Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 3126 Plan changes

Many people in the team were injured, and Shanta and the others led the way to a resting place to treat the injured.

Fortunately, not many people were killed, and the most dangerous situation was finally over.

"How did you find us?" Gao Juan asked.

Shanta smiled calmly, as if he had let go of his obsession with Aosong.

"That guy Jiang Yichun contacted me before and said that he would send a message if necessary and ask me to help you. I brought people here as soon as I got the message. I was almost late, otherwise it would be difficult to explain to him."

It turned out that the reinforcements that Jiang Yichun said could arrive in two days were not Danliang's northwest army, but people from the barbarian tribes.

When they and Sangta separated at Zhong's house, Jiang Yichun had already greeted Sangta in advance, saying that it was not accurate to plan for a rainy day. This was really strategizing.

Later, Santa and the others escorted us on the road, so the safety factor was much higher.

"I don't know where they went." After finishing the work at hand, Bai Ruozhu missed her child again.

"It's time to meet up with the reinforcements," Jiang Yichun said.

Bai Ruozhu turned to look at him, "Why are the reinforcements coming so fast? What's going on?"

"Forget it, I'm not going to show off, it's Shanta and the others."

"No wonder..." After saying this, she figured it out. Shanta and the others could arrive in two days. On the one hand, the barbarians were closer to Gaochang. On the other hand, the barbarian beast team was traveling very fast. The horses are much faster.

She suddenly remembered, "You made an agreement with him when we were at Zhong's house, right? Haven't you always disliked him? You didn't expect that they hooked up in private."

"What's wrong with hooking up? I'm sure I won't like him if he pesters you, but I still admire him as a person." Jiang Yichun said calmly, "Besides, we messed with the Zhong family in the Western Regions. I More preparations must be made.”

"Dear, why do I think you look taller again?" she said jokingly.

He reached out to pinch her nose, "Your husband has always been very tall."

She smiled and hit his hand. Along the way, he became more mature and steady, but she didn't think about it as much as before.

It is said that a truly happy woman will be pampered like a child by a man and does not have to worry about everything by herself. Does she count now?

Finally, the day agreed with Xuri came. Zhong Gui and Bai Ruozhu checked and they were all ready. They took people with them and planned to meet at the agreed place.

At this time, a messenger came and received an autographed letter from Xuri.

"Master Jiang, Master Bai, the plan has changed and we will not take action for the time being."

Jiang Yichun showed the letter to others, and everyone couldn't help but look angry.

"Did he do it on purpose? Wanted to mess up our plan?" Chu Han said angrily.

Bai Ruozhu was also a little irritable. She was anxious to meet the children. If she didn't take action now, how long would it take? One or two days is okay, but if it is ten days and a half, wouldn’t it make the children sad?

Besides, she was really worried about being separated from the children for too long.

"What should we do now?" Zhong Helm asked.

"We can only go to Xuri to see what medicine he sold in the gourd." Bai Ruozhu said.

Jiang Yichun thought about it and said, "Uncle Zhong and I will go into the palace and take a look at the situation of the defensive killing formation. Even if Xuri wants to do something else, he can't wait until the formation is completed, then he will be completely unable to capture the palace."

"No, it's too dangerous!" Bai Ruozhu objected immediately.

Zhong Gui agreed with Jiang Yichun's suggestion, "It should be fine for me and Xiao Jiang to go together. We will be more careful."

Jiang Yichun took Bai Ruozhu's hand and said, "You have to be more careful when you go to Xuri. If you can't, just hide."

When he said hiding, he was referring to Bai Ruozhu's space. The two of them had the same mind. She immediately understood what he meant and nodded hurriedly.

After agreeing in this way, the two parties acted separately. Chu Han stayed with Jian Qi and the others to adjust the previous plans and arrangements.

Bai Ruozhu walked all the way towards Xuri's Villa. There was still beating, smashing and looting on the road. Now it was hard to tell whether it was the officers and soldiers who were fighting, or someone with good intentions fishing in troubled waters. All the shops on the street were closed, and the street was in a mess.

She sighed. For the people, nothing was more important than a peaceful and prosperous age. She even didn't want to care about who would be the king of the Western Region now. She just wanted to end this melee as soon as possible.

Xuri knew she would come, so he asked the steward to greet her at the door and took her directly to the backyard.

Unexpectedly, Xuri is practicing in the backyard, and he is very powerful with a set of marksmanship. However, he is still practicing marksmanship at this time, and he is obviously not in a hurry.

Bai Ruozhu suppressed the anger in her heart. Being angry at this time would only mess up the situation and make the other party proud.

After Xuri finished a set of marksmanship, he made an expression as if he had just seen Bai Ruozhu, raised his hands and said, "I've made Master Bai wait for a long time. It's a sin."

Bai Ruozhu returned the greeting, "Master Xuri's style is still the same, which makes me more knowledgeable."

Xuri laughed heartily, "Master Bai, that's ridiculous."

Sure enough, Bai Ruozhu didn't mention the change of plan. Bai Ruozhu didn't say a word and directly said to see Princess Yingtong. Xuri narrowed his eyes and looked at her for a second, and then agreed.

She didn't ask further questions, but let Xuri guess her plans.

Soon, she saw Princess Yingtong, but she didn't expect that Princess Yingtong was losing her temper.

"How many times have I told you not to wear this hair accessory for me!"

Bai Ruozhu was a little surprised. Although Princess Yingtong used to be charming and willful, she was not particular about food, clothing and dress, and it was rare to see her lose her temper with the maids.

The maid said tremblingly: "Princess, calm down, but according to the rules, you can't comb your hair as before."

Bai Ruozhu was not familiar with the hairstyle habits of women in the Western Regions, so she was thinking that she must have a hair accessory that represented her noble status?

At this time, Yingtong noticed her, and her face suddenly turned pale, "Ruozhu, when did you come?"

She's here, shouldn't Yingtong be happy? Why are you nervous and scared?

"You just came here, what's wrong with this hairstyle?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

Yingtong looked strange and said to the maid: "You go down first."

When they left, Bai Ruozhu sighed, stared into her eyes and said, "Yingtong, my relatives and children have left first, but there are many dangers along the way. I can't protect them, so I stayed here cruelly, you know That’s why.”

"I don't ask you to be grateful to me, because you are my friend and I am willing to help you. I think you sincerely regard me as a friend. Why can't you talk to me if you have something?"

Yingtong's tears kept falling when she was told that, probably because the tight strings she had been feeling these past few days had been plucked, and she threw herself into Bai Ruozhu's arms and burst into tears.

"Ruozhu, the maid just told me about women's hair from the Western Regions. She meant that I can no longer style my daughter's hair." Princess Yingtong choked with sobs.

Bai Ruozhu's heart skipped a beat. Although she had made guesses before, her heart sank to the bottom when she heard Princess Yingtong say it herself.

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