Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 3046 Loss of consciousness

"It doesn't seem appropriate for us to have an audience at this time, right?" Bai Ruozhu looked at Jiang Yichun and asked.

Jiang Yichun nodded, no matter who in the royal family passed away, it was such a mess at this time, it was really embarrassing for them to appear, not to mention borrowing the royal treasure of the Western Regions.

"Why don't the two distinguished guests wait quietly for a while, and wait for the younger one to find out more about the situation before informing the adults?" The guard looked excited and said proactively.

"Okay, you're done." Bai Ruozhu said.

The guards said goodbye and left, and Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun returned to the side hall where they had settled.

"What's going on?" Gao Juan asked as soon as he saw them coming back.

"It's a funeral cry. I don't know who in the royal family has passed away." Jiang Yichun replied.

Gao Juan frowned. He knew better than most people about matters in the royal family. He had been staying in the Chengshui Palace in those years.

"Such a big thing happened, and no one came to comfort the envoy. I'm afraid it's really chaos." He said meaningfully.

Bai Ruozhu jumped over and hugged her youngest son and said, "A guard went to inquire about it. I think he will have accurate information later."

Gao Zhan nodded and said nothing more.

Bai Ruozhu suddenly felt his eyelids twitching, and felt a little uneasy. An important person passed away, could it be the king?

She shook her head secretly. The last time she saw the King of the Western Regions was not long ago. He was not very old, even two years younger than Bai Ruozhu's father Bai Yihong, and he was also very healthy.

Moreover, after the temple dictatorship was eradicated in the Western Region, nothing could threaten the king's safety.

"Ruozhu, my dad woke up and said he couldn't feel his hands. Please help him take a look." Aosong walked into the hall and said.

Bai Ruozhu retracted her thoughts and said, "Okay."

Zhong Gui had a broken finger. He should be in pain when he woke up, not unconscious.

She followed Aosong to Zhong Gui's room. As soon as she entered the door, she saw Zhong Gui sitting with a dull look in his eyes. He seemed to have aged ten years all of a sudden. Even she, an outsider, couldn't bear to see him, let alone her relatives.

The head of the Zhong family, who was originally a man of great glory, was reduced to dust overnight.

"Uncle Zhong." Bai Ruozhu called politely.

Zhong Gui retracted his thoughts, covered up the loneliness in his eyes, smiled at her and said, "Girl Ruozhu, thank you for this."

"Uncle Zhong is so polite. Aosong also helped me a lot." Bai Ruozhu said and walked to the bed to check his wounds.

"It doesn't hurt very much. I thought it was the medicine you gave me, but it seems like I can't move this hand." Zhong Gui explained.

Bai Ruozhu frowned slightly. She didn't use anesthesia. They were all masters with internal strength. No anesthesia was needed for operations that were not particularly serious, so Zhong Gui's hands shouldn't be unable to move.

She took a closer look and then felt Zhong Gui's pulse, but there was nothing wrong with the pulse, but there was some blood deficiency.

"There's no need for poisoning, and the medicine won't go wrong. That's not the scope of medical skills. I'm afraid it's something the Zhong family did." She finally came to the conclusion.

"What? Why are they so cruel!" Mrs. Zhong shouted excitedly, her eyes suddenly turning red.

Zhong Gui smiled bitterly, patted his wife with his good hand, and said, "They are afraid that I will stop them from harming Song'er, so they are just preparing for a rainy day, but I can't figure out what it is for a while."

Mrs. Zhong and Aosong looked at it again, but they couldn't see what it was either.

Bai Ruozhu opened her mouth, but still did not express her thoughts. Mrs. Zhong and Aosong were already uncomfortable enough, so they should speak slowly first.

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