Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2880 Business Experience

Bai Ruozhu was eager to return home, but Bai Zepei and his wife insisted that they stay for a few days. How could it be that they had not seen each other until they left Beijing this time?

Finally, Bai Ruozhu relented and said that he would wait three days before leaving.

Si Yihuan was particularly happy. He posted a message to their acquaintances and held a banquet in the Bai Mansion. Friends whom they hadn't seen for a long time gathered together to have a good time.

The girls I knew before were all married, and many of them were mothers. Li Wanhua just came here with a big belly.

One of Si Yihuan's cousins ​​​​also came, and she brought a baby girl, who was only one year old and extremely cute. Bai Ruozhu liked her daughter and held her in her arms reluctant to let go.

Jiang Yichun didn't join the women's banquet, but also went out to visit friends.

After everyone dispersed at night, Si Yihuan pulled Bai Ruozhu to the room to talk.

"Ruozhu, how did you feel when you saw Nannan today?" she asked suddenly.

"It's so cute, but it's a pity that I don't have a daughter." Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but lament again.

Si Yihuan pursed his lips and smiled, "My cousin-in-law is the daughter of a literati family in the south of the Yangtze River. She is very knowledgeable and reasonable. I think she can raise a good daughter. A few days ago, my second aunt came to tell me that she wanted to kiss me. More kisses."

Bai Ruozhu understood that Si Yihuan was asking whether it was appropriate for her one-year-old daughter-in-law to be her daughter-in-law.

The black line on her end said, "Isn't it too early? Your children are so young."

"It is also common to get married on the fingertips. In the future, the two families will often travel together, and the children will play together for a long time, so the relationship will naturally be different from that of ordinary people." Si Yihuan said with a smile.

Bai Ruozhu frowned. As a modern soul, she really couldn't accept this kind of child marriage, nor could she accept the marriage of close relatives.

But she couldn't say anything to Si Yihuan because of this. This was a long-standing custom of the ancients. It wasn't Si Yihuan's fault, because in her eyes, it was a common thing.

"Second sister-in-law, I'm a medical student. I know one thing. Children who are close relatives are prone to poor health, and their intelligence may also be affected." She pointed at her finger, "A daughter like your cousin can be considered a child." Close relatives.”

"Ah... you still say that?" Si Yihuan was surprised, "Then, then I'd better go back to my second aunt."

Bai Ruozhu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Si Yihuan believed her. After hearing this, he planned to return to the aunt's proposal.

"The children are too young. It's not too late to pick them slowly in the future." Bai Ruozhu said again.

"Yes, if the relationship between the two families is good, they don't necessarily have to get married." Si Yihuan figured it out, but he didn't think that the cute little loli was definitely suitable to be his daughter-in-law.

The next day, Si Yihuan sent someone to politely reject her second aunt.

Si Yihuan's second uncle's surname was Wu. He worked in the Ministry of Rites and his family came from a scholarly family.

Mrs. Wu's expression changed as soon as she received the news, but she quickly suppressed her worry.

After the messenger left, Mrs. Wu said to her daughter-in-law, "Yi Huan refused, so don't mention this matter again."

Her daughter-in-law Deng was a little disappointed, "Wasn't she quite happy before? Yesterday at the banquet, she hugged my daughter and refused to let go. Even Mr. Bai likes my daughter very much."

Deng is from Jiangnan, speaks in a soft voice, and is soft and waxy.

It's a pity that Mrs. Wu doesn't like her tone.

"I want to marry you if I like you? I don't even care about your status. That's just trying to reach someone else." Mrs. Wu said angrily.

Deng's face turned red to her neck, "We are all relatives, how can we look down on others like this? Didn't it mean that Master Bai was also born as a peasant woman?"

"Forget Mr. Bai, I guess she disagreed. Otherwise, Yi Huan likes Nannan so much, and she is the only one who can make Yi Huan change his mind." Mrs. Wu said.

"This... Master Bai obviously likes Nannan very much, does he look down on me?" Deng was a little angry, but she soon calmed down.

"I still want to ask her." Mrs. Wu said unhappily.

In the blink of an eye, the next day came, Prime Minister Si Yuanhang held a family banquet at his home, and invited Bai Zepei and Si Yihuan, as well as Bai Ruozhu and the others.

Bai Ruozhu and the others went to the banquet on time. Since it was a family banquet, they also brought Gao Cuan, Chu Shuang, and Xiao Dengdeng.

The two families are related by marriage and have a very close relationship, so it is particularly lively when they get together.

"Ruozhu, I'm getting old and plan to retire and return to my hometown." Prime Minister Si said suddenly. Many people in the family were surprised. Prime Minister Si is the backbone of the Si family. Without a prime minister in the family, the reputation will be completely different. .

Bai Ruozhu was very surprised as to why he wanted to tell her. Even if he wanted to tell someone who was an official in the same dynasty, he should tell his second brother or Ah Chun, right?

"The prime minister is in strong health, how could he retire and return home so early?" Bai Ruozhu said something nice.

Si Yuanhang waved his hand, "I know my health well. It's not good to worry too much. I just want to go back to my hometown to do some small business. I recently found that doing business is interesting. You are an expert in business, why don't you give me some advice? ?”

I dare to learn from her, but don't literati despise the copper odor of businessmen the most? Prime Minister Si is special.

"Don't take it as advice, we can discuss something." Bai Ruozhu said with a smile, "I don't know what the prime minister is interested in. What is the situation in my hometown now?"

"My hometown is not far from the capital. It's called Xuzhou City. It's also close to water transportation. The transportation is convenient, but it's not very prosperous and the flow of people is not large." Si Yuanhang really discussed it with her. There were people who wanted to persuade the prime minister before. Don't be impulsive, just prick up your ears and listen.

Who doesn't know that Bai Ruozhu is very good at making sounds. He started from scratch and is now rich.

It is said that literati don’t like the smell of copper, but who doesn’t like money? They are also members of the Gongqing family. Those who are rich are powerful, while those who are not rich are empty-handed.

"I think there is no need to rush. You can arrange for people to do market research first, that is, to find out the local situation, such as what shops are there in the local area and how the business of these shops is. What business you do depends mainly on the needs of the local market, such as whether There are already two medicinal herb shops in this relatively large city, and if we open one more, we won't be able to carve up the market."

"In addition, it must be determined based on the local consumption situation. For example, the beauty salon I opened has a good business in the capital, but if it is placed in a small town, how many people will be willing to spend their money on beauty?"

She talked a little, and Si Yuanhang kept nodding, "It's like literati participating in the imperial examination. Some people are smart and will understand the examiner's preferences. When answering the paper, they will combine it with the examiner's preferences, and the final score will be better. It can be regarded as being in the right place. All right."

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister, I understand everything right away. I'm embarrassed to show off anymore." Bai Ruozhu said jokingly.

"No, if this business is confirmed, is there anything else to worry about later?" the prime minister asked again.


I'm really exhausted today...

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