Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1194: get

Chapter 1194

Abel didn't think about what he seemed to forget until he controlled the angel's body to kill Diablo.

Yes, he forgot to switch bodies and kill Diablo with another human body.

The main reason was that the hand-to-hand combat just now was so refreshing, it made him forget everything, forget what he finally got, and forget what he might lose.

In fact, the whole process of this battle has given the angel's body a lot of benefits. The sword practice that was constantly practiced can only be regarded as familiar.

In other words, only through practice can angel angels practice swordsmanship to a familiar level. Maybe if they practice for decades or decades, maybe this swordsmanship beyond imagination will be promoted to a further level.

And this battle directly lifted the angelic inheritance swordsmanship of the angel's body to a near-perfect state, which can also be regarded as a gain.

But at this time, what he needed to do was to remedy. The human body on the side suddenly opened his eyes, and then ‘momented’ several times to reach the angel ’s body, and the angel ’s body flashed into the human body.

The human body carefully revealed the breath of a druid's soul to show that it was him who killed the Diablo.

At this moment, the shard of the world that sabotaged God ’s eyebrows flew up and flew to his head as if returning home, combining with the shard of his world.

In his soul, the fragment of the stone of the world has increased a little, it seems that it is just missing something.

And the various abilities of the Stone Fragments of the World have also been strengthened. At least when he inquired about the Stone Fragments of the World, he felt that his thinking ability was significantly improved after connecting the Stone Fragments of the World.

But he didn't have time to look at the fragments of the world stone too much, because at this moment countless light spots flew out from the body of Diablo.

Although the chaos sanctuary is large, these light spots almost fill the chaos sanctuary.

These spots of light lit up the entire chaotic sanctuary. This kind of light is not a red light from the **** magma, but a holy white light.

The light spot was rejoicing. Abel saw the old man, the child, the teenager, the youth, the middle-aged, the man, and the woman, all of whom had the same expression, and the expression of relief was revealed from everyone's face.

Then these lights ceased to shake, and they all faced Abel, a sense of gratitude rising from the soul.

No one knows what these souls have experienced when trapped in the body of Diablo, and why Diablo can perform all kinds of powerful and terrifying spells with almost endless energy.

That is because there is almost unlimited energy supply, and the source of energy for Diablo is fear.

Endless fear is obtained from these souls, torturing the soul continuously, causing the soul to produce fear, and this process has taken tens of thousands of years.

If Abel did not appear, the process would continue, and the world would not disappear, then it would continue.

This salvation makes the gratitude of these souls impossible to express in words, an instinct to rise in the hearts of all souls.

The souls began to sing the "song of life" that Abel had heard three times. This is a tribute to life, a thank you to life, and a call to life. This is an instinct that is hidden deep in the soul.

Although Abel had heard the "Song of Life" three times, there were so many souls in the first three times.

He knew what ‘song of life’ meant, so he stood still and listened to the song quietly.

Time was lost in the unconscious. When he was intoxicated in the "Song of Life", the song stopped, all souls bowed and salute to the hero who saved them, and then disappeared into the world with a smile.

Abel was awake after a while.

After he woke up, he noticed that everything around him was different. The whole chaos sanctuary had no more gloom, and the blood on the ground disappeared.

At the same time, he also has a kind of intimacy towards the whole world, just like in Rog camp.

The benefits brought about by the fusion of the World Stone Fragments gave him a sense of the gods in his country on this continent.

He reluctantly continued to perceive, because the body of Diablo was still in front of him, and something in this mighty **** demon was more attractive to him.

His energy was released and he scanned the body of Diablo, but immediately he was disappointed.

Because Diablo's body is almost four meters long, the whole body is like a dragon scale protecting the body. If you want to say what equipment he scanned, he didn't see one.

To say that if this corpse is really a dragon corpse, it is not of low value, but this is the corpse of the **** creature. After the **** creature dies, the **** energy is lost. Now this corpse begins to decay in a short time.

The original scale was extremely strong, and at this time, tapping the 'heart of the oak tree' in your hand, it just shattered.

This scale is worth nothing, as is the rest of its body.

Just when he was extremely disappointed, his mental power swept across the pentagram where the Diablo appeared, and there seemed to be a hole in it.

He came to the cave with a 'momentary movement' and did not go down. Instead, he scanned it with his mental strength and confirmed that there was no danger below him. Then Frankenstein, who had stopped far away, called.

He was satisfied with this dangerous battle. Only the grizzly bear was seriously injured and returned to the space beast ring.

It was also because the "Grizzly Bear" was killed by a direct spike into the dying state that he knew the power of the Diablo, which is why there were no more contracts and summoners to die.

The hole discovered at this time, although he could not perceive the danger through mental power, he would not enter it by himself.

In case this magic circle runs automatically when he enters, he will be trapped in it, although the fragments of the world stone give him the power of the gods here.

But who knows whether the magic circle that can trap the Diablo will trap him, a fake **** with only a little divine power.

If it is not explored, it will not be possible, he will get nothing from the body of the Diablo, if there is a good thing, it can only be in this hole.

This work naturally fell on Frankenstein, the strongest body. When Frankenstein came to him, Abel immediately put his spiritual power into Frankenstein's soul and controlled Frank. Rankenstein's body.

Only such a covenant as Frankenstein, whose soul was created by Abel, would allow this behavior.

Ordinary people do not allow the owner to operate in this way. Controlling the soul means that everything is being controlled.

Abel manipulated Frankenstein and ran a 'momentary move' into the hole.

Under the entrance is a dark space, but under the action of spiritual force, it doesn't matter whether there is light or not.

