Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1193: reverse

Chapter 1193 Reversal

The battle between Diablo and the angel's body progressed into a kind of real fever. The angel's body shot a few swords. Diablo still burned the angel's body with a claw and using the flames of hell.

Both sides seem to have forgotten the defense, both are trying to consume.

Of course, this is exactly what Abel thought. If you continue to fight against Diablo, then Diablo with the control of the debris of the world stone will continue to occupy the advantage, and this battle will last for too long. .

In that case, he cannot guarantee that the battle will succeed, and it is likely to enter a deadlock.

Now don't look at the angel's body consuming with Diablo, in fact the angel's body is not much consumed.

The dark gold glove 'Soul Sucker' on his hand has the capabilities of '7% Mana Steal on Hit' and '7% Life Steal on Hit', allowing him to hit Diablo at the same time , Is also constantly supplementing its own light and vitality.

In this mutual fight, he did not even need to use the ‘full rejuvenation potion’, because there was no need for it, and his vitality had kept fluctuating around 90%.

The other effect of 'Soul Sucker', '-50 to reduce monster defense every time you hit a monster', is actually weakening the defense of Diablo.

Reducing the defense by 50 points each time is not much to defend against the extremely powerful Diablo, but it can't bear the continuous weakening of the attack on both sides.

Almost every attack of the angel's body is a little stronger than the last hit.

Abel's feeling at this time was extremely refreshing. He cultivated the knighthood from an early age, but for various reasons, he gave up the knighthood after reaching the top of the knight.

But the love of holding swords and choppings has always been in his heart. This **** battle made him more aggressive and aggressive.

He also understands how angels are loved by heaven and earth. In this battle, in addition to the 'soul sucker' absorbing life and mana, and the 'holy angel shield' 'life regeneration speed +100', he also found The real horror of the four wings.

After fighting for a while, the four wings began to absorb all kinds of energy in the air. No matter what energy, even the **** energy that escaped after the attack of Diablo was absorbed by the four wings and transformed into vitality and light.

It must be known that in a general battle of this level, various energies outside the two sides of the battle have been exploded due to the effects of the battle.

No matter what kind of creature, even if it can usually absorb the energy in the air to supplement itself, but in fierce battles, it is impossible to absorb the violent energy.

This is why the strong existence also needs to supplement its own energy in battle. We must know that in normal existence, a strong existence can directly absorb energy in the space to supplement itself. Of course, there are also huge consumption during battle. There is not so much energy in the air.

But the four wings of the angel's body can use the violent energy caused by the battle to absorb and transform it into its own needs.

Diablo seems to be very dissatisfied with the effect of continuous fire attacks. Its spell has changed into a hotter fiery red light. This spell has more attack power than the previous continuous fire attacks, and it is also the same. Continuous attacks are more dense in attack density than continuous fire attacks.

This caused the vitality of the angel's body to drop rapidly, and it soon dropped to 50%. Even the four wings and the 'Soul Absorber' glove's absorption of vitality and the 'Holy Angel's Shield' enhanced vitality recovery could not maintain the vitality stability.

Abel couldn't help it. The 50% vitality alert line was reached. He immediately took a bottle of ‘full rejuvenation potion’ and suddenly filled his vitality.

This move found the opposite Diablo, who seemed to want to change the fighting style and quickly backed away.

Abel knew that this was the Stone Fragment of the World and found that this mutual fight was not good for Diablo, because the angel's body obviously had a potion that could quickly replenish vitality, so the Stone Fragment of the World began to change the way of fighting.

However, the World Stone Fragments wanted to change the way of fighting, but Abel didn't want to. This way of taking advantage of the battle was exactly what he wanted.

The speed of the angel's body makes Diablo simply unable to get rid of it. The sword of the "Sacred Angel" is inseparable from the body of the Diablo, although the "Sword of the Holy Angel" has not broken the Diablo in such a long attack. skin.

However, the most powerful damage of the "Sword of the Holy Angel" to Diablo comes from the power of light. This light power is inherently hostile to the energy of hell. Each strike has an extra bonus than attacking ordinary creatures.

Also when Diablo began to give way to changing the fighting style, this concession opened Diablo's defense posture wide, allowing Abel to attack Diablo more.

Abel actually understood in his heart that when it comes to precise control of the body, he couldn't beat the stone fragments of the world.

He also owns the stone fragments of the world, but the stone fragments of the world are in the human body and cannot play an role in the angel's body.

In fact, if the fragments of the world's stones can act on the angel's body, then this battle will have its consequences.

You need to know that the angel's body must surpass Diablo in terms of speed and attack power. Even if the vitality and defense cannot be compared with Diablo, there are a lot of ways to enhance vitality. As long as the control ability is improved, it can completely suppress Diablo. Destruction battle.

Where would it be like now, almost constantly attacked by Diablo's spells, hard-pressing and engaging in unskilled mutual fights with Diablo.

It is estimated that if it is not because the debris of the world's stones began to judge that Diablo can take advantage of each other, they will start to fight each other, otherwise Abel will not get this chance.

Now that the angel's body has the upper hand, he certainly won't let it go. He also tried his best to strengthen the control of the ‘sacred angel ’s sword’ among his opponents.

During this time, he forcibly forgotten the knight swordsmanship practiced in his childhood, and instead practiced the swordsmanship of the angel tradition, which was a difficult process.

You know, when he first picked up the sword, he learned knight swordsmanship, and continued to the long stage of the great knight. Although he later gave up knight training because he came to the central continent, the knight swordmanship was engraved on the In his bones.

