Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 3125 Reinforcements Arrive

Some members of the Zhong family were covered very tightly. Occasionally, if the skin was exposed, you could see the dense black lines on it.

There are still some people who have been possessed by evil spirits and are controlled by the elders. They have become like walking zombies, but their combat effectiveness is higher than normal.

It was this group of people who were the most difficult to deal with. They kept besieging Gao Quan. Each of them didn't care about their lives and didn't know the pain. Unless they cut off their heads directly, it would be difficult to stop them.

Gao Zhan's internal energy was greatly depleted, and he was hit in the back without warning. A fishy-sweet taste filled his mouth, and he spat out blood.

He gasped for air and took the time to adjust his breathing, but his heart became more and more anxious.

Suddenly, the decisive voice of the astrologist came from behind: "Zhong family, since you want to kill everything, then no one can leave!"

Gao Zhan was shocked, turned around and shouted: "Xi'er, don't be ridiculous!"

Aosong also rushed over and held down his hand: "If you dare to use forbidden techniques, I will die for you now!"

"But..." Xingxing couldn't bear to look at Aosong. Her hair was messy and her body was covered with flowers. Did he want to watch the person he loved die like this?

If this is an irreversible battle and many people are destined to die, then why not use him to exchange the lives of others?

He admitted that he couldn't let go of Aosong. They had gone through so many ups and downs just after they got married. He thought they could finally live a happy life, but the Zhong family was still unwilling to let them go.

Suddenly, someone among the businessmen being escorted shouted: "Sir, leave us alone. Carrying us is a burden. I just ask... I just ask that our ashes can be sent home in the future."

Some people were afraid and burst into tears, but others also made up their minds and echoed: "We have no martial arts and can't escape. Adults, please go and help us bring a message home."

Xiaonu Niang hugged Xiaonu tightly. She also thought about it. Her husband died, and she was afraid that she would die here too, but she wanted her child to survive.

"Don't worry about me, but please save my child, he is still so young."

"Anyway, we're all going to die. At worst, we have to fight with them to buy time for the adults!" Someone suddenly shouted.

The people who were still huddled together seemed to have gained courage. Yes, they would die anyway, why not give it a try?

Some people picked up gravel from the roadside, while others grabbed mud lumps and threw them towards the Zhong family.

They don't have martial arts, but it can at least influence them a little bit and distract them.

"A bunch of ants, looking for death!" A killer from the Zhong family was hit on the back of the head and rushed over with a sword in anger.

Mrs. Zhong drew her sword to stop him, and said disdainfully: "A hidden family, training hard just to kill ordinary people? They are not afraid of being laughed at."

"The Zhong family has become a joke, what are we afraid of?" The man roared and attacked Mrs. Zhong.

Blood flowed down drop by drop, some people got injured and got up again, some even couldn't get up anymore, the circle of encirclement became smaller and smaller...

Do we really want to stop here?

Too many people were unwilling to give up. Life was already difficult enough. They finally escaped from the war-torn Gaochang City. Why didn't God give them a chance to live?

Suddenly, a wolf howled in the distance, followed by a roar of beasts. Both warring parties paused and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a burst of smoke approaching quickly. The white wolf king led by it was exceptionally tall. The man on the wolf's back had a ferocious scar on his face. But at this moment, he looked like a god, with the scorching sunlight shining down from above his head. , making him seem to be bathed in holy light.

"It's Shanta!" Gao Chan shouted in surprise.

Aosong's eyes were red, he was touched and a little ashamed.

She had betrayed Shanta, but Shanta still came.

The civilians in the team did not know that Shanta was one of their own, and the reputation of the barbarian beast team for robbing caravans was too great. At this moment, they were desperate again, and some even covered their heads in fear and screamed.

Being bitten to death by a wild beast is far more terrifying than being hacked to death by a sword.

But what they didn't expect was that the beast team roared and rushed towards the Zhong family.

Xiaonu's eyes widened, "Mom, you are here to help us! We are saved!"

The little crossbow girl hugged him and cried bitterly, "We can be saved, we can be saved!"

With the participation of Santa and others, the battle situation immediately changed. Chushuang hugged the children and said with a choked voice: "It's okay, don't be afraid."

"Grandma, I'm not afraid, I want to go out and kill the enemy!" Xiao Dengdeng said, clenching her little fists.

It's a pity that Chu Shuang didn't let go and said: "Grandma's hometown has rules. Children can only participate in battles after they are eight years old. When you are eight years old, grandma will not stop you."

"But I am already a man." Xiao Dengdeng said dissatisfiedly, but he was never a child who gave up easily. He rolled his eyes and suddenly threw the two machine beasts out.

I saw the machine beasts transforming, one turned into a wasp with sharp wings, and the other turned into a compact war dog, attacking the enemy.

"Hehe, is this okay?"

Chushuang couldn't help but nod. This child is extremely talented and has a tough mind. He will become a great person in the future.

"Sangta, this is the hatred between our Zhong family and the Danliang Kingdom. Are you sure you want to meddle in this business and offend our Zhong family?" the fifth elder shouted angrily.

Shanta showed a cynical look, "Who are you scaring? The Zhong family has fallen, so what if I offend you?"

"You..." the fifth elder's face turned livid with anger, "Zhong Aosong is already married, do you have to put the barbarians in danger for her?"

"Fifth old man, why are you so shameless? If you can't beat me, you just say things like this. The Zhong family will fall because of people like you!" Mrs. Zhong cursed angrily when she saw him mentioning her daughter.

The White Wolf King bit off the neck of one of the Zhong family members, and Santa on the wolf's back laughed wildly.

"That day when I, Sangta, was in trouble, it was Ruozhu and his wife who rescued us, and also saved our entire barbarian tribe. Their affairs are our barbarian tribe's affairs! If the Zhong family doesn't want to disappear completely, just cultivate honestly and don't come out to cause trouble again, otherwise you will Will be the enemy of the entire barbarian tribe!"

"Madman, madman!" the fifth elder yelled angrily. He was distracted for a moment and was slapped on the back of his vest by Gao Deng, causing him to vomit out a mouthful of blood.

He turned back and pointed at Gao Deng, "You are so despicable."

Gao Deng had a look of disdain on his face, "How do we deal with people like you with moral principles? Besides, I'm not a good person to begin with."

Sangta laughed, "Senior is more irritable with me than Jiang Yichun. Let's have a drink after the fight."

This battle was fought in darkness. The fifth elder said that he wanted to kill Dengdeng and their three children. This completely angered Gao Chan and the others, so everyone took the killing blow, not wanting to let any of the attackers go. In the end, although the fifth elder still took advantage of The secret technique escaped, but ninety percent of the people died here.

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