He found that there was no danger here, it seemed like an ordinary space.

There is also some **** on the ground, most of which are some bones and damaged equipment.

Probably this was left by the experimenters who failed to kill Diablo before. He thought that other equipment might be corroded by time, but the dark gold equipment would not be corroded.

So he carefully searched in the garbage on the ground and found two pieces of dark gold equipment.

After checking it again, there were no other items that could be followed by him, and then he returned to it using 'momentary movement' again.

Throwing two pieces of dark gold equipment from the space bag in front of his own human body, Abel also retreated from Frankenstein's soul.

Aber then noticed two pieces of dark gold equipment, one was a crossbow and the other was a steel fork.

After identification, the attributes of the two pieces of dark gold equipment also appeared in his eyes.

Briza-Do Kenan

+ 200% Damage

+57 Maximum Damage

Penetration attack

Adds 32-196 ice damage for 4 seconds

Frozen target +3

+150 Defense

+35 Dexterity

80% increased attack speed

This is a dark gold crossbow, but it does not use the professional skills of bows and arrows. He is not optimistic about the attack of this crossbow.

However, he quickly thought that the angel's body did not attack from a long range. This 'Brisa-Do Kenan' was used by the angel's body. Anyway, with good equipment for physical attacks, he gave it to the angel's body first. use.

At the same time, the angel's body has a terrifying speed, which means that its agility is also very high, but because of the specific attributes of the angel's body, he can't find out, so he can only guess.

I want to use the agility of the angel's body, coupled with its terrible shooting speed, even without the skills of a bow and arrow professional, you can shoot arrows like rain.

'Brieza-Do Kenan' has the same penetration attack effect as 'Razor's Tail'. Adding the two can ensure that almost every arrow can penetrate the enemy multiple times. It has a powerful effect when there are a large number of enemies.

Abel is already thinking about finding a piece of equipment that can completely hide the breath of the angel's body, so that the angel's body can be hidden. In the battle of the central continent, he can provide arrow support. Few can resist it.

Put away ‘Brisa-Do Kenan’, ready to turn back to the angel body, he looked at another steel fork.

Water Demon Trap

+ 180% Damage

Slow target speed by 75%

+28 life

Fire + 50%

+ 30-50 Damage

+10 Constitution

"It turned out to be this piece of dark gold equipment?" Alberta called out unexpectedly.

This 'Water Demon Trap' is not particularly powerful dark gold equipment, but it is the most disgusting dark gold equipment.

The "Water Demon Trap" does not have a strong attack power, and it does not add many special effects, but it has an effect of "Slowing the target speed by 75%".

It can be said that the degree of nausea of ​​this effect can be expressed by sadness. Think about it, as long as you are hit by this 'Water Demon Trap', then the target's speed is only one quarter of the original in a certain period of time.

And this slowing down the target speed includes moving speed and attack speed. This is a stunner, and then the opponent is almost unable to fight back.

"Hey, this thing is good!" He smiled and put away the 'Water Demon Trap'. This dark gold equipment became an option in his fast switching equipment.

It's definitely very easy to use the "Water Demon Trap" Yin Man, as long as he is a caster, approach the opponent, and then gently sweep the "Water Demon Trap", you don't need to attack with special force. As long as you hit the opponent, the consequences Just imagine.

Abel glanced again at the chaos sanctuary, where it really belonged to him.

However, his gaze was looking outside. He thought of ‘Hell Furnace’. Just when he looked out of the chaos sanctuary, he felt something.

He put away all the summons and covenants, and used ‘momentary movement’ to flash towards ‘Hell Forge’.

As the continent accepted it, his mental power could also be fully deployed, which allowed him to extend his spiritual power by more than 1,600 meters. This distance has a reason for his recent promotion.

He soon appeared in the ‘Hell Forge’, and it ’s still the same here, and it does n’t seem to be different.

But as soon as he came here, he felt that there was a big difference, because he could feel that the altar had a slight connection with him.

I just felt something because of this altar.

He came to the altar and reached out to feel the inside of the altar. In his perception, the altar was drawing energy from the magma.

In the middle of the altar, those energies are gathering, it seems that something is forming.

He connected the fragments of the world stone and found that it would take at least a year for the energy to be enough to shape the things formed in the middle of the altar.

He figured it out, it was almost half a month in the central continent, it was not long, he wrote it down, and then he would see what was formed at the end.

Now he needed to find the way to the next world. Just now the spiritual power was not found in the chaos sanctuary, and he didn't find any maps pointing there.

He looked for a while at the River of Flames. Unlike before, this is his world, and he doesn't need to be careful.

He quickly used the super strong spirit to search the entire river of flames, and he found no clue.

He had to return to the fortress, and he had decided to release all the covenants tomorrow, looking for clues throughout the fortress.

However, when he stepped out of the teleportation station of the group monster fortress, he felt the strong spatial energy fluctuations in the group monster fortress.

He rushed into the innermost hall of the Swarm Fortress, and at a glance he saw the blood-red portal.

Also he didn't go directly into it, everything here is unknown, he needs a pathfinder.

Frankenstein set off again, passed through the blood-red portal, and through the soul chain, Abel felt the safety of the opposite side. Then he stepped out and stepped into the blood-red portal.

Thanks for the "white hot" reward for 100 starting coins! !! Thank you "lobrfish" for rewarding 200 starting coins! !! Thank you "Niuniu 41" for rewarding 100 starting coins! !! Thank you "Tom2017" for rewarding 1000 starting coins! !! Thank you "fly2010" for rewarding 100 starting coins! !!

(End of this chapter)

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