Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 603 The government can’t cure it, we can cure it

Bai Ruozhu thinks that her father is very good. He never shows off and will not lose his caution just for the sake of face. Not to mention her father, even she is not familiar with the place in Beiyu City. Buying and selling land is a big deal, and it is necessary to do it all. What should I do if I encounter a scammer in a large-scale silver transaction?

"It just so happens that the second brother is free recently. The second brother and I will go with you to have a look." Bai Ruozhu said.

Bai Yihong felt relieved and said, "Then I will make an appointment with them until the day after tomorrow. Later you go ask your second brother if he is free."

Bai Ruozhu nodded, "I'll ask now."

She walked quickly towards the front yard. Not only did she want to ask her second brother if she was free, but she also wanted to ask if her second brother would avoid it if she invited Wu Ying to play.

Thinking of this, her steps became a little brisker.

Bai Zepei was reading in the room, and Xiaosi was practicing calligraphy not far away. He occasionally turned his head and gave a few words.

Bai Ruozhu coughed lightly, walked into the house and said, "Second brother, dad asked me to ask you if you are free the day after tomorrow. He is going to trade fields with someone, and he wants us to accompany him to have a look."

Bai Zepei nodded, "Okay, I'll make some time."

"Also, I have made a new good sister. I want to invite her to my home in a few days. I heard that her eldest brother is your classmate, so why not invite her eldest brother to come with us?" Bai Ruozhu said and couldn't help laughing. , and his eyes curled up when he smiled.

Bai Zepei's face instantly became embarrassed. He didn't even notice Bai Ruozhu's evil smile. He said hesitantly: "Let's talk about it later. Maybe I'm not at home for something."

Bai Ruozhu's smile became even stronger. Xiao Si next to him looked at him hard and murmured in his heart, why is the sister smiling so strangely today, and the second brother still looks depressed? What's wrong with these two people?

No matter how precocious Xiao Si was, he didn't know much about men and women, so he couldn't figure it out at all.

Bai Ruozhu almost laughed and left the second brother's room. The second brother seemed to be interested in Wu Ying. Otherwise, why would he be so shy? But she didn't expect that the second brother liked this kind of person. Originally, she thought She will be a sweet lady who is proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and can add fragrance to the second brother's red sleeves.

However, she also felt that Wu Ying was quite good, with a straightforward personality, but not reckless or brainless. Being with a fox-like person like her second brother, they could complement each other. If both of them were extremely good, they would not be able to do anything in the future. Are you going to fight to the death?

Suddenly she thought of herself and Jiang Yichun, as if they were the kind of shrewd and shady masters. From then on...

Bai Ruozhu shook her head helplessly, what was she thinking about again.

In the evening, someone came to deliver a message, saying that it was the second young master who promised to attend the banquet on time the day after tomorrow. Xiao Si was very happy to hear this, and a smile appeared on his face.

Rong'er pulled Niu'er's clothes aside and whispered, "Look at Brother Xiaosi smiling, he looks so pretty."

Niuer blushed and took a look, nodded and said, "Yes, Brother Xiaosi looks so pretty when he smiles."

Bai Ruozhu's sharp ears caught the whispers of the two little girls, and she couldn't help but pursed her lips and laughed. Her fourth child is handsome, and he will definitely be a handsome boy when he grows up, and he is also capable of both literary and martial arts. The handsome guy!

Early the next morning, Bai Ruozhu took her mother out with Deng Deng in her arms. It was much more convenient to carry Deng Deng with her mother.

Dengdeng has grown a lot these days, and there is not so much flesh on her face. She is a little less cute, but a little more handsome. Her features and eyes look very similar to Bai Ruozhu.

Mrs. Meng liked Deng Deng very much when she saw him. She reached out to grab his little hand and said, "This kid loves to laugh. He must be smart."

When Lin Ping'er saw her grandson being praised, she instantly got closer to Mrs. Meng. The two of them greeted the old lady and said they would go see Yu Hongxiu first and come back to talk to the old lady later.

Yu Hongxiu looked better today. Lin Ping'er breathed a sigh of relief after seeing her, and said with a smile: "I'm here to let you take a closer look at Deng Deng. I guarantee that I can give birth to a big fat boy."

"She has two babies in her belly. If they have two boys, they will make trouble for her." Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but think of the fact that in her previous life, she had seen a family in the community who gave birth to twin boys. The mother could not take care of them by herself, and several elderly people had to take turns to help. , every time I go out it's like a fight, but the boys are very naughty.

Yu Hongxiu smiled so hard that she couldn't close her mouth. If the two boys were fine, she would be willing to do it no matter how tired they were.

Bai Ruozhu felt Yu Hongxiu's pulse, and used acupuncture to calm down the blood. Then she massaged it gently for a while and said, "I will take another injection tomorrow, so there will be no need for acupuncture. But you still have to be more careful later. It's not normal to be pregnant with twins." Fetus, in addition, you’d better prepare in advance, twins will usually be born early.”

Yu Hongxiu nodded. She had also heard about it and had already started to prepare supplies for the child. She was also looking for a nanny in advance. She wanted to breastfeed the child herself as Bai Ruozhu said, but judging from the current situation, she wanted to It is really difficult for one person to feed two children.

The two chatted with Yu Hongxiu for a while, then told her to rest, got up and left the room.

After meeting Mrs. Meng again, Bai Ruozhu asked about the investigation of the case.

"Then Mrs. Wang is the most suspected and has been detained. However, she refuses to admit that she instigated the maid to do that. She says that she really doesn't know anything and that someone else must be trying to harm her." Mrs. Meng's face changed as she spoke. After the cold, he dared to touch her guests in her house. This person was too courageous.

"Later, Mrs. Lu said that it was Mrs. Wang who suggested that they go to the toilet. I think it was most likely Mrs. Wang who did it. However, the maid is dead now, and there is no evidence of her death. Mrs. Wang has no clear motive. I am afraid that tomorrow We have to let people out." The old lady sighed and said.

Bai Ruozhu raised her eyebrows, "It's okay. Anyway, we know she has a problem. Even if the government can't cure her crime, there is no way to punish her privately."

Mrs. Meng nodded, "Yes, I am not that pedantic person. If anyone dares to touch me, my old lady will not make it easy for them."

Bai Ruozhu remembered Mrs. Wang's natal family, the Zhou family, and she would also try to teach the Zhou family a lesson and beat them.

She stayed with her mother for a while, then hugged Dengdeng and said goodbye to the old lady, and returned home.

When Bai Yihong saw them coming back, he called Bai Ruozhu and said, "Ruozhu, come with me to the backyard to see if that vegetable is growing right."

After hearing this, Bai Ruozhu handed Dengdeng to her mother and followed her father to the backyard.

As a result, Bai Yihong didn't show her any dishes, and he hesitated as if he didn't know how to speak.

Bai Ruozhu felt strange and did not rush her father. She stood aside and waited for a while before hearing her father say: "Ruozhu, let's not let Xiaosi practice martial arts."

"Ah, why?" Bai Ruozhu didn't expect that what her father was going to say was related to Xiaosi, and she was completely lost for a moment.

"It's just that I just saw him practicing boxing, and I didn't feel very good..." Bai Yihong said hesitantly.

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