Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2879 The second brother bullies others

"Okay, okay." After saying this, Zhao Shuniang had no objection.

The Zhao family rushed to the stall, but there was no one around. They saw poor Mu Yu standing there stamping her feet and breathing.

Seeing someone coming, Mu Yu shouted very dedicatedly: "Noodles, hot noodles, do you want a bowl?"

The three members of the Zhao family were stunned. Zhao Shu saw clearly that it was Mu Yuhou and thanked her non-stop, feeling even more grateful to Bai Ruozhu and his wife.

Early the next morning, Zhao Shu rushed back to the hotel. When he saw Bai Ruozhu getting up, he immediately told her about the village chief Lu Zhengxiang's election of the village chief.

"Wei Jiu, go and tell the county magistrate that this man is not allowed to hold any position, and neither is his son." Bai Ruozhu said, "The reason is that he is in cahoots with monsters."

"Yes." Wei Jiu followed the order and conveyed the original words to the county magistrate.

"Should we arrest him for colluding with monsters?" the county magistrate asked hurriedly.

Wei Jiu whispered: "It is not appropriate to put things related to monsters on the table. They can only be dealt with in a low-key manner. Sir, please don't let him help monsters to confuse people's hearts anymore."

"Okay, okay." The county magistrate understood immediately. Since you can't punish monsters, you can always find fault with other things, right?

Later, the county magistrate suddenly found a mistake and punished the Lu family. Of course, this is all a story later.

Bai Ruozhu and the others were eager to return home, and Tang Yin was even more eager to return home. They returned much faster than when they came, and they returned to the capital in only two-thirds of the time it took them to come.

When the emperor returned to Beijing, he was greeted by hundreds of civil and military officials, shouting long live and praising the emperor's merits.

I don’t know who wrote a poem, saying that the Yueqiu tribe that the emperor personally conquered was like rats, and our army won a complete victory.

I don’t know who composed the music, but many people started singing it, praising the emperor’s merits.

Tang Yin heard a dark clue. Fortunately, only Jiang Yichun and the others knew what was going on. Otherwise, where would he put his face as the emperor? This victory in the battle was not his credit at all, okay?

Seeing him like this, Jiang Yichun couldn't help but snicker. After returning to the palace to attend the civil and military officials and Tang Yin was free, he said to Tang Yin: "Your Majesty indeed has merit. If it weren't for your Majesty who took us to Beiguan, we were so shocked." Thousand-eyed monster, the war in Beiguan will develop according to Thousand-eyed monster's original plan, and the Zhenbei Army will feel uncomfortable."

"I just happened by chance." Tang Yin said, covering his forehead.

"This is probably a premonition." Jiang Yichun never needed to flatter the emperor. He just said this because he didn't want Tang Yin to be too embarrassed.

"Okay, you said it so nicely, don't you want to leave Beijing immediately?" Tang Yin glared at him, "Bai Ruozhu has business errands to do, but you don't. You, a grown man, follow your wife around every day | Aren’t you ashamed of yourself later?”

Jiang Yichun didn't take it seriously, "Why do you ask me to follow her behind? Can she do it without me? I feel sorry for her, so I take care of her."

Tang Yin laughed and said, "I think she can still do well without you."

"Your Majesty finally affirms my Ruozhu? I think you thought she was not good enough for me at the beginning." Jiang Yichun smiled mischievously.

Tang Yin choked and coughed twice in embarrassment, "Okay, you can leave if you want, but I have to arrange an errand for you after that."

"Can't I retire and return home?" Jiang Yichun asked.

"You're not old yet." Tang Yin dismissed.

"Calling sick!"

"Pretty strong."

"Maternity leave!"

"what is that?"


Bai Ruozhu immediately went to find her second brother. Just as the officials greeted the emperor, she saw her second brother from a distance. She wanted to rush over immediately, but there were too many people and she couldn't run around. She could only keep waiting. The worship of all officials is over.

"Second brother, I miss you so much!" She wanted to pounce on him, but thinking that there were other officials nearby who were about to leave the palace, she had to hold back, coughed twice, and paid attention to her manners.

Unexpectedly, Bai Zepei came over, stretched out his hand and rubbed the top of her head, instantly messing up her bun and turning it into a chicken coop.

"You still know that coming back? You will make your second brother worried all day long." Bai Zepei's face turned cold, but his eyes were slightly red, revealing his mood at this time.

"Second brother, don't rub my head!" Bai Ruozhu shouted.

Bai Zepei retracted his hand, but suddenly he bent his fingers and flicked her forehead.

"Second brother!" Bai Ruozhu covered his head and shouted, attracting the attention of many officials.

Bai Zepei still had a straight face, "Second brother, let me remind you, lest you think your wings have grown stiff."

His soul left his body before he was angry with Bai Ruozhu. The situation was extremely dangerous but he hid the incident from him.

"I know." Bai Ruozhu said dully, covering her head.

The officials who were peeking and eavesdropping almost lost their balance. Is this the legendary fierce and powerful Master Bai?

No matter how powerful Mr. Bai is, he is always so obedient in front of her brother. This shows that Mr. Bai is the most powerful.

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Bai Zepei with more respect.

This is how Bai Ruozhu went home with her second brother on her back. Anyway, she didn't care, so that everyone could see how cruel her second brother was, bullying her sister after a long separation.

In the Bai Mansion, Gao Zhan and the others brought little Dengdeng back to the house first. Si Yihuan was so happy that he brought the children out to greet them and arranged accommodation for everyone.

After a while, Bai Ruozhu and Bai Zepei returned home, and Si Yihuan came up to them excitedly, "Ruozhu, I miss you so much."

"Second sister-in-law!" Bai Ruozhu called out pitifully.

Si Yihuan noticed her hair and turned to glare at Bai Zepei, "Did you bully Ruozhu?"

"Yes, he used his identity to suppress me." Bai Ruozhu took the opportunity to complain, hehe, second brother, you have today too.

"Jiang Yichun did it." Bai Zepei lied without blinking.

Si Yihuan stretched out his hand and twisted his arm, "Do you think I'm stupid? I told you to bully Ruozhu, huh, you can sleep in the study at night."

Bai Ruozhu clapped her hands happily, "The second sister-in-law is amazing, the second sister-in-law is great, the second sister-in-law is so powerful, so powerful and domineering!"

Bai Zepei had a black line on his head, "Little sister, you've had enough!"

Bai Ruozhu burst out laughing, "Only with your own family can you have such fun."

The two of them took Bai Ruozhu to ask about the situation along the way. Bai Ruozhu picked up the good things and told them, but did not tell them anything about Qian Mu Wei, so as not to worry them too much.

When Jiang Yichun came home in the evening, the family gathered together lively. Luo Shi was also invited. It was the first time for her to have dinner with so many relatives. She seemed a little reserved, but she soon let go.

There was always a smile in her eyes. It would be nice to be lively like this, so she wouldn't be lonely.

It's just that she no longer always dreams about her husband as before. She misses him a little, but at the same time she understands that people don't always live in dreams.

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