Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 3047 The princess is missing

Those old guys in the Zhong family are very cruel. Since they have made up their minds to sacrifice Aosong to become Tai Sui, they will definitely prevent Zhong Gui from dying. The purpose of keeping him alive is to intimidate Aosong, so why not spare a chance to lay a trick on Zhong Gui? What about these things?

The Zhong family, such a cruel and selfish family, should have been eradicated long ago!

Bai Ruozhu narrowed her eyes. The Zhong family had completely angered her.

At this time, footsteps came from outside, "Greetings to Mr. Danliang Envoy."

Bai Ruozhu recognized the voice of the previous guard and quickly retracted her thoughts, "Come in, how do you feel about inquiring?"

The guard walked into the main hall and saluted respectfully, but Bai Ruozhu's sharp eyes noticed that his hands were shaking and his head was slightly hung, but he did not hide his red eyes.

"His Majesty the King died of illness!" He choked up before finishing his words, and even cried a little.

Bai Ruozhu stood up suddenly, rushed over and grabbed him by the collar, forcing him to look up at her.

She stared into his eyes tightly, "Tell me again, who is it?"

The guards were a little scared, but they didn't seem to be lying. Their hands were shaking slightly because they were a little excited. The king they respected had died of illness.

"How is that possible?" Jiang Yichun couldn't help shouting. Although his medical skills were not as good as Bai Ruozhu's, he still had some experience. He had seen the king of the Western Regions in good health before, so why did he suddenly die of illness?

"What's the emergency?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

The guard shook his head, "I heard it was a sudden attack of heart disease."

"Impossible!" Bai Ruozhu couldn't help shouting.

Heart disease is heart disease, which is generally difficult to detect, even if it occurs suddenly, it is not impossible.

Even if modern people are overworked at work, many people have poor hearts and may experience chest tightness, shortness of breath, or even heart throbs, but not everyone will die suddenly.

But Bai Ruozhu is not an ordinary doctor. She once helped the King of the Western Regions to check his pulse. If the King of the Western Regions had a heart disease, she would not be able to detect it.

What's more, a sudden attack of heart disease that can kill someone?

There must be something wrong here!

"Where is Princess Yingtong?" she asked again.

"They should all go to the king's palace," the guard said.

The king died suddenly, and the palace in the Western Regions was already in chaos.

Bai Ruozhu took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in her heart, and looked at each other with Jiang Yichun.

"It's hard for us to stay out of this matter. Let's go." Jiang Yichun took her hand and said.

She nodded, as long as he was by her side, she was not afraid of mountains of swords or seas of fire.

Gao Zhan was a little worried, but after thinking about the current situation, he didn't follow suit.

The guard hurriedly led the two of them to the king's palace.

Before they even got close, they heard a cry. Some were really sad, and some were just pretending to cry.

Bai Ruozhu saw a person dressed as a chamberlain, and hurriedly stopped him and said, "We are envoys from the Danliang Kingdom and want to meet Princess Yingtong."

The chamberlain glanced at her quickly and said in a panic: "Princess Yingtong is not in the palace, we are also looking for her."

"Leaving the palace?" Bai Ruozhu asked hurriedly.

"Young man, I don't know, nor do the people serving around me. It seems that I didn't return to the palace last night." The chamberlain replied.

Seeing that Bai Ruozhu couldn't ask anything, she let the man go about his work, but his heart sank.

Princess Yingtong did not return to the palace last night, so the king died of a heart attack today. Is it too coincidental?

Is there a black hand behind the scenes controlling everything? Are they the remnants of the original temple?

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