Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2865 Strange smile

"You don't have to worry about catching monsters. I will report it to Your Majesty." Bai Ruozhu saw his worries and gave him a dose of reassurance.

"Okay, I'm relieved," the county magistrate said. "Kong Er made false testimony and despised the court. He should have been beaten thirty times. I hope you still have good thoughts and it's your first offense, so I'll spare you for the time being." Leave quickly."

Then he looked at Mrs. Sun and said, "You paid to kill someone, but the person you murdered was an official of the imperial court, so the crime is aggravated. In addition, you indirectly killed innocent people, so I will never give you a light sentence."

Seeing that Kong Er was fine, Mrs. Sun breathed a sigh of relief. She knelt on the ground and said, "Sir, this is a foolish woman who made such a big mistake and is willing to accept punishment."

Kong Er wanted to speak, but was glared at by Mrs. Sun.

Bai Ruozhu sighed secretly and said, "Kong Er, please step aside, don't make any more trouble."

Kong Er heard something in her words, thought of Ding Xiang's impulse, stood up, saluted and left.

When Ding Xiang saw him leaving, she hurriedly chased him out.

But the county magistrate was kind and did not punish her for trespassing in court.

Bai Ruozhu also stood up, "Your Excellency, County Magistrate, I will take my leave now so that I won't delay your case."

As for how the county magistrate sentenced Mrs. Sun, she didn't care. If the sentence was severe, she might not be able to bear it, but she was not the Virgin White Lotus and would not plead for Mrs. Sun.

If the sentence is light, it is because Mrs. Sun is lucky, and it has nothing to do with her.

"Okay, okay, Sir Bai, go slowly." The county magistrate saluted respectfully.

Bai Ruozhu and Aosong left. Aosong was very curious and pulled Bai Ruozhu and said, "Sister Ruozhu, let's go see how Ding Xiang and Kong Er are doing."

"What are you looking at? It's so bloody." Bai Ruozhu curled her lips, "Kong Er did not hesitate to take advantage of the woman's feelings for revenge. He is obviously a scumbag. If it weren't for the fact that he still has a conscience and wants to convict Mrs. Sun, I promise to let him He went out sideways."

"So I just want to see how much of a scumbag he can be. Let's go." Aosong pulled her to catch up and jumped on the eaves to take a peek.

Bai Ruozhu didn't expect Aosong to be so gossipy and couldn't help but laugh. She was like this when she was young, but now that she thinks about it, it feels like it happened many years ago.

"Kong Er, please explain it clearly to me!" Ding Xiang grabbed Kong Er's clothes and asked.

"Didn't you make it clear just now?" Kong Er asked.

"What does it mean to be clear? What you told me before doesn't count anymore?" Ding Xiang asked.

Kong Er frowned, "Dingxiang, I can't help you, but I can't go back, and I'm not the young master of the Sun Mansion, so I can't give you anything. You are still young, so find an honest man to marry, don't Meet a bad guy like me.”

Bai Ruozhu sneered in his heart, he also knew that he was a bad person, but it was a pity that he didn't know the word scumbag, otherwise he should have called himself a scumbag more appropriately.

"I don't care!" Ding Xiang suddenly shouted and hugged him from behind. Aosong and Bai Ruozhu winked. Wow, it was so intense.

"I don't care who you are, I already like you, and I don't want to marry anyone else." Ding Xiang was a little anxious, "Let's go to a place where no one knows us, and we can live a simple life for the rest of our lives."

Kong Er opened her hand and said, "Dingxiang, wake up. My father is dead and no one can prove my identity. I can only redeem myself and leave. And you also have a bond of sale in the Sun Mansion. Do you want to be a runaway slave?" ?”

He paused and said, "I don't have any feelings for you. It's not sweet if you force yourself to do it. I don't want to hurt you anymore."

Ding Xiang's face turned red, "Is it because we haven't done anything and you did that kind of thing with her, so you can't let her go and don't want to live with me?"

She suddenly pulled open her collar, "I can do everything she can do. She is still so old, but I am much younger than her!"

Kong Er turned around suddenly, not wanting to look at her exposed white shoulders, "Put your clothes on, don't do stupid things like me."

"What stupid thing? I don't want it!" Ding Xiang shouted uncontrollably. Fortunately, it was a remote alley, otherwise she could have called a group of people.

Kong Er still didn't look back, "Dingxiang, I regret it. I regret it so much that I want to die. I want to take the blame for her, but I also think I don't want to live anymore, and I want my conscience to feel better. Unfortunately, I didn't succeed, but I don't want to have anything to do with the Sun family anymore." Any entanglement, and you..."

His eyes darkened, "When I see you, I will remember the dirty things I have done, and I will be uneasy for the rest of my life. I beg you, please let me go."

This time he finished speaking and ran away quickly, leaving Ding Xiang alone in a daze, covering her face and crying bitterly.

Bai Ruozhu pulled Aosong, and the two left together. After walking away, Aosong glanced back curiously, not wanting to see the weird smile on Dingxiang's face.

It was a sinister smile that seemed to have succeeded, and there was no trace of the previous pain and sadness.

Aosong stood still and whispered: "Sister Ruozhu, why is that maid smiling like that? Was she just faking it?"

Bai Ruozhu looked back and saw that Ding Xiang had already zipped up her clothes and walked forward. She only saw a back figure.

"Why are you laughing?" Bai Ruozhu had no choice but to ask Aosong.

Aosong learned for a moment, "No, it's not like what I learned. There must be something wrong with her, but she's not possessed by a dream demon. She's so close, I can't help but notice."

"Sometimes the human heart is scarier than monsters." Bai Ruozhu said, "Let's go and see my aunt."

The two went to Luo Shi's place. Luo Shi had already packed up and brought gifts, and agreed to go to the hotel with Yu Shengyan and the others.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they took Roche to the edge of the block, Roche was blocked by something.

"No, there is a barrier here to target her." Aosong said in surprise, "We had no problem getting in and out before, so I didn't notice it either."

"Can it be cracked?" Bai Ruozhu finally managed to explain Luo Shi, but how could he return without success.

"I'm good at astrology. Let's ask him to come." Aosong said and placed a paper crane, which is an onmyoji prop for astrology.

Bai Ruozhu's mouth curved, "You have a good relationship with him."

"Chasing dream monsters together, we must be able to connect with each other." Aosong explained hurriedly.

When Luo Shi saw her blushing, he suddenly laughed and said, "It's great to be young. I blushed like this when I first saw your uncle."

"Who's blushing!" Aosong shouted anxiously.

Bai Ruozhu ignored her and asked Luo Shi: "Aunt, uncle is very good-looking, right? So he blushes at just one glance?"

Luo Shi's smile became even thicker, "Yes, I have never seen anyone as handsome as him. He is still a man, just like an immortal. I was a little embarrassed and my face became hot. I didn't know it at that time. He blushed and told me about it later.”

Bai Ruozhu burst into laughter, "The first time I met Ah Chun, I was stunned. Their family has good genes and they are all very good-looking."

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