemen from their yamen catch monsters? Don't you have to feed the monsters?

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