Today's battle with Diablo is the best opportunity to strengthen the angelic inheritance of swordsmanship. When the angel's body usually uses the "Holy Angel Sword" to fight **** creatures, almost no angelic inheritance swordsmanship is used. One or two swords can be solved directly.

Where there is a chance, as today, he has a strong opponent so that he can do his best to cast the angel heritage swordsmanship.

The stronger power and faster speed make the use of swords that are impossible to realize can be truly demonstrated. This is the difference between angelic swordsmanship and knight swordsmanship.

Knight swordsmanship is a secular mortal swordsmanship, but angelic inheritance swordsmanship is not available to human bodies. It is estimated that only a life such as angels can fully exert the power of angelic inheritance swordsmanship.

The sacred angel's sword in Abel's hand struck five times in a row, and each time he hit the same position on the Diablo.

This opportunity was also given to Abel by Diablo himself, because Diablo was moving backwards, and Abel moved forward.

Abel was faster than Diablo himself, not to mention he was moving forward and Diablo was backing away.

That is, between this retreat, he has the opportunity to use this advanced technique, continuously attacking the same position, so that the skin defense at this place continuously drops, and in the last spine, the dark is destroyed for the first time. God's skin was cracked.

The power of light came in contact with the black blood of Diablo, and immediately a violent sound like hot oil contacted with water, and a foul odor came out.

Diablo screamed, the stone fragments of the world had some instincts that could not be controlled, and various spells appeared as if they were not energy-like, attacking the angel's body.

Bone prison, continuous flame attack, flame circle, red light attack and other attacks were all excited in a short time, and the angel's body was almost invisible in the fire red light.

Abel has no fear, because although these attacks came fiercely, they were simultaneously fired for a short period of time without any potential accumulation. Although the attack speed and interval are faster, they are not as powerful as the spells they have been. .

This also caused his vitality to drop faster than before under such a violent spell attack, and it did not reach the point where he was careful.

As for the control spells such as Bone Prison, his effect is almost equal to nothing, his extremely fast sword speed, only one of them hit the Bone Prison, and it has no effect on his pursuit.

After a huge round of consumption, Diablo's combat power also seems to be affected, it began to retreat more.

Dramatic scenes appeared on the battlefield. The former Diablo, who chased Abel and let Abel ’s human body escape the world, was chased by angels.

Unlike just now, Abel's human being escaped, but Diablo cannot escape the chase of the angel's body.

With the blessing of the Light of the Holy Angel, the sword turned into white sword lights that could not see the shadows, and constantly hit Diablo, and the wounds on Diablo were increasing.

Diablo's powerful recovery ability is restrained by the power of light. Originally this kind of injury can recover in a few breaths, but the white light of the power of light on its wound has been limiting the recovery of the wound.

Behind Diablo's moving body, black blood was everywhere.

However, the battle will not end in a short time, but the Diablo is controlled by the debris of the world stone. Even the constant sword, it will inevitably be attacked by the angel's body.

However, the fragments of the world stone have been trying to control every attack to reduce the damage as much as possible. Therefore, although the angel's body attacks the Diablo from time to time, it only has some non-lethal wounds on it.

Abel was also aware of the weakness of the angel's body at this time, and had no ability to control the enemy.

Maybe the angels don't care about the ability to control the enemy, because once the angel starts, the enemy will be killed directly with the combination of speed and power. Why control?

But the angel's body is not a real adult angel, nor has it been cultivated for a long time. His own strength is much different from a real angel.

If this is not the dark world, the dark world has a terrible repressive force on all powerful creatures. Under this repressive force, all powerful legends and above will be affected by their strength.

The angel's body was the least affected, and the only effect he had was the inability to fly.

He does not have a long-range attack method anyway. The suppression that affects the long-range attack distance is equivalent to nothing, and the same is true for the suppression of spiritual power. There is no long-range attack method, and the distance of the spiritual force is not affected by his strength.

It can be said that in the dark world, the combat power of the angel's body is the smallest, and the opposite Diablo, if not here, is in the central continent, then its strength will definitely not be manifested.

The battle is still going on, and time is running away. Abel has a sense of time. He knows that the sky outside should be dark, and at night.

However, he is not ready to practice, anyway, he has just been promoted to the level 23 rule wizard, just to give the spirit a rest.

At the same time without killing Diablo, he will not stop.

The body of Diablo is the body of a **** demon. It is no problem to eat or drink for tens of thousands of years in the dark world. The continuous fighting has little effect on it. The fierce fighting for such a long time has not weakened much.

The weakened ones are also affected by constant injuries, not by exhaustion.

The four wings behind the angel's body constantly absorb the violent energy in the air, and the angel's body also maintains the strongest state through transformation.

Although it is said that the angel's body is not able to eat or drink for tens of thousands of years like Diablo, it is no problem to fight for days and nights.

Abel had thought that the battle would continue, and it would take a few days to kill Diablo.

However, he still underestimated the inconspicuous ‘-50 every time he hit a monster to reduce the monster ’s defense’. When this defense weakened to a certain degree, the defense level would drop.

In the hands of the angel's body, the "Sword of the Holy Angel" stabbed five consecutive swords at the same time, and he felt that the damage of the "Sword of the Holy Angel" hitting Diablo suddenly increased a lot.

Each sword can penetrate into its body, he couldn't help it, the speed of the sword was faster.

Diablo also stabbed the leg's support point in one of the swords, letting it escape.

Abel seized this opportunity, the sword in his hand continued to attack the key parts of Diablo, and the debris of the world stone could not be controlled. With a roar of unwillingness, Diablo fell to the black In the blood.

(End of this chapter)

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