Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 602 The cooperation is coming to an end

Faced with Du Zhongshu's question, Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but sneered, "This is what your Du family thinks. You are allowed to scheme against others and tarnish their reputations, but you are not allowed to fight back. As long as you fight back, it is unethical. It's really not true." I know where you got this theory from."

Du Zhongshu's eyes were stung by the mockery on Bai Ruozhu's face. Once upon a time, they were still friends, and they were chatting and laughing, but now they are looking at each other like enemies. Why is this?

He quickly retracted his intention to run away, looked at Bai Ruozhu and said, "I know you blame the Du family for not being honest, but those are the elders who make their own decisions, what does it have to do with Poria? You said that to her today in public, she How can we say goodbye in the future?"

Bai Ruozhu laughed angrily, almost crying with laughter. She looked at her former friend and partner and said, "Euzhongshu, you have to find out who let this matter reach the ears of your elders." ? Who told this matter in a garbled way? It wasn’t Du Fuling who was talking about it everywhere, was it you who said it? Now that you see that she is innocent, then I deserve it if I save people with good intentions, but my reputation is tarnished? "

"I've been polite enough, otherwise I could tell all the scandal about Du Fuling just for today's matter. I'm not a gentleman. If anyone wants to harm me, I will fight back at all costs. If you don't accept it, take it. Come and fight me with your so-called sense of superiority and see who can have the last laugh!"

Bai Zepei waited for Bai Ruozhu to finish speaking, then held her shoulders and said, "Get in the car. People like this don't need to talk nonsense."

Bai Ruozhu nodded to her second brother and was about to get in the car, but she paused again and turned around and said: "By the way, ask your old man to clear the cost of filling the teeth as soon as possible, and also calculate the monthly dividends." , if the calculation is not clear, I can only ask the Chamber of Commerce to comment, and then everyone will disperse early."

Du Zhongshu's face became extremely ugly, as if he couldn't believe how Bai Ruozhu had become so philistine. Bai Ruozhu saw what he was thinking and couldn't help but sneered again. It was only natural to pay back debts, and it was not her shameless question. People want money?

"Even if the partnership is broken up, the Du family can still continue to sell toothpaste, but you will not get any dividends. Do you think this will be beneficial to you?" Du Zhongshu's voice was cold, and there was hatred in his eyes.

"It doesn't matter, I'm a person who would rather live in pieces than live in ruins. I don't want to take the money myself and I'm happy with it. It's two different things if someone else cheats on me with my money." After Bai Ruozhu said this this time, he got on the carriage and Fang Guizhi followed closely. He helped her get into the carriage, and deliberately bumped Eucommia ulmoides, saying fiercely: "Give it!"

Bai Zepei glanced at Du Zhongshu coldly, and followed the carriage without wanting to say another word.

Wei San hurried away, and Fang Guizhi couldn't help but cursed, "What the hell? The old and the young in their family are plotting against Ruozhu, and Ruozhu won't let Ruozhu fight back. He talks about benevolence, justice and morality, so what's wrong with what he does?" Don’t you talk about benevolence, justice and morality? I didn’t realize before that Eucommia ulmoides is not a good thing.”

"He grew up in a big family. No matter how careless he is, he will always put the interests of the family first. Even if he knows that the family has done something wrong and I have caused their family to suffer, he will somewhat complain, for example, what I did I'm not honest anymore, or I'm not ruthless anymore. People like this will always see what's wrong with others." Bai Ruozhu shook his head as he said, "My cooperation with the Du family will soon be over."

Bai Zepei's eyes were a little dark. The Du family dared to bully the younger sister like this because they now had a reputation in Beiyu City and because they were Mrs. Meng's relatives. The Bai family had not yet risen, so they thought they could do this. Collect it for your own use.

After the three of them returned home, they briefly mentioned that something had happened to Yu Hongxiu in the Meng Mansion. Lin Ping'er was so anxious that she just whirled around and said, "No, I will go to the Meng Mansion with you tomorrow morning to see Hongxiu."

Bai Ruozhu nodded, and her mother might as well go with her.

She cleaned her hands, hugged Dengdeng and went to play in the house. Soon Xiaosi got into the house and said timidly: "Sister, I want to go see the second young master."

Bai Ruozhu was stunned. Xu Huilin had not left Beiyu City, but she couldn't help but think of Wu Wanqing's hatred for her, and she was a little worried about whether Xiaosi would be plotted when she went to Wu Mansion.

Seeing that she didn't answer immediately, Xiaosi's eyes dimmed a bit with anticipation. However, he was well-behaved and quickly said, "I won't go if it's inconvenient."

Bai Ruozhu touched his little head and said softly: "It's not that my sister won't let you see the second young master, it's just that the Wu family has a special background. It's not easy for outsiders like us to just go there casually, so I'm thinking why not give him a letter and make an appointment with him?" When the young master comes out, we'll treat him to a meal. On the one hand, we'll thank him for saving you, and on the other hand, you can ask him for martial arts lessons."

Xiao Si immediately became happy, with a smile on his face. He finally started to laugh more and more.

"Okay, just do as my sister says."

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but laugh, this little guy was going to become a martial artist.

She immediately wrote a post to Xu Huilin and showed it to Xiaosi. Xiaosi now knew a lot of words and could read them accurately. Bai Ruozhu felt very pleased. She dried the handwriting and asked Xiaosi to read the post. Give it to Wei San and ask Wei San to deliver it to the Wu Mansion.

She wrote in the post that she would be welcoming guests to a banquet for Xu Huilin the day after tomorrow. The day after tomorrow...should be the day when Jiang Yichun got rid of the poison, right? When she thought about the Forgetfulness Gu, she felt a little uneasy, and Jiang Yichun was not around. She was anxious because she didn't know his situation, but she was also secretly grateful. At least she didn't have to face him who had just solved the poison immediately.

She doesn't know why, but she's a little scared...

In the afternoon, she started making the screen ordered by Mrs. Meng. Because it was a new weaving method, she could only try it herself first and then teach it to others.

Moreover, since she had something to do, she would not be prone to random thoughts.

It's the new year, so she should expand her business, at least not to let the Du family dare to mess with her in public.

Thinking of this, she put down what she was doing and ran to the backyard to chat with her father. If her father wasn't in the house, he would be in the backyard, or on the road in between.

Sure enough, her father was doing research in the fields. Now a thatched shed has been built in the field, which is almost like ordinary farmers building temporary houses on the ground.

When Bai Yihong saw his daughter coming, he said with a smile: "Ruozhu, don't think we won't get any results now, but we will definitely make a lot of money this winter."

Bai Ruozhu smiled and nodded, "It's definitely okay. From now on, I'll follow my dad and enjoy the spicy food."

Bai Yihong smiled sheepishly. He knew how much he was capable of. His daughter was almost the supporter of the family, but his daughter praised him like this, which really made him feel at ease.

"Dad, have you finished buying the land over there?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

"I still want to say this. I have already negotiated with the other party. I am not familiar with the place here. I want you or Erlang to accompany me when I want to make a deal." Bai Yihong smiled sheepishly.